Perception is away ofregarding,understanding,or interpretingsomethingConsequencesare a result oreffect of anaction orconditionA placebo is a pillthat contains nopharmacologicallyactive ingredientA Psychiatrist isa medicalpractitioner thatcan prescribemedicationsPhobias areextremeirrationalfears ofsomethingDefenseMechanismsare automaticreactions todifferentsituationsMental Health is aperson’s conditionwith regard to theirpsychological andemotional well-beingPanic Attacks arediscrete periods ofsudden onset ofintenseapprehension,fearfulness, orterrorPessimism is atendency to seethe worst aspect ofthings or believethat the worst willhappenAnxiety is afeeling ofworry,nervousness,or uneaseTransference is Theunconsciousassignment to othersof feelings andattitudes that wereoriginally associatedwith important figuresin one's early life.Obsession isan idea orthought thatcontinuallypreoccupies themindSelf Esteemis confidencein one's ownworth orabilitiesBi-Polar disorderis a mentaldisorder markedby alternatingperiods of elationand depressionInsomnia is asubjectivecomplaint ofdifficulty fallingor stayingasleepAuditoryhallucinations arefalse perceptions ofsound such ashearing voices thataren't really thereCatharsis is aprocess ofreleasing, andthereby providingrelief from, strong orrepressedemotions.Resilience is theprocess ofadapting and"bouncing back"from difficultexperiencesA flashback is arecurrent of amemory, feeling,or perceptualexperience fromthe pastSuicidalIdeations arethoughtsaboutsuicideCoping Skillsare methods aperson usesin stressfulsituationsAnorexia is aneating disorderwhere a personrefuses to eatTriggersare thingsthat set aperson offDepression is afeeling ofhopelessness,and extremesadness thataffects daily lifePerception is away ofregarding,understanding,or interpretingsomethingConsequencesare a result oreffect of anaction orconditionA placebo is a pillthat contains nopharmacologicallyactive ingredientA Psychiatrist isa medicalpractitioner thatcan prescribemedicationsPhobias areextremeirrationalfears ofsomethingDefenseMechanismsare automaticreactions todifferentsituationsMental Health is aperson’s conditionwith regard to theirpsychological andemotional well-beingPanic Attacks arediscrete periods ofsudden onset ofintenseapprehension,fearfulness, orterrorPessimism is atendency to seethe worst aspect ofthings or believethat the worst willhappenAnxiety is afeeling ofworry,nervousness,or uneaseTransference is Theunconsciousassignment to othersof feelings andattitudes that wereoriginally associatedwith important figuresin one's early life.Obsession isan idea orthought thatcontinuallypreoccupies themindSelf Esteemis confidencein one's ownworth orabilitiesBi-Polar disorderis a mentaldisorder markedby alternatingperiods of elationand depressionInsomnia is asubjectivecomplaint ofdifficulty fallingor stayingasleepAuditoryhallucinations arefalse perceptions ofsound such ashearing voices thataren't really thereCatharsis is aprocess ofreleasing, andthereby providingrelief from, strong orrepressedemotions.Resilience is theprocess ofadapting and"bouncing back"from difficultexperiencesA flashback is arecurrent of amemory, feeling,or perceptualexperience fromthe pastSuicidalIdeations arethoughtsaboutsuicideCoping Skillsare methods aperson usesin stressfulsituationsAnorexia is aneating disorderwhere a personrefuses to eatTriggersare thingsthat set aperson offDepression is afeeling ofhopelessness,and extremesadness thataffects daily life

Mental Health Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Perception is a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something
  2. Consequences are a result or effect of an action or condition
  3. A placebo is a pill that contains no pharmacologically active ingredient
  4. A Psychiatrist is a medical practitioner that can prescribe medications
  5. Phobias are extreme irrational fears of something
  6. Defense Mechanisms are automatic reactions to different situations
  7. Mental Health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being
  8. Panic Attacks are discrete periods of sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness, or terror
  9. Pessimism is a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen
  10. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
  11. Transference is The unconscious assignment to others of feelings and attitudes that were originally associated with important figures in one's early life.
  12. Obsession is an idea or thought that continually preoccupies the mind
  13. Self Esteem is confidence in one's own worth or abilities
  14. Bi-Polar disorder is a mental disorder marked by alternating periods of elation and depression
  15. Insomnia is a subjective complaint of difficulty falling or staying asleep
  16. Auditory hallucinations are false perceptions of sound such as hearing voices that aren't really there
  17. Catharsis is a process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
  18. Resilience is the process of adapting and "bouncing back" from difficult experiences
  19. A flashback is a recurrent of a memory, feeling, or perceptual experience from the past
  20. Suicidal Ideations are thoughts about suicide
  21. Coping Skills are methods a person uses in stressful situations
  22. Anorexia is an eating disorder where a person refuses to eat
  23. Triggers are things that set a person off
  24. Depression is a feeling of hopelessness, and extreme sadness that affects daily life