Keys to drive is acommonwealthgovernment fundedinitiative that gives L platedrivers access to a free 60minute driving lesson. tHisaims to help developknowledge and skills ofyoung and inexperienceddriversWHSregulationsinworkplacesMediaCampaigns thatinform peopleof the risk ofsmokingGPs offeringcessation (quitting) adviceand having waitingrooms filled withquitadvertisementsCompulsory PDHPElessons in Schools,educating studentson a range of healthissues andbehavioursLocal fun runssuch as park runthat encouragepeople within acommunity to getactiveCommunitieslobbying localcouncil to fix updangerous roadsto make themsafer for residentsIndigenous communityhealth groups offeringprograms and services tosupport health workers andreduce the harmsassociated with substanceuse in indigenouscommunities in Top End NTLocal councilsputting up signsto promotebeyondBlue and‘R U OK day’Deadly Choiceswebsite providingculturally relevant andfactual healthinformation toindigenous Australiansto increase theirknowledge aroundsmoking and dietAmbulance andparamedicsgiving talks atschools aboutthe dangers ofunsafe drivingNurses goinginto schoolsto administervaccinationprogramsOutdoorworkplacesprovidingemployees withsunscreen andprotective clothingFree bloodpressurechecks offeredin shoppingcentresSchoolsofferinghealthycanteenmenuFree!The FederalGovernmentcommitting to ‘Closethe Gap’ andcontribute 1.6 Billiondollars to improveIndigenous health.40 KmZonesaroundschoolsSeatbeltlawsAnti bullyingand antidiscriminationpolicies inschoolsSchoolshavingcounsellorsand youthworkersKeys to drive is acommonwealthgovernment fundedinitiative that gives L platedrivers access to a free 60minute driving lesson. tHisaims to help developknowledge and skills ofyoung and inexperienceddriversWHSregulationsinworkplacesMediaCampaigns thatinform peopleof the risk ofsmokingGPs offeringcessation (quitting) adviceand having waitingrooms filled withquitadvertisementsCompulsory PDHPElessons in Schools,educating studentson a range of healthissues andbehavioursLocal fun runssuch as park runthat encouragepeople within acommunity to getactiveCommunitieslobbying localcouncil to fix updangerous roadsto make themsafer for residentsIndigenous communityhealth groups offeringprograms and services tosupport health workers andreduce the harmsassociated with substanceuse in indigenouscommunities in Top End NTLocal councilsputting up signsto promotebeyondBlue and‘R U OK day’Deadly Choiceswebsite providingculturally relevant andfactual healthinformation toindigenous Australiansto increase theirknowledge aroundsmoking and dietAmbulance andparamedicsgiving talks atschools aboutthe dangers ofunsafe drivingNurses goinginto schoolsto administervaccinationprogramsOutdoorworkplacesprovidingemployees withsunscreen andprotective clothingFree bloodpressurechecks offeredin shoppingcentresSchoolsofferinghealthycanteenmenuFree!The FederalGovernmentcommitting to ‘Closethe Gap’ andcontribute 1.6 Billiondollars to improveIndigenous health.40 KmZonesaroundschoolsSeatbeltlawsAnti bullyingand antidiscriminationpolicies inschoolsSchoolshavingcounsellorsand youthworkers

Ottawa Charter - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Keys to drive is a commonwealth government funded initiative that gives L plate drivers access to a free 60 minute driving lesson. tHis aims to help develop knowledge and skills of young and inexperienced drivers
  2. WHS regulations in workplaces
  3. Media Campaigns that inform people of the risk of smoking
  4. GPs offering cessation ( quitting) advice and having waiting rooms filled with quit advertisements
  5. Compulsory PDHPE lessons in Schools, educating students on a range of health issues and behaviours
  6. Local fun runs such as park run that encourage people within a community to get active
  7. Communities lobbying local council to fix up dangerous roads to make them safer for residents
  8. Indigenous community health groups offering programs and services to support health workers and reduce the harms associated with substance use in indigenous communities in Top End NT
  9. Local councils putting up signs to promote beyondBlue and ‘R U OK day’
  10. Deadly Choices website providing culturally relevant and factual health information to indigenous Australians to increase their knowledge around smoking and diet
  11. Ambulance and paramedics giving talks at schools about the dangers of unsafe driving
  12. Nurses going into schools to administer vaccination programs
  13. Outdoor workplaces providing employees with sunscreen and protective clothing
  14. Free blood pressure checks offered in shopping centres
  15. Schools offering healthy canteen menu
  16. Free!
  17. The Federal Government committing to ‘Close the Gap’ and contribute 1.6 Billion dollars to improve Indigenous health.
  18. 40 Km Zones around schools
  19. Seat belt laws
  20. Anti bullying and anti discrimination policies in schools
  21. Schools having counsellors and youth workers