What isAIDETIs avenipuncturedraw feedifferent from athan capillarydraw fee?Standingorders aregood forhow long?What causes extraman Power andSTOPs production inBN if not placed oncorrectly duringcollection orprocessing?ADMIN TOOL:If a patient is inCheck-in. do youmove the patientwhile waiting onand order to be faxand why?What isNOBD?What should bedocumented onyour disinfectionand temperatureforms in the eventyour location isclosed?Routineorders aregood forhow long?Where canyou locatemost of yourforms andSOPs?should all ACCspecimens yoube bagseparately withspecimen andpaperwork? Can youcombineorders?What are 2main factorsfor 24hrurine?Our Goalfor NPSis what %What doesNPS mean?Give andexample ofExcellent CS.What does aGREEN folderwith a"S" in themiddle representin CORWhat is aPatientEstimatorform?What do youuse whenverifying anorder for apatient?Who isAdamSchechter?Five ActionSteps forhandling adrop-off Describedwhat is anAmbiguouscode ? High Alert forBlood Pressureis related towhat form?Name atleast 2commonerrors forABN forms?Who can you refera patient to if theydo not have anorder or providerbut would like labscollected?What is onething youwalked awaylearning todaythat you willapply daily?What isAIDETIs avenipuncturedraw feedifferent from athan capillarydraw fee?Standingorders aregood forhow long?What causes extraman Power andSTOPs production inBN if not placed oncorrectly duringcollection orprocessing?ADMIN TOOL:If a patient is inCheck-in. do youmove the patientwhile waiting onand order to be faxand why?What isNOBD?What should bedocumented onyour disinfectionand temperatureforms in the eventyour location isclosed?Routineorders aregood forhow long?Where canyou locatemost of yourforms andSOPs?should all ACCspecimens yoube bagseparately withspecimen andpaperwork? Can youcombineorders?What are 2main factorsfor 24hrurine?Our Goalfor NPSis what %What doesNPS mean?Give andexample ofExcellent CS.What does aGREEN folderwith a"S" in themiddle representin CORWhat is aPatientEstimatorform?What do youuse whenverifying anorder for apatient?Who isAdamSchechter?Five ActionSteps forhandling adrop-off Describedwhat is anAmbiguouscode ? High Alert forBlood Pressureis related towhat form?Name atleast 2commonerrors forABN forms?Who can you refera patient to if theydo not have anorder or providerbut would like labscollected?What is onething youwalked awaylearning todaythat you willapply daily?

The POWER of Knowing! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is AIDET
  2. Is a venipuncture draw fee different from a than capillary draw fee?
  3. Standing orders are good for how long?
  4. What causes extra man Power and STOPs production in BN if not placed on correctly during collection or processing?
  5. ADMIN TOOL: If a patient is in Check-in. do you move the patient while waiting on and order to be fax and why?
  6. What is NOBD?
  7. What should be documented on your disinfection and temperature forms in the event your location is closed?
  8. Routine orders are good for how long?
  9. Where can you locate most of your forms and SOPs?
  10. should all ACC specimens you be bag separately with specimen and paperwork?
  11. Can you combine orders?
  12. What are 2 main factors for 24hr urine?
  13. Our Goal for NPS is what %
  14. What does NPS mean? Give and example of Excellent CS.
  15. What does a GREEN folder with a"S" in the middle represent in COR
  16. What is a Patient Estimator form?
  17. What do you use when verifying an order for a patient?
  18. Who is Adam Schechter?
  19. Five Action Steps for handling a drop-off
  20. Described what is an Ambiguous code ?
  21. High Alert for Blood Pressure is related to what form?
  22. Name at least 2 common errors for ABN forms?
  23. Who can you refer a patient to if they do not have an order or provider but would like labs collected?
  24. What is one thing you walked away learning today that you will apply daily?