Submit anengagementidea to yoursupervisorFill outa PrintRequestNounplannedabsences ortardies forthe weekTake a walkoutside onBreak orLunchTransferreda call to theHumanaSupport IBClient ormember asksyou to readthrough themenuGet aKudosCallSend a tip youwish you knewwhen youstarted to yoursupervisorTeamMeeting withCamera OnAvailabilityat 80% orhigher forthe weekSubmit PeerRecognition(rememberto cc yoursup)Suggest atopic for ateammeetingACW % was10% or lowerfor the weekdid you clear youcache andcookies, beforenotifying yoursupervisor ofissues with Max orUKGHad 98%or aboveQA for aweek Send your AprilGoals to yourSupervisor andLead in anemailGive praise inthe HumanaFun Chat to 2teammembersGot a100% QAcallreviewTell the team inthe Fun Chatyour FavoriteMom's MealsMealSend a"DadJoke" toyour leadClient ormemberasks youabout theweatherSubmittedan "IRock" QAreview"Said HumanaMealProgram" on anon-HumanacallHealth Breakat 5% orlower for theweekSubmit anengagementidea to yoursupervisorFill outa PrintRequestNounplannedabsences ortardies forthe weekTake a walkoutside onBreak orLunchTransferreda call to theHumanaSupport IBClient ormember asksyou to readthrough themenuGet aKudosCallSend a tip youwish you knewwhen youstarted to yoursupervisorTeamMeeting withCamera OnAvailabilityat 80% orhigher forthe weekSubmit PeerRecognition(rememberto cc yoursup)Suggest atopic for ateammeetingACW % was10% or lowerfor the weekdid you clear youcache andcookies, beforenotifying yoursupervisor ofissues with Max orUKGHad 98%or aboveQA for aweek Send your AprilGoals to yourSupervisor andLead in anemailGive praise inthe HumanaFun Chat to 2teammembersGot a100% QAcallreviewTell the team inthe Fun Chatyour FavoriteMom's MealsMealSend a"DadJoke" toyour leadClient ormemberasks youabout theweatherSubmittedan "IRock" QAreview"Said HumanaMealProgram" on anon-HumanacallHealth Breakat 5% orlower for theweek

Spring Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Submit an engagement idea to your supervisor
  2. Fill out a Print Request
  3. No unplanned absences or tardies for the week
  4. Take a walk outside on Break or Lunch
  5. Transferred a call to the Humana Support IB
  6. Client or member asks you to read through the menu
  7. Get a Kudos Call
  8. Send a tip you wish you knew when you started to your supervisor
  9. Team Meeting with Camera On
  10. Availability at 80% or higher for the week
  11. Submit Peer Recognition (remember to cc your sup)
  12. Suggest a topic for a team meeting
  13. ACW % was 10% or lower for the week
  14. did you clear you cache and cookies, before notifying your supervisor of issues with Max or UKG
  15. Had 98% or above QA for a week
  16. Send your April Goals to your Supervisor and Lead in an email
  17. Give praise in the Humana Fun Chat to 2 team members
  18. Got a 100% QA call review
  19. Tell the team in the Fun Chat your Favorite Mom's Meals Meal
  20. Send a "Dad Joke" to your lead
  21. Client or member asks you about the weather
  22. Submitted an "I Rock" QA review
  23. "Said Humana Meal Program" on a non-Humana call
  24. Health Break at 5% or lower for the week