Dress for your“Dream Job”for Day 1 ofSpirit Week(Feb. 21)Wear an oldFoundationShirt for Day 2of Spirit Week(Feb. 22)Like andFollow theISBB ShopFacebookPagePurchase anyISBB 25thmerch, e.g.25th Shirt,Mask orTumblerWatch theISBB HSAdaptation of“LesMiserables” Demonstratethe “ISBB CoreValues” in aschool outputor assignmentPut ‘Heart’reactions onthe Padletposts of yourFoundationTeam Complete acardio exercisefor Day 1 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 1) Join the ISBBCommunityMeetup inMarch(Mar. 5) Cheer for yourFoundationTeam duringFamily Fun Day(Mar. 11)Give thanksby creating aThanksgivingTreeWrite a poem oressay about thetheme “25 Yearsof PositiveChange”Support aCampaign bypurchasing aChangemakerPinComplete amobilityexercise forDay 3 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 3)Complete anexercise forDay 4 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 4) Wear ISBB’sschool colorsfor Day 4 ofSpirit Week(Feb. 24)Visit the virtualSocialEntrepreneursh-ip Bazaar(Mar. 7-11) Participate inthe ISBBDepartmentnamesakeeventListen toEpisode 4 ofthe ISBBPodcast(Feb. 26onwards)Complete astrengthexercise forDay 2 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 2)Show AmbassadorPride by using the25th FoundationFrame onFacebook Dress up in90’s attire forDay 3 ofSpirit Week(Feb. 23) Purchase theChangemakerTote Bag toshowcase allyour CampaignPinsParticipate inthe DigitalDetox Dayfor February(Feb. 26)Dress for your“Dream Job”for Day 1 ofSpirit Week(Feb. 21)Wear an oldFoundationShirt for Day 2of Spirit Week(Feb. 22)Like andFollow theISBB ShopFacebookPagePurchase anyISBB 25thmerch, e.g.25th Shirt,Mask orTumblerWatch theISBB HSAdaptation of“LesMiserables” Demonstratethe “ISBB CoreValues” in aschool outputor assignmentPut ‘Heart’reactions onthe Padletposts of yourFoundationTeam Complete acardio exercisefor Day 1 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 1) Join the ISBBCommunityMeetup inMarch(Mar. 5) Cheer for yourFoundationTeam duringFamily Fun Day(Mar. 11)Give thanksby creating aThanksgivingTreeWrite a poem oressay about thetheme “25 Yearsof PositiveChange”Support aCampaign bypurchasing aChangemakerPinComplete amobilityexercise forDay 3 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 3)Complete anexercise forDay 4 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 4) Wear ISBB’sschool colorsfor Day 4 ofSpirit Week(Feb. 24)Visit the virtualSocialEntrepreneursh-ip Bazaar(Mar. 7-11) Participate inthe ISBBDepartmentnamesakeeventListen toEpisode 4 ofthe ISBBPodcast(Feb. 26onwards)Complete astrengthexercise forDay 2 of thePSKChallenge(Mar. 2)Show AmbassadorPride by using the25th FoundationFrame onFacebook Dress up in90’s attire forDay 3 ofSpirit Week(Feb. 23) Purchase theChangemakerTote Bag toshowcase allyour CampaignPinsParticipate inthe DigitalDetox Dayfor February(Feb. 26)


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Dress for your “Dream Job” for Day 1 of Spirit Week (Feb. 21)
  2. Wear an old Foundation Shirt for Day 2 of Spirit Week (Feb. 22)
  3. Like and Follow the ISBB Shop Facebook Page
  4. Purchase any ISBB 25th merch, e.g. 25th Shirt, Mask or Tumbler
  5. Watch the ISBB HS Adaptation of “Les Miserables”
  6. Demonstrate the “ISBB Core Values” in a school output or assignment
  7. Put ‘Heart’ reactions on the Padlet posts of your Foundation Team
  8. Complete a cardio exercise for Day 1 of the PSKChallenge (Mar. 1)
  9. Join the ISBB Community Meetup in March (Mar. 5)
  10. Cheer for your Foundation Team during Family Fun Day (Mar. 11)
  11. Give thanks by creating a Thanksgiving Tree
  12. Write a poem or essay about the theme “25 Years of Positive Change”
  13. Support a Campaign by purchasing a Changemaker Pin
  14. Complete a mobility exercise for Day 3 of the PSKChallenge (Mar. 3)
  15. Complete an exercise for Day 4 of the PSKChallenge (Mar. 4)
  16. Wear ISBB’s school colors for Day 4 of Spirit Week (Feb. 24)
  17. Visit the virtual Social Entrepreneursh-ip Bazaar (Mar. 7-11)
  18. Participate in the ISBB Department namesake event
  19. Listen to Episode 4 of the ISBB Podcast (Feb. 26 onwards)
  20. Complete a strength exercise for Day 2 of the PSKChallenge (Mar. 2)
  21. Show Ambassador Pride by using the 25th Foundation Frame on Facebook
  22. Dress up in 90’s attire for Day 3 of Spirit Week (Feb. 23)
  23. Purchase the Changemaker Tote Bag to showcase all your Campaign Pins
  24. Participate in the Digital Detox Day for February (Feb. 26)