I wrote anencouragingnote to astudent. I demonstrateda random act ofkindnesstoward astudent today. I sharedgreat newsabout myclass with acolleague.Ibought/madea co-workercoffee.Isupporteda studentin crisis.I made 2positiveparent phonecalls ore-mails.I modifieda task fora student.I shared ateachingpractice withmy team. I sent 2colleaguespositivenotes.I gave 2 staffmembers ashout-out.I picked uptrash on thehallway floorson 3 differentdays.I did an actof kindnessfor the officestaff. I covered aclass or block,when we wereshort substoday. I gave out atleast 3 MustangBucks tostudents not inmy class.I helpedclean a staffarea (lounge,workroom,bathroom).I thanked3 staffmemberstoday.I sat witha studentduringlunch.I reached outto 2 staffmemberstoday.I took time toreally listento aco-worker inneed today.I didBusDuty.I covered aduty forone of mycolleagues.I greeted everystudent byname, at thedoor/doorwaytoday. Perfectattendancefor an entiremonth.I visited a studentin another class,during myplanning/free/lunchtime.I wrote anencouragingnote to astudent. I demonstrateda random act ofkindnesstoward astudent today. I sharedgreat newsabout myclass with acolleague.Ibought/madea co-workercoffee.Isupporteda studentin crisis.I made 2positiveparent phonecalls ore-mails.I modifieda task fora student.I shared ateachingpractice withmy team. I sent 2colleaguespositivenotes.I gave 2 staffmembers ashout-out.I picked uptrash on thehallway floorson 3 differentdays.I did an actof kindnessfor the officestaff. I covered aclass or block,when we wereshort substoday. I gave out atleast 3 MustangBucks tostudents not inmy class.I helpedclean a staffarea (lounge,workroom,bathroom).I thanked3 staffmemberstoday.I sat witha studentduringlunch.I reached outto 2 staffmemberstoday.I took time toreally listento aco-worker inneed today.I didBusDuty.I covered aduty forone of mycolleagues.I greeted everystudent byname, at thedoor/doorwaytoday. Perfectattendancefor an entiremonth.I visited a studentin another class,during myplanning/free/lunchtime.

F. B. Gwynn Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I wrote an encouraging note to a student.
  2. I demonstrated a random act of kindness toward a student today.
  3. I shared great news about my class with a colleague.
  4. I bought/made a co-worker coffee.
  5. I supported a student in crisis.
  6. I made 2 positive parent phone calls or e-mails.
  7. I modified a task for a student.
  8. I shared a teaching practice with my team.
  9. I sent 2 colleagues positive notes.
  10. I gave 2 staff members a shout-out.
  11. I picked up trash on the hallway floors on 3 different days.
  12. I did an act of kindness for the office staff.
  13. I covered a class or block, when we were short subs today.
  14. I gave out at least 3 Mustang Bucks to students not in my class.
  15. I helped clean a staff area (lounge, workroom, bathroom).
  16. I thanked 3 staff members today.
  17. I sat with a student during lunch.
  18. I reached out to 2 staff members today.
  19. I took time to really listen to a co-worker in need today.
  20. I did Bus Duty.
  21. I covered a duty for one of my colleagues.
  22. I greeted every student by name, at the door/doorway today.
  23. Perfect attendance for an entire month.
  24. I visited a student in another class, during my planning/free/lunch time.