Why isthe techroomdoor keptlocked?Whataccessoriesmust goout with a rentalchainsaw?How many bags ofAtticat does acustomer need topurchase to get afree 24 hourblower rental?Correctlyidentify 5tools in therental centreHow olddoes acustomerneed to be torent a tool?What 2things arerequiredto open acontract?What typesof sawblades dowe have forrent?What doesa customerneed to providerent a vehicle?What are theheights of theextensionladders thatwe rent?How muchdoes theDamageProtectioncoverage cost?Can you renta vehicle forlonger than24 hours?What are thetwo ways thatcustomerscan make areservation?Name a toolthat is notrented out inthe winter?What typeof paint canbe used inour paintsprayers?Who in thestore isallowed touse the rentalvehicles?Name a rentalthat isan option forcustomersin yourdepartment?Cancustomersmake storepurchases inrental?Are rentalassociated"empowered"with the same$50 as otherassociates?Can youcollect ProXtra pointson a rentalcontract?What sizesof scaffolddo we rent?Is there morethan 1 type?Whois therental DS?ASM?Cancustomersreserve atool for thesame day? CancustomersreserveLargeEquipment? What stops atool frombeing able tobe reserved?What is thelongest amountof time thatsomeone canrent a tool?What is thename of theapplicationused for rentalcontracts?What is thedirect lineto toolrental?613-xxx-xxxxWhat doesDamageProtectionnot cover?What is theminimumrequired age torent largeequipment?Arecustomersallowed to trya tool beforerenting it?How manyassociateswork in rental?Who are they?How manykinds of floorsanders dowe rent?What formsof paymentare acceptedfor rentals?Name 3tools thatyou had noidea that werented?Why isthe techroomdoor keptlocked?Whataccessoriesmust goout with a rentalchainsaw?How many bags ofAtticat does acustomer need topurchase to get afree 24 hourblower rental?Correctlyidentify 5tools in therental centreHow olddoes acustomerneed to be torent a tool?What 2things arerequiredto open acontract?What typesof sawblades dowe have forrent?What doesa customerneed to providerent a vehicle?What are theheights of theextensionladders thatwe rent?How muchdoes theDamageProtectioncoverage cost?Can you renta vehicle forlonger than24 hours?What are thetwo ways thatcustomerscan make areservation?Name a toolthat is notrented out inthe winter?What typeof paint canbe used inour paintsprayers?Who in thestore isallowed touse the rentalvehicles?Name a rentalthat isan option forcustomersin yourdepartment?Cancustomersmake storepurchases inrental?Are rentalassociated"empowered"with the same$50 as otherassociates?Can youcollect ProXtra pointson a rentalcontract?What sizesof scaffolddo we rent?Is there morethan 1 type?Whois therental DS?ASM?Cancustomersreserve atool for thesame day? CancustomersreserveLargeEquipment? What stops atool frombeing able tobe reserved?What is thelongest amountof time thatsomeone canrent a tool?What is thename of theapplicationused for rentalcontracts?What is thedirect lineto toolrental?613-xxx-xxxxWhat doesDamageProtectionnot cover?What is theminimumrequired age torent largeequipment?Arecustomersallowed to trya tool beforerenting it?How manyassociateswork in rental?Who are they?How manykinds of floorsanders dowe rent?What formsof paymentare acceptedfor rentals?Name 3tools thatyou had noidea that werented?

7242 Tool Rental - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Why is the tech room door kept locked?
  2. What accessories must go out with a rental chainsaw?
  3. How many bags of Atticat does a customer need to purchase to get a free 24 hour blower rental?
  4. Correctly identify 5 tools in the rental centre
  5. How old does a customer need to be to rent a tool?
  6. What 2 things are required to open a contract?
  7. What types of saw blades do we have for rent?
  8. What does a customer need to provide rent a vehicle?
  9. What are the heights of the extension ladders that we rent?
  10. How much does the Damage Protection coverage cost?
  11. Can you rent a vehicle for longer than 24 hours?
  12. What are the two ways that customers can make a reservation?
  13. Name a tool that is not rented out in the winter?
  14. What type of paint can be used in our paint sprayers?
  15. Who in the store is allowed to use the rental vehicles?
  16. Name a rental that is an option for customers in your department?
  17. Can customers make store purchases in rental?
  18. Are rental associated "empowered" with the same $50 as other associates?
  19. Can you collect Pro Xtra points on a rental contract?
  20. What sizes of scaffold do we rent? Is there more than 1 type?
  21. Who is the rental DS? ASM?
  22. Can customers reserve a tool for the same day?
  23. Can customers reserve Large Equipment?
  24. What stops a tool from being able to be reserved?
  25. What is the longest amount of time that someone can rent a tool?
  26. What is the name of the application used for rental contracts?
  27. What is the direct line to tool rental? 613-xxx-xxxx
  28. What does Damage Protection not cover?
  29. What is the minimum required age to rent large equipment?
  30. Are customers allowed to try a tool before renting it?
  31. How many associates work in rental? Who are they?
  32. How many kinds of floor sanders do we rent?
  33. What forms of payment are accepted for rentals?
  34. Name 3 tools that you had no idea that we rented?