Share a storywhen you orsomeone onyour team wentthe extra mile fora residentSubmit 5 extrasocial mediaposts beyondthe monthlyrequirement (ccLeaseaplaooza!)Porter appreciation!Send a thank younote or pick upbreakfast for yourcleaner(s) for all theydo! Take a picture ofthem with the team.Handle aproject inhouseinstead of acontractorWrite a note ofappreciation tosomeone onanother teamPorter appreciation!Send a thank younote or pick upbreakfast for yourcleaner(s) for all theydo! Take a picture ofthem with the team.Advertise availablestorage or parkingto existing residentswith an email, flyeror signHit 90% orhigher onRapidSoftpostings for theentire monthClean/Organizethe maint shop(before/afterpics)Submit ateammember toHR as aBMCelebrityMake a calendarof team birthdaysand workanniversary soeveryone can see!Make sureeveryone onyour team iscaught up onGrace Hillclasses!Create aRealyncVideo of someneighborhoodhighlightsUpdate your onsitebinder with importantproperty details(phone #s,passwords, in case ofan emergency, etc)Take a photoof you andyour favoritecommunitypet!Managers: Take ascreenshot of yournexus queuecompletelycleared!Send someoneon aStarbucks/Coffeerun for the wholeteam. Take a pic!Make a calendarof team birthdaysand workanniversary soeveryone can see!Submit ateammember toHR as aBMCelebrityCreate aRealyncVideo of someneighborhoodhighlightsSecretshop acompetitorHost avirtualtour inRealyncManagers: Take ascreenshot of yournexus queuecompletelycleared!Make aTikTok withyour entireteamBid out a currentservice contract(see if you reallyhave the bestpricing!)Handle aproject inhouseinstead of acontractorSend someoneon aStarbucks/Coffeerun for the wholeteam. Take a pic!Hit 90% orhigher onRapidSoftpostings for theentire monthClean/Organizethe leasingoffice(before/afterpics)Take a photo of yourentire team with yourproperty’s bestfeature or amenity inthe background(great views are afeature!)Host avirtualtour inRealyncEmail someoneon the supportteam and tellthem youappreciate theirhelp.Make sureeveryone onyour team iscaught up onGrace Hillclasses!Clean/Organizethe leasingoffice(before/afterpics)Take a photo of yourentire team with yourproperty’s bestfeature or amenity inthe background(great views are afeature!)Update your onsitebinder with importantproperty details(phone #s,passwords, in case ofan emergency, etc)Take ascreenshot ofyourRentDynamicsqueue with 0follow ups.Have a currentresident transferwithin yourcommunity or toanother BMCcommunityVisit a property(outside of yourRPMs group) andoffer feedback ontheir curb appealAdvertise availablestorage or parkingto existing residentswith an email, flyeror signSecretshop acompetitorMake aTikTok withyour entireteamGrab a pichaving breakfastwith your teamduring morningmeetingWrite a note ofappreciation tosomeone onanother teamTake a photoof you andyour favoritecommunitypet!Take ascreenshot ofyourRentDynamicsqueue with 0follow ups.Share a storywhen you orsomeone onyour team wentthe extra mile fora residentClean/Organizethe maint shop(before/afterpics)Have a currentresident transferwithin yourcommunity or toanother BMCcommunityBid out a currentservice contract(see if you reallyhave the bestpricing!)Visit a property(outside of yourRPMs group) andoffer feedback ontheir curb appealGrab a pichaving breakfastwith your teamduring morningmeetingSubmit 5 extra socialmedia posts beyondthe monthlyrequirement (ccLeaseaplaooza!)Uselast year’s socialmedia as a guide(Use lastyear’s socialmedia as aguide)Email someoneon the supportteam and tellthem youappreciate theirhelp.Share a storywhen you orsomeone onyour team wentthe extra mile fora residentSubmit 5 extrasocial mediaposts beyondthe monthlyrequirement (ccLeaseaplaooza!)Porter appreciation!Send a thank younote or pick upbreakfast for yourcleaner(s) for all theydo! Take a picture ofthem with the team.Handle aproject inhouseinstead of acontractorWrite a note ofappreciation tosomeone onanother teamPorter appreciation!Send a thank younote or pick upbreakfast for yourcleaner(s) for all theydo! Take a picture ofthem with the team.Advertise availablestorage or parkingto existing residentswith an email, flyeror signHit 90% orhigher onRapidSoftpostings for theentire monthClean/Organizethe maint shop(before/afterpics)Submit ateammember toHR as aBMCelebrityMake a calendarof team birthdaysand workanniversary soeveryone can see!Make sureeveryone onyour team iscaught up onGrace Hillclasses!Create aRealyncVideo of someneighborhoodhighlightsUpdate your onsitebinder with importantproperty details(phone #s,passwords, in case ofan emergency, etc)Take a photoof you andyour favoritecommunitypet!Managers: Take ascreenshot of yournexus queuecompletelycleared!Send someoneon aStarbucks/Coffeerun for the wholeteam. Take a pic!Make a calendarof team birthdaysand workanniversary soeveryone can see!Submit ateammember toHR as aBMCelebrityCreate aRealyncVideo of someneighborhoodhighlightsSecretshop acompetitorHost avirtualtour inRealyncManagers: Take ascreenshot of yournexus queuecompletelycleared!Make aTikTok withyour entireteamBid out a currentservice contract(see if you reallyhave the bestpricing!)Handle aproject inhouseinstead of acontractorSend someoneon aStarbucks/Coffeerun for the wholeteam. Take a pic!Hit 90% orhigher onRapidSoftpostings for theentire monthClean/Organizethe leasingoffice(before/afterpics)Take a photo of yourentire team with yourproperty’s bestfeature or amenity inthe background(great views are afeature!)Host avirtualtour inRealyncEmail someoneon the supportteam and tellthem youappreciate theirhelp.Make sureeveryone onyour team iscaught up onGrace Hillclasses!Clean/Organizethe leasingoffice(before/afterpics)Take a photo of yourentire team with yourproperty’s bestfeature or amenity inthe background(great views are afeature!)Update your onsitebinder with importantproperty details(phone #s,passwords, in case ofan emergency, etc)Take ascreenshot ofyourRentDynamicsqueue with 0follow ups.Have a currentresident transferwithin yourcommunity or toanother BMCcommunityVisit a property(outside of yourRPMs group) andoffer feedback ontheir curb appealAdvertise availablestorage or parkingto existing residentswith an email, flyeror signSecretshop acompetitorMake aTikTok withyour entireteamGrab a pichaving breakfastwith your teamduring morningmeetingWrite a note ofappreciation tosomeone onanother teamTake a photoof you andyour favoritecommunitypet!Take ascreenshot ofyourRentDynamicsqueue with 0follow ups.Share a storywhen you orsomeone onyour team wentthe extra mile fora residentClean/Organizethe maint shop(before/afterpics)Have a currentresident transferwithin yourcommunity or toanother BMCcommunityBid out a currentservice contract(see if you reallyhave the bestpricing!)Visit a property(outside of yourRPMs group) andoffer feedback ontheir curb appealGrab a pichaving breakfastwith your teamduring morningmeetingSubmit 5 extra socialmedia posts beyondthe monthlyrequirement (ccLeaseaplaooza!)Uselast year’s socialmedia as a guide(Use lastyear’s socialmedia as aguide)Email someoneon the supportteam and tellthem youappreciate theirhelp.

BMC Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Share a story when you or someone on your team went the extra mile for a resident
  2. Submit 5 extra social media posts beyond the monthly requirement (cc Leaseaplaooza!)
  3. Porter appreciation! Send a thank you note or pick up breakfast for your cleaner(s) for all they do! Take a picture of them with the team.
  4. Handle a project in house instead of a contractor
  5. Write a note of appreciation to someone on another team
  6. Porter appreciation! Send a thank you note or pick up breakfast for your cleaner(s) for all they do! Take a picture of them with the team.
  7. Advertise available storage or parking to existing residents with an email, flyer or sign
  8. Hit 90% or higher on RapidSoft postings for the entire month
  9. Clean/Organize the maint shop (before/after pics)
  10. Submit a team member to HR as a BMCelebrity
  11. Make a calendar of team birthdays and work anniversary so everyone can see!
  12. Make sure everyone on your team is caught up on Grace Hill classes!
  13. Create a Realync Video of some neighborhood highlights
  14. Update your onsite binder with important property details (phone #s, passwords, in case of an emergency, etc)
  15. Take a photo of you and your favorite community pet!
  16. Managers: Take a screenshot of your nexus queue completely cleared!
  17. Send someone on a Starbucks/Coffee run for the whole team. Take a pic!
  18. Make a calendar of team birthdays and work anniversary so everyone can see!
  19. Submit a team member to HR as a BMCelebrity
  20. Create a Realync Video of some neighborhood highlights
  21. Secret shop a competitor
  22. Host a virtual tour in Realync
  23. Managers: Take a screenshot of your nexus queue completely cleared!
  24. Make a TikTok with your entire team
  25. Bid out a current service contract (see if you really have the best pricing!)
  26. Handle a project in house instead of a contractor
  27. Send someone on a Starbucks/Coffee run for the whole team. Take a pic!
  28. Hit 90% or higher on RapidSoft postings for the entire month
  29. Clean/Organize the leasing office (before/after pics)
  30. Take a photo of your entire team with your property’s best feature or amenity in the background (great views are a feature!)
  31. Host a virtual tour in Realync
  32. Email someone on the support team and tell them you appreciate their help.
  33. Make sure everyone on your team is caught up on Grace Hill classes!
  34. Clean/Organize the leasing office (before/after pics)
  35. Take a photo of your entire team with your property’s best feature or amenity in the background (great views are a feature!)
  36. Update your onsite binder with important property details (phone #s, passwords, in case of an emergency, etc)
  37. Take a screenshot of your RentDynamics queue with 0 follow ups.
  38. Have a current resident transfer within your community or to another BMC community
  39. Visit a property (outside of your RPMs group) and offer feedback on their curb appeal
  40. Advertise available storage or parking to existing residents with an email, flyer or sign
  41. Secret shop a competitor
  42. Make a TikTok with your entire team
  43. Grab a pic having breakfast with your team during morning meeting
  44. Write a note of appreciation to someone on another team
  45. Take a photo of you and your favorite community pet!
  46. Take a screenshot of your RentDynamics queue with 0 follow ups.
  47. Share a story when you or someone on your team went the extra mile for a resident
  48. Clean/Organize the maint shop (before/after pics)
  49. Have a current resident transfer within your community or to another BMC community
  50. Bid out a current service contract (see if you really have the best pricing!)
  51. Visit a property (outside of your RPMs group) and offer feedback on their curb appeal
  52. Grab a pic having breakfast with your team during morning meeting
  53. Submit 5 extra social media posts beyond the monthly requirement (cc Leaseaplaooza!)Use last year’s social media as a guide
  54. (Use last year’s social media as a guide)
  55. Email someone on the support team and tell them you appreciate their help.