Name atleast 3 typesof medievalpunishment.What wasthe purposeof tests ofagility, suchas juggling?How did thecrossbowtransformmedievalwarfare?Why weren’tgypsiesincluded inthe feudalsystem?What was aportion of landgiven by anoble to theirvassal called?Why weretournamentspopular duringmedievaltimes?Describe trialby ordealwhere theaccused holdsa hot iron bar.Who wouldperform surgeryin medievaltimes and why?Give 3 reasonsfor the Fall ofthe WesternRoman Empire.Where didthe term“pressing thequestion”come from?Which long-range weapondid the Englishuse todevastatingeffect?How long dida knight’sweaponstrainingtypically last?Why didVikings preferleatherarmour tometal?Why didn’tmedievalpeasants carrytheir ownweapons?How did theMuslim, armiesfund thepurchase ofmilitaryequipment?Why is 500-1500 CEreferred to asthe ‘MiddleAges’?Name atleast 3 typesof medievalpunishment.What wasthe purposeof tests ofagility, suchas juggling?How did thecrossbowtransformmedievalwarfare?Why weren’tgypsiesincluded inthe feudalsystem?What was aportion of landgiven by anoble to theirvassal called?Why weretournamentspopular duringmedievaltimes?Describe trialby ordealwhere theaccused holdsa hot iron bar.Who wouldperform surgeryin medievaltimes and why?Give 3 reasonsfor the Fall ofthe WesternRoman Empire.Where didthe term“pressing thequestion”come from?Which long-range weapondid the Englishuse todevastatingeffect?How long dida knight’sweaponstrainingtypically last?Why didVikings preferleatherarmour tometal?Why didn’tmedievalpeasants carrytheir ownweapons?How did theMuslim, armiesfund thepurchase ofmilitaryequipment?Why is 500-1500 CEreferred to asthe ‘MiddleAges’?

Medieval Europe Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Name at least 3 types of medieval punishment.
  2. What was the purpose of tests of agility, such as juggling?
  3. How did the crossbow transform medieval warfare?
  4. Why weren’t gypsies included in the feudal system?
  5. What was a portion of land given by a noble to their vassal called?
  6. Why were tournaments popular during medieval times?
  7. Describe trial by ordeal where the accused holds a hot iron bar.
  8. Who would perform surgery in medieval times and why?
  9. Give 3 reasons for the Fall of the Western Roman Empire.
  10. Where did the term “pressing the question” come from?
  11. Which long-range weapon did the English use to devastating effect?
  12. How long did a knight’s weapons training typically last?
  13. Why did Vikings prefer leather armour to metal?
  14. Why didn’t medieval peasants carry their own weapons?
  15. How did the Muslim, armies fund the purchase of military equipment?
  16. Why is 500-1500 CE referred to as the ‘Middle Ages’?