Whatrelationshipshave I madesteps tonurture ?what haven'ti givenmyselfpermission (that i should)What obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve myrelationshipgoalswhatpatternsmight behelpful tomonitorWhat baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto my financegoalsWhat obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve mybody/healthgoalsWhat habitshave Iformed thisyear that I'mproud of ?What baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto my careergoalsWhat thingshave I put inmy body thatgive mepleasure/joy?What baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto mybody/healthgoalswhat harmhave icaused that icanreconcileWhat obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve mycareer goalswhat tasks/projectshave i beenavoidingHow have ImodeledsettinghealthyboundariesHow have ibeen patientwith a lovedone/closefriendWhat peoplehaveentered/reenteredmy life that fill me?What things (media/books)have Iconsumed thatbring mepeace?what have iforgivenmyself for /orgiven myselfpermissionwhat vision/fantasymight i needto let go of/adapt /adjustwhat might ineed to letgo of tobetter lovemyselfwhathabitsdrain mewhat am iconsumingthatnegativelyimpacts meHow haveI madesomeone'slife easier?How was Icompassionateeven when it costmetime/energy/moneyHow have IdishonoredmyboundariesWhat baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto myrelationshipgoalsHow have iexpressedgratitude tosomeonewhat positiveproject was Iproud to beapart of ?How haveI nurturedsomeone'sgrowth?What obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve myfinance goalsIn what wayshave Itreatedmyself wellthis year?who am idrainingto?Whatrelationshipshave I madesteps tonurture ?what haven'ti givenmyselfpermission (that i should)What obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve myrelationshipgoalswhatpatternsmight behelpful tomonitorWhat baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto my financegoalsWhat obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve mybody/healthgoalsWhat habitshave Iformed thisyear that I'mproud of ?What baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto my careergoalsWhat thingshave I put inmy body thatgive mepleasure/joy?What baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto mybody/healthgoalswhat harmhave icaused that icanreconcileWhat obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve mycareer goalswhat tasks/projectshave i beenavoidingHow have ImodeledsettinghealthyboundariesHow have ibeen patientwith a lovedone/closefriendWhat peoplehaveentered/reenteredmy life that fill me?What things (media/books)have Iconsumed thatbring mepeace?what have iforgivenmyself for /orgiven myselfpermissionwhat vision/fantasymight i needto let go of/adapt /adjustwhat might ineed to letgo of tobetter lovemyselfwhathabitsdrain mewhat am iconsumingthatnegativelyimpacts meHow haveI madesomeone'slife easier?How was Icompassionateeven when it costmetime/energy/moneyHow have IdishonoredmyboundariesWhat baby stepcan i take tobring me closerto myrelationshipgoalsHow have iexpressedgratitude tosomeonewhat positiveproject was Iproud to beapart of ?How haveI nurturedsomeone'sgrowth?What obstaclesdo i need toremove otachieve myfinance goalsIn what wayshave Itreatedmyself wellthis year?who am idrainingto?

February -Vision Board Prompt - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What relationships have I made steps to nurture ?
  2. what haven't i given myself permission ( that i should)
  3. What obstacles do i need to remove ot achieve my relationship goals
  4. what patterns might be helpful to monitor
  5. What baby step can i take to bring me closer to my finance goals
  6. What obstacles do i need to remove ot achieve my body/health goals
  7. What habits have I formed this year that I'm proud of ?
  8. What baby step can i take to bring me closer to my career goals
  9. What things have I put in my body that give me pleasure/joy?
  10. What baby step can i take to bring me closer to my body/health goals
  11. what harm have i caused that i can reconcile
  12. What obstacles do i need to remove ot achieve my career goals
  13. what tasks /projects have i been avoiding
  14. How have I modeled setting healthy boundaries
  15. How have i been patient with a loved one/close friend
  16. What people have entered/reentered my life that fill me ?
  17. What things ( media/books) have I consumed that bring me peace?
  18. what have i forgiven myself for /or given myself permission
  19. what vision /fantasy might i need to let go of /adapt /adjust
  20. what might i need to let go of to better love myself
  21. what habits drain me
  22. what am i consuming that negatively impacts me
  23. How have I made someone's life easier?
  24. How was I compassionate even when it cost me time/energy/money
  25. How have I dishonored my boundaries
  26. What baby step can i take to bring me closer to my relationship goals
  27. How have i expressed gratitude to someone
  28. what positive project was I proud to be apart of ?
  29. How have I nurtured someone's growth?
  30. What obstacles do i need to remove ot achieve my finance goals
  31. In what ways have I treated myself well this year?
  32. who am i draining to?