In the southernregion of Thailandthe countryoccupies a part ofthe Malaypeninsula.The United Statesand Thailand’salliance benefitsboth nations andsupports peaceand prosperityRespect mustbe given tothose of highersocial status,and to eldersThailandused tobe knownas Siam92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhistThailand is notedfor its economicvolatility, partly aconsequence ofpolitical instabilitydating to the 1930s Thailand’s 3main economicsectors areagriculture,manufacturing,and services92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhistA person’s socialstatus alsodetermines howthey should begreetedThailand is aland offriendlinessandhospitality92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhist6% ofpeople inThailandare MuslimPeople thatfollow Buddhismbelieve in theThree UniverseTruths92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhist Thailand’s capitalcity, Bangkok, hasone of the longestceremonial name inthe worldFree!Other economicresources are tin,tungsten, niobium,tantalum, lead,zinc, gold, iron andstibniteSince World War II,the United States andThailand havesignificantlyexpanded diplomaticsecurityThailand is akingdom in SoutheastAsia. It is bordered byMyanmar(Burma), Lao,Cambodia, SouthChina Sea, and byMalaysia92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhistFree!In the southernregion of Thailandthe countryoccupies a part ofthe Malaypeninsula.The United Statesand Thailand’salliance benefitsboth nations andsupports peaceand prosperityRespect mustbe given tothose of highersocial status,and to eldersThailandused tobe knownas Siam92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhistThailand is notedfor its economicvolatility, partly aconsequence ofpolitical instabilitydating to the 1930s Thailand’s 3main economicsectors areagriculture,manufacturing,and services92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhistA person’s socialstatus alsodetermines howthey should begreetedThailand is aland offriendlinessandhospitality92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhist6% ofpeople inThailandare MuslimPeople thatfollow Buddhismbelieve in theThree UniverseTruths92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhist Thailand’s capitalcity, Bangkok, hasone of the longestceremonial name inthe worldFree!Other economicresources are tin,tungsten, niobium,tantalum, lead,zinc, gold, iron andstibniteSince World War II,the United States andThailand havesignificantlyexpanded diplomaticsecurityThailand is akingdom in SoutheastAsia. It is bordered byMyanmar(Burma), Lao,Cambodia, SouthChina Sea, and byMalaysia92.6% ofpeople inThailand areBuddhistFree!

Untitled Bin - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In the southern region of Thailand the country occupies a part of the Malay peninsula.
  2. The United States and Thailand’s alliance benefits both nations and supports peace and prosperity
  3. Respect must be given to those of higher social status, and to elders
  4. Thailand used to be known as Siam
  5. 92.6% of people in Thailand are Buddhist
  6. Thailand is noted for its economic volatility, partly a consequence of political instability dating to the 1930s
  7. Thailand’s 3 main economic sectors are agriculture, manufacturing, and services
  8. 92.6% of people in Thailand are Buddhist
  9. A person’s social status also determines how they should be greeted
  10. Thailand is a land of friendliness and hospitality
  11. 92.6% of people in Thailand are Buddhist
  12. 6% of people in Thailand are Muslim
  13. People that follow Buddhism believe in the Three Universe Truths
  14. 92.6% of people in Thailand are Buddhist
  15. Free!
    Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, has one of the longest ceremonial name in the world
  16. Other economic resources are tin, tungsten, niobium, tantalum, lead, zinc, gold, iron and stibnite
  17. Since World War II, the United States and Thailand have significantly expanded diplomatic security
  18. Thailand is a kingdom in Southeast Asia. It is bordered by Myanmar (Burma), Lao, Cambodia, South China Sea, and by Malaysia
  19. 92.6% of people in Thailand are Buddhist
  20. Free!