SoftwareRequirementsSpecificationWhat documentoutlines thestructure, pace ofdevelopment,variables, andscope of yoursoftware?AlphaPhaseTesting phase wherethe game is testedinternally, within theorganization, by arepresentative groupof end-usersIconicWhat kind oflogic isrecorded ordepictedgraphically?ContinuousDynamicSimulationsGames that renderand simulatecontinuously fromone frame to the nextwithout skipping anyintermediate stepsParticleSystemsWhere are specialeffects like smoke,rain, and fire foundin Unity’s StandardAssets?QualityAssuranceA Team thattests your gameby playing it tofind its flaws andtechnical bugsTimelineThe series offrames thatmake up ananimationHackA quickfixMotionCaptureDataA way of capturingdata from realmovement andusing it to animateobjects in gamesDeviceManagementDynamicallymanaging thegame's storageon devicevolumes ormemoryTheCodeWhere do youlook for a bugwhen it’s timeto implementthe fix?EventModulesArtificially replicatedelements,environments, andrelationships that canbe used to performdynamic simulationsof complex systemsAcceptanceWhat kind oftest asks if aproductmeets clientneeds?coderotWhat refers to codebecoming such amess that developerscan’t make anychanges withoutcausing other errors?ViconBladeOneexample ofmotioncapturesoftwareDiscreteeventsimulationsGames thatsimulate the keyevents happeningduring the turns butstop and wait foruser inputLoadWhat kind oftesting isespeciallyimportant foronline games withmany players atonce?SimulationsExperiencesthat mimicthe realworldSystemsEvaluationPart of the testingprocess where youcheck that yoursimulation worksas expected.BetaPhaseTesting phase wherethe game isthoroughly tested byprofessional test labsbefore being clearedfor commercialreleaseKeyframesMain frames withinan animation that areused as locationpoints from which thegame enginecalculates theintermediateanimationsPlayTestingthe process the QAteam uses to findflaws in yourgameplay andtechnical bugs,essentially attemptingto break your gamein order to fix itRigUnderlyingSkeletonEventModelingWhat dodevelopers use toestablish all of theparameters andvariables for asimulation?SoftwareRequirementsSpecificationWhat documentoutlines thestructure, pace ofdevelopment,variables, andscope of yoursoftware?AlphaPhaseTesting phase wherethe game is testedinternally, within theorganization, by arepresentative groupof end-usersIconicWhat kind oflogic isrecorded ordepictedgraphically?ContinuousDynamicSimulationsGames that renderand simulatecontinuously fromone frame to the nextwithout skipping anyintermediate stepsParticleSystemsWhere are specialeffects like smoke,rain, and fire foundin Unity’s StandardAssets?QualityAssuranceA Team thattests your gameby playing it tofind its flaws andtechnical bugsTimelineThe series offrames thatmake up ananimationHackA quickfixMotionCaptureDataA way of capturingdata from realmovement andusing it to animateobjects in gamesDeviceManagementDynamicallymanaging thegame's storageon devicevolumes ormemoryTheCodeWhere do youlook for a bugwhen it’s timeto implementthe fix?EventModulesArtificially replicatedelements,environments, andrelationships that canbe used to performdynamic simulationsof complex systemsAcceptanceWhat kind oftest asks if aproductmeets clientneeds?coderotWhat refers to codebecoming such amess that developerscan’t make anychanges withoutcausing other errors?ViconBladeOneexample ofmotioncapturesoftwareDiscreteeventsimulationsGames thatsimulate the keyevents happeningduring the turns butstop and wait foruser inputLoadWhat kind oftesting isespeciallyimportant foronline games withmany players atonce?SimulationsExperiencesthat mimicthe realworldSystemsEvaluationPart of the testingprocess where youcheck that yoursimulation worksas expected.BetaPhaseTesting phase wherethe game isthoroughly tested byprofessional test labsbefore being clearedfor commercialreleaseKeyframesMain frames withinan animation that areused as locationpoints from which thegame enginecalculates theintermediateanimationsPlayTestingthe process the QAteam uses to findflaws in yourgameplay andtechnical bugs,essentially attemptingto break your gamein order to fix itRigUnderlyingSkeletonEventModelingWhat dodevelopers use toestablish all of theparameters andvariables for asimulation?

GD2B Unit 7 Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What document outlines the structure, pace of development, variables, and scope of your software?
    Software Requirements Specification
  2. Testing phase where the game is tested internally, within the organization, by a representative group of end-users
    Alpha Phase
  3. What kind of logic is recorded or depicted graphically?
  4. Games that render and simulate continuously from one frame to the next without skipping any intermediate steps
    Continuous Dynamic Simulations
  5. Where are special effects like smoke, rain, and fire found in Unity’s Standard Assets?
    Particle Systems
  6. A Team that tests your game by playing it to find its flaws and technical bugs
    Quality Assurance
  7. The series of frames that make up an animation
  8. A quick fix
  9. A way of capturing data from real movement and using it to animate objects in games
    Motion Capture Data
  10. Dynamically managing the game's storage on device volumes or memory
    Device Management
  11. Where do you look for a bug when it’s time to implement the fix?
    The Code
  12. Artificially replicated elements, environments, and relationships that can be used to perform dynamic simulations of complex systems
    Event Modules
  13. What kind of test asks if a product meets client needs?
  14. What refers to code becoming such a mess that developers can’t make any changes without causing other errors?
    code rot
  15. One example of motion capture software
    Vicon Blade
  16. Games that simulate the key events happening during the turns but stop and wait for user input
    Discrete event simulations
  17. What kind of testing is especially important for online games with many players at once?
  18. Experiences that mimic the real world
  19. Part of the testing process where you check that your simulation works as expected.
    Systems Evaluation
  20. Testing phase where the game is thoroughly tested by professional test labs before being cleared for commercial release
    Beta Phase
  21. Main frames within an animation that are used as location points from which the game engine calculates the intermediate animations
  22. the process the QA team uses to find flaws in your gameplay and technical bugs, essentially attempting to break your game in order to fix it
    Play Testing
  23. Underlying Skeleton
  24. What do developers use to establish all of the parameters and variables for a simulation?
    Event Modeling