Submitted agroup output(and effort)of highqualityAccomplisheda taskassigned tothe group ontime.Sincerelypraised/greet myclassmate/friendfor anachievementGave a groupmatethechance/oppurtunityto speak in apresentation/Q&AShared beneficialinformation topeers to improveperformance andstatusAssigned/receivedtasks that isequally diviedamong the groupTook part insolving adisagreementamong yourfriends/groupProposed anarrengementthat isbeneficial tothe batchSubmitted agroup output(and effort)of highqualityAccomplisheda taskassigned tothe group ontime.Sincerelypraised/greet myclassmate/friendfor anachievementGave a groupmatethechance/oppurtunityto speak in apresentation/Q&AShared beneficialinformation topeers to improveperformance andstatusAssigned/receivedtasks that isequally diviedamong the groupTook part insolving adisagreementamong yourfriends/groupProposed anarrengementthat isbeneficial tothe batch

Human Bingo - HR Edition - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Submitted a group output (and effort) of high quality
  2. Accomplished a task assigned to the group on time.
  3. Sincerely praised/greet my classmate/friend for an achievement
  4. Gave a groupmate the chance/oppurtunity to speak in a presentation/Q&A
  5. Shared beneficial information to peers to improve performance and status
  6. Assigned/received tasks that is equally divied among the group
  7. Took part in solving a disagreement among your friends/group
  8. Proposed an arrengement that is beneficial to the batch