Independent/freelanceDevelopersWorking as what typeof game developeroffers advantages suchas having a steadyincome and having theability to save sometime to work on yourown ideas as well?theEntertainmentSoftwareRating BoardIn North America,what organization isresponsible forassigning ageratings, content, andinteractive elementdescriptors to videogames?CloningReproducing agame'smechanics andgameplay withlittle changeGamingProfessionalsWhat web sitehelp her connectwith thecommunity ofindividuals in thegame industry?RoyaltiesAmount ofmoney you willbe paid for eachcopy of yourgame thepublisher sellsDigitalRightsManagement(DRM)Protection on agame thatrestricts a userfrom makingcopies of itRetailers andGameDevelopmentindustryrepresentativesWhatgroupsmake upthe ESRB?LicenseA legal form ofpermission touse softwareor intellectualpropertyHashA one-wayscramblingof data tokeep it safein storagePublisherA company thatspecializes indistributionand/ormarketingSoftwarePiracyThe illegalcopying anddistribution ofsoftwarewithout alicenseIntellectualPropertyOwnershipof anythingnon-tangibleorconceptualTwo-factorAuthenticationAn additional securitymeasure on top of apassword usuallyinvolving a secretcode given to theuser by the developerLocalizationThe processof preparingyour gamefor anothermarketEncryptionA reversibleway toscramble datato keep it safein transitCellPhoneWhat is acommon toolused tofacilitate two-factoridentification?CrowdfundingA process forraising moneyfor a gamethrough smalldonations bymany peopleSecond-partydevelopersWhat kind of developersproduce games for aparticular publisher, butrather than being employeddirectly by the publisher,they are contracted out towork exclusively with aparticular publisher for thatperiod and remainindependent?Self-regulationHow do we refer to anentity within anindustry that handleslaws or industrystandards rather thanturning them over to agovernment authorityor other organization?PlaintextText datastored asit is, withno hashIARCWhat ratingsboard isresponsible forclassifyingdigitally-distributedgames?CopyrightOwnership ofcontent suchas a song,recording, orimageDigitaldistributiondistribution thatallows gamedevelopers to selltheir games onlineand reach customersinstantly, easily, andcheaply.PositivesandNegativesWhat is theoverall effect ofvideo gamingon academicperformance?Independent/freelanceDevelopersWorking as what typeof game developeroffers advantages suchas having a steadyincome and having theability to save sometime to work on yourown ideas as well?theEntertainmentSoftwareRating BoardIn North America,what organization isresponsible forassigning ageratings, content, andinteractive elementdescriptors to videogames?CloningReproducing agame'smechanics andgameplay withlittle changeGamingProfessionalsWhat web sitehelp her connectwith thecommunity ofindividuals in thegame industry?RoyaltiesAmount ofmoney you willbe paid for eachcopy of yourgame thepublisher sellsDigitalRightsManagement(DRM)Protection on agame thatrestricts a userfrom makingcopies of itRetailers andGameDevelopmentindustryrepresentativesWhatgroupsmake upthe ESRB?LicenseA legal form ofpermission touse softwareor intellectualpropertyHashA one-wayscramblingof data tokeep it safein storagePublisherA company thatspecializes indistributionand/ormarketingSoftwarePiracyThe illegalcopying anddistribution ofsoftwarewithout alicenseIntellectualPropertyOwnershipof anythingnon-tangibleorconceptualTwo-factorAuthenticationAn additional securitymeasure on top of apassword usuallyinvolving a secretcode given to theuser by the developerLocalizationThe processof preparingyour gamefor anothermarketEncryptionA reversibleway toscramble datato keep it safein transitCellPhoneWhat is acommon toolused tofacilitate two-factoridentification?CrowdfundingA process forraising moneyfor a gamethrough smalldonations bymany peopleSecond-partydevelopersWhat kind of developersproduce games for aparticular publisher, butrather than being employeddirectly by the publisher,they are contracted out towork exclusively with aparticular publisher for thatperiod and remainindependent?Self-regulationHow do we refer to anentity within anindustry that handleslaws or industrystandards rather thanturning them over to agovernment authorityor other organization?PlaintextText datastored asit is, withno hashIARCWhat ratingsboard isresponsible forclassifyingdigitally-distributedgames?CopyrightOwnership ofcontent suchas a song,recording, orimageDigitaldistributiondistribution thatallows gamedevelopers to selltheir games onlineand reach customersinstantly, easily, andcheaply.PositivesandNegativesWhat is theoverall effect ofvideo gamingon academicperformance?

GD1B Unit 7 Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Working as what type of game developer offers advantages such as having a steady income and having the ability to save some time to work on your own ideas as well?
    Independent/freelance Developers
  2. In North America, what organization is responsible for assigning age ratings, content, and interactive element descriptors to video games?
    the Entertainment Software Rating Board
  3. Reproducing a game's mechanics and gameplay with little change
  4. What web site help her connect with the community of individuals in the game industry?
  5. Amount of money you will be paid for each copy of your game the publisher sells
  6. Protection on a game that restricts a user from making copies of it
    Digital Rights Management (DRM)
  7. What groups make up the ESRB?
    Retailers and Game Development industry representatives
  8. A legal form of permission to use software or intellectual property
  9. A one-way scrambling of data to keep it safe in storage
  10. A company that specializes in distribution and/or marketing
  11. The illegal copying and distribution of software without a license
    Software Piracy
  12. Ownership of anything non-tangible or conceptual
    Intellectual Property
  13. An additional security measure on top of a password usually involving a secret code given to the user by the developer
    Two-factor Authentication
  14. The process of preparing your game for another market
  15. A reversible way to scramble data to keep it safe in transit
  16. What is a common tool used to facilitate two-factor identification?
    Cell Phone
  17. A process for raising money for a game through small donations by many people
  18. What kind of developers produce games for a particular publisher, but rather than being employed directly by the publisher, they are contracted out to work exclusively with a particular publisher for that period and remain independent?
    Second-party developers
  19. How do we refer to an entity within an industry that handles laws or industry standards rather than turning them over to a government authority or other organization?
  20. Text data stored as it is, with no hash
  21. What ratings board is responsible for classifying digitally-distributed games?
  22. Ownership of content such as a song, recording, or image
  23. distribution that allows game developers to sell their games online and reach customers instantly, easily, and cheaply.
    Digital distribution
  24. What is the overall effect of video gaming on academic performance?
    Positives and Negatives