You meet astudent that knowsyou, but you havenever seen thembefore in your lifeSomeonekills a fly orinsect inthe officeYou makesomeone laughwhen you say"it could beworse"You seesomeone in thehallway withoutwearing a maskThere aresnacks ordesserts intheTeekücheYou makesomeonelaugh whilethey are in ameetingSomeonemakes loudnoises whilethey areworkingSomeone asksyou for helpwith translatingin your nativelanguageYou take a funnyor embarassingphoto of someonein the officewithout themnoticingYou learn anew word ina non-nativelanguageYour bosscomes lateto a meetingthey plannedSomeonesends anemail butforgets toattach the fileTechnicalproblemsduring avirtualmeetingSomeone asksyou a questionyou don'tunderstand butyou say yesanywaysSomeonebrings a newplant to theofficeDimi hitsemergencycall buttonSomeonebrings lunch foreveryonewithout askingthem ahead oftimeYou cannot find animportantdocument for theTHD because thewebsite is reallybadSomeonesuccessfullypranks anotherperson in theofficeSomeonepops abottleReading notesthat you wrote,but you don'tunderstandthem anymoreSomeone leavesthe office andforgets to taketheir keys withthemYou have ameeting thatcould havebeensummarized inan emailDoor keystopsworkingYou meet astudent that knowsyou, but you havenever seen thembefore in your lifeSomeonekills a fly orinsect inthe officeYou makesomeone laughwhen you say"it could beworse"You seesomeone in thehallway withoutwearing a maskThere aresnacks ordesserts intheTeekücheYou makesomeonelaugh whilethey are in ameetingSomeonemakes loudnoises whilethey areworkingSomeone asksyou for helpwith translatingin your nativelanguageYou take a funnyor embarassingphoto of someonein the officewithout themnoticingYou learn anew word ina non-nativelanguageYour bosscomes lateto a meetingthey plannedSomeonesends anemail butforgets toattach the fileTechnicalproblemsduring avirtualmeetingSomeone asksyou a questionyou don'tunderstand butyou say yesanywaysSomeonebrings a newplant to theofficeDimi hitsemergencycall buttonSomeonebrings lunch foreveryonewithout askingthem ahead oftimeYou cannot find animportantdocument for theTHD because thewebsite is reallybadSomeonesuccessfullypranks anotherperson in theofficeSomeonepops abottleReading notesthat you wrote,but you don'tunderstandthem anymoreSomeone leavesthe office andforgets to taketheir keys withthemYou have ameeting thatcould havebeensummarized inan emailDoor keystopsworking

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You meet a student that knows you, but you have never seen them before in your life
  2. Someone kills a fly or insect in the office
  3. You make someone laugh when you say "it could be worse"
  4. You see someone in the hallway without wearing a mask
  5. There are snacks or desserts in the Teeküche
  6. You make someone laugh while they are in a meeting
  7. Someone makes loud noises while they are working
  8. Someone asks you for help with translating in your native language
  9. You take a funny or embarassing photo of someone in the office without them noticing
  10. You learn a new word in a non-native language
  11. Your boss comes late to a meeting they planned
  12. Someone sends an email but forgets to attach the file
  13. Technical problems during a virtual meeting
  14. Someone asks you a question you don't understand but you say yes anyways
  15. Someone brings a new plant to the office
  16. Dimi hits emergency call button
  17. Someone brings lunch for everyone without asking them ahead of time
  18. You cannot find an important document for the THD because the website is really bad
  19. Someone successfully pranks another person in the office
  20. Someone pops a bottle
  21. Reading notes that you wrote, but you don't understand them anymore
  22. Someone leaves the office and forgets to take their keys with them
  23. You have a meeting that could have been summarized in an email
  24. Door key stops working