Reference to drugs or violence Advising session "If transferring to.." Gilette Tries to tell a joke "The Author made a mistake" "As an engineer.." "BANG!" *Unintelligible* *Replaces bad marker* Doesn't know when class ends *Flailing* Saif shows up "Got it? Good" "You remember this" "End of discussions" Talks about handwriting Shoots down student's correct answer *Misplaces markers* 10 minute setup Jean shows up late "What you need to realize" "Cable" "Look in the book and figure this out" "I forgot to post that" Reference to drugs or violence Advising session "If transferring to.." Gilette Tries to tell a joke "The Author made a mistake" "As an engineer.." "BANG!" *Unintelligible* *Replaces bad marker* Doesn't know when class ends *Flailing* Saif shows up "Got it? Good" "You remember this" "End of discussions" Talks about handwriting Shoots down student's correct answer *Misplaces markers* 10 minute setup Jean shows up late "What you need to realize" "Cable" "Look in the book and figure this out" "I forgot to post that"
Jean - Call List
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
O-Reference to drugs or violence
N-Advising session "If transferring to.."
I-Tries to tell a joke
G-"The Author made a mistake"
N-"As an engineer.."
B-*Replaces bad marker*
I-Doesn't know when class ends
G-Saif shows up
B-"Got it? Good"
G-"You remember this"
N-"End of discussions"
O-Talks about handwriting
G-Shoots down student's correct answer
I-*Misplaces markers*
O-10 minute setup
O-Jean shows up late
B-"What you need to realize"
O-"Look in the book and figure this out"
G-"I forgot to post that"