Find someonewho has afavorite meal.Learn whatmakes it sogood.Find someonewho can say aphrase in anotherlanguage. Learnwhat that phraseis.Find someonewho can touchtheir own nosewith owntongue.Find someonewho has afavorite songfrom a differentdecade. Learnat least oneverse and howto hum the tune.Find someonewho knows agood dancemove. Ask themto demonstrateit and try ityourself.Find someonewhom you don’tknow. Dosomethingabout that.Find someonewho has met acelebrity. Whowas it?Find someonewho has thesame sizethumb as youdo.Find someonewho has a pet.Find out thepet’s name(s)and why thatname waschosen.Find someonewho has a funhobby. Learnabout it.Find someonewho wouldknow what todo if they wonthe lottery. Findout their plans.Find someonewho can whistlethe StarSpangledBanner. Jointhem in a duetFind someonewho has thesame Zodiacsign as you.Learn what elseyou have incommon.Find someonewho was bornout of theUnited States.Where werethey born?Find someonewho has afavorite TVshow from hisor herchildhood.Learn aboutone of theirfavoriteepisodes.Find someonewho doesn'tdrink coffee.What is theirpreferred drink.Find someonewho hastraveled to aplace you havenot been. Learnabout a greatdestination.Find someonewho seeshimself/herself ascreative.Discover thekey to theircreativity.Find someonewho has finished abook in the pastmonth. What isthe book about?Find someonewho haschildren. Learntheir names andsome of theirpersonalitytraits.Find someonewho had arecent successthey’d like toshare. Thenshare one ofyours.Find someonewho knows agood joke.Learn how totell it, thenshare one ofyours.Find someone whohas never been on aplane. If they were togo anywhere on aplane, where wouldthey go for the first.Find someonewho can pattheir head andrub theirstomachsimultaneously.Learn what elsethey can doFind someonewho knew whatthey wanted tobe when theygrew up andactuallybecame it.Find someonewho has afavorite meal.Learn whatmakes it sogood.Find someonewho can say aphrase in anotherlanguage. Learnwhat that phraseis.Find someonewho can touchtheir own nosewith owntongue.Find someonewho has afavorite songfrom a differentdecade. Learnat least oneverse and howto hum the tune.Find someonewho knows agood dancemove. Ask themto demonstrateit and try ityourself.Find someonewhom you don’tknow. Dosomethingabout that.Find someonewho has met acelebrity. Whowas it?Find someonewho has thesame sizethumb as youdo.Find someonewho has a pet.Find out thepet’s name(s)and why thatname waschosen.Find someonewho has a funhobby. Learnabout it.Find someonewho wouldknow what todo if they wonthe lottery. Findout their plans.Find someonewho can whistlethe StarSpangledBanner. Jointhem in a duetFind someonewho has thesame Zodiacsign as you.Learn what elseyou have incommon.Find someonewho was bornout of theUnited States.Where werethey born?Find someonewho has afavorite TVshow from hisor herchildhood.Learn aboutone of theirfavoriteepisodes.Find someonewho doesn'tdrink coffee.What is theirpreferred drink.Find someonewho hastraveled to aplace you havenot been. Learnabout a greatdestination.Find someonewho seeshimself/herself ascreative.Discover thekey to theircreativity.Find someonewho has finished abook in the pastmonth. What isthe book about?Find someonewho haschildren. Learntheir names andsome of theirpersonalitytraits.Find someonewho had arecent successthey’d like toshare. Thenshare one ofyours.Find someonewho knows agood joke.Learn how totell it, thenshare one ofyours.Find someone whohas never been on aplane. If they were togo anywhere on aplane, where wouldthey go for the first.Find someonewho can pattheir head andrub theirstomachsimultaneously.Learn what elsethey can doFind someonewho knew whatthey wanted tobe when theygrew up andactuallybecame it.

University Dining - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.