provoke"Afro-Americanracists" inAmericacontinentalRussian–Islamicalliance viatraditional characterof Russian andIslamic civilizationEstoniashould begiven toGermanyGeorgia should bedismembered.Abkhazia and SouthOssetia will beincorporated intoRussiacreate "geopoliticalshocks" withinTurkey. These can beachieved byemploying Kurds,Armenians and otherminoritiesFinlandshould beabsorbedinto Russia.France should beencouraged to forma bloc withGermany, as theyboth have a "firmanti-Atlanticisttradition"Ukraine should beannexed byRussia because"Ukraine as a statehas no geopoliticalmeaningKaliningradOblast couldbe givenback toGermanymanipulateJapanesepolitics byoffering theKuril Islands toJapanthe'Finlandization'of all of Europetaking Tibet–Xinjiang–InnerMongolia–Manchuria asa security beltAzerbaijancould be"split up" orgiven to IranThe EurasianProject couldbe expanded toSouth andCentralAmericaChina must, tothe maximumdegreepossible, bedismantledtheCaucasus asa RussianterritoryArmeniaused as astrategicbasespread anti-AmericanismeverywhereLatvia andLithuaniashould be givena "specialstatus"Moscow–TehranaxisUkraine should notbe allowed to remainindependent, unlessit is cordon sanitaire,which would beinadmissibleMongoliashould beabsorbedinto Eurasia-Russiaencouraging all kindsof separatism andethnic, social andracial conflicts,actively supporting alldissident movementsin AmericaThe United Kingdom,merely described asan "extraterritorialfloating base of theU.S.", should be cutoff from Europe.provoke"Afro-Americanracists" inAmericacontinentalRussian–Islamicalliance viatraditional characterof Russian andIslamic civilizationEstoniashould begiven toGermanyGeorgia should bedismembered.Abkhazia and SouthOssetia will beincorporated intoRussiacreate "geopoliticalshocks" withinTurkey. These can beachieved byemploying Kurds,Armenians and otherminoritiesFinlandshould beabsorbedinto Russia.France should beencouraged to forma bloc withGermany, as theyboth have a "firmanti-Atlanticisttradition"Ukraine should beannexed byRussia because"Ukraine as a statehas no geopoliticalmeaningKaliningradOblast couldbe givenback toGermanymanipulateJapanesepolitics byoffering theKuril Islands toJapanthe'Finlandization'of all of Europetaking Tibet–Xinjiang–InnerMongolia–Manchuria asa security beltAzerbaijancould be"split up" orgiven to IranThe EurasianProject couldbe expanded toSouth andCentralAmericaChina must, tothe maximumdegreepossible, bedismantledtheCaucasus asa RussianterritoryArmeniaused as astrategicbasespread anti-AmericanismeverywhereLatvia andLithuaniashould be givena "specialstatus"Moscow–TehranaxisUkraine should notbe allowed to remainindependent, unlessit is cordon sanitaire,which would beinadmissibleMongoliashould beabsorbedinto Eurasia-Russiaencouraging all kindsof separatism andethnic, social andracial conflicts,actively supporting alldissident movementsin AmericaThe United Kingdom,merely described asan "extraterritorialfloating base of theU.S.", should be cutoff from Europe.

Foundations of Geopolitics by Aleksandr Dugin - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. provoke "Afro-American racists" in America
  2. continental Russian–Islamic alliance via traditional character of Russian and Islamic civilization
  3. Estonia should be given to Germany
  4. Georgia should be dismembered. Abkhazia and South Ossetia will be incorporated into Russia
  5. create "geopolitical shocks" within Turkey. These can be achieved by employing Kurds, Armenians and other minorities
  6. Finland should be absorbed into Russia.
  7. France should be encouraged to form a bloc with Germany, as they both have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition"
  8. Ukraine should be annexed by Russia because "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning
  9. Kaliningrad Oblast could be given back to Germany
  10. manipulate Japanese politics by offering the Kuril Islands to Japan
  11. the 'Finlandization' of all of Europe
  12. taking Tibet–Xinjiang–Inner Mongolia–Manchuria as a security belt
  13. Azerbaijan could be "split up" or given to Iran
  14. The Eurasian Project could be expanded to South and Central America
  15. China must, to the maximum degree possible, be dismantled
  16. the Caucasus as a Russian territory
  17. Armenia used as a strategic base
  18. spread anti-Americanism everywhere
  19. Latvia and Lithuania should be given a "special status"
  20. Moscow–Tehran axis
  21. Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible
  22. Mongolia should be absorbed into Eurasia-Russia
  23. encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements in America
  24. The United Kingdom, merely described as an "extraterritorial floating base of the U.S.", should be cut off from Europe.