to state howyou feel in apublic andconfidentwayto recognizesomeone orsomethingsomeonewho sees anevent andcan describeitthe part ofan army thatworks andfights onhorsebackto catch aperson andkeep him orher fromgetting awayHe shot andkilled JohnWilkes Boothat Garrett'sFarm.Free!to state thatsomething is trueeven though otherpeople mightbelieve somethingelseto freesomeonefromsomeoneelse's powerHe was JohnWilkes Booth'saccompliceduring the12-daymanhunt.a belief aboutwhat is right orwrong thatinfluencesactions andbehaviorssomeone whois trying toavoid beingcaptured bythe policea personwho helpssomeonecommit acrimeHe refused toturn in Bootheven though hecould havereceived$75,000.of or aboutstates or citizensthat were part ofthe South duringthe Civil Warto stay inthe sameplace asbeforeto state howyou feel in apublic andconfidentwayto recognizesomeone orsomethingsomeonewho sees anevent andcan describeitthe part ofan army thatworks andfights onhorsebackto catch aperson andkeep him orher fromgetting awayHe shot andkilled JohnWilkes Boothat Garrett'sFarm.Free!to state thatsomething is trueeven though otherpeople mightbelieve somethingelseto freesomeonefromsomeoneelse's powerHe was JohnWilkes Booth'saccompliceduring the12-daymanhunt.a belief aboutwhat is right orwrong thatinfluencesactions andbehaviorssomeone whois trying toavoid beingcaptured bythe policea personwho helpssomeonecommit acrimeHe refused toturn in Bootheven though hecould havereceived$75,000.of or aboutstates or citizensthat were part ofthe South duringthe Civil Warto stay inthe sameplace asbefore

Workshop 4 Part 3 Vocabulary - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. to state how you feel in a public and confident way
  2. to recognize someone or something
  3. someone who sees an event and can describe it
  4. the part of an army that works and fights on horseback
  5. to catch a person and keep him or her from getting away
  6. He shot and killed John Wilkes Booth at Garrett's Farm.
  7. Free!
  8. to state that something is true even though other people might believe something else
  9. to free someone from someone else's power
  10. He was John Wilkes Booth's accomplice during the 12-day manhunt.
  11. a belief about what is right or wrong that influences actions and behaviors
  12. someone who is trying to avoid being captured by the police
  13. a person who helps someone commit a crime
  14. He refused to turn in Booth even though he could have received $75,000.
  15. of or about states or citizens that were part of the South during the Civil War
  16. to stay in the same place as before