the way anauthororganizes atext orsectionto predictor foreseefutureeventsthe lessonlearned ormessagein the storythis type of textare non-fictiontexts that givesus REAL factsor informationadjectivesthat describea characterbased offtheir ADP'sincludes aBME, keydetails, andno falseinformationthiselement ofplot buildstensiongives humancharacteristicsto nonhumanthingswhat thepoet is reallytrying to saycomparing andcontrastingbetween twodifferent pairedpassagesmeans toemphasizeor showimportanceanorganizationalpattern thatlooks forsimilarities anddifferencesa judgementaboutsomethingnot based onfactsAdisagreement,argument, orproblem in thestoryfigurativelanguagethat uses adirectcomparisonthis P.O.Vuses thepronouns he,she, themsupports themain idea orinference claimwith evidencestraight from thetextThe reason"WHY" anauthor writes atext or includespecificinformationfinding cluewords to helpyou understandthe meaning awordwhat thetext ismostlyaboutcomponents outsidethe body paragraphthat includesheadings, pictures,and labeleddiagramsanorganizationalpattern that listevents in orderusing dates andnumbersvisualdescriptivefigurativelanguage thatappeals to our5 sensesA conclusionbased onbackgroundKnowledge andtext evidencethe way anauthororganizes atext orsectionto predictor foreseefutureeventsthe lessonlearned ormessagein the storythis type of textare non-fictiontexts that givesus REAL factsor informationadjectivesthat describea characterbased offtheir ADP'sincludes aBME, keydetails, andno falseinformationthiselement ofplot buildstensiongives humancharacteristicsto nonhumanthingswhat thepoet is reallytrying to saycomparing andcontrastingbetween twodifferent pairedpassagesmeans toemphasizeor showimportanceanorganizationalpattern thatlooks forsimilarities anddifferencesa judgementaboutsomethingnot based onfactsAdisagreement,argument, orproblem in thestoryfigurativelanguagethat uses adirectcomparisonthis P.O.Vuses thepronouns he,she, themsupports themain idea orinference claimwith evidencestraight from thetextThe reason"WHY" anauthor writes atext or includespecificinformationfinding cluewords to helpyou understandthe meaning awordwhat thetext ismostlyaboutcomponents outsidethe body paragraphthat includesheadings, pictures,and labeleddiagramsanorganizationalpattern that listevents in orderusing dates andnumbersvisualdescriptivefigurativelanguage thatappeals to our5 sensesA conclusionbased onbackgroundKnowledge andtext evidence

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the way an author organizes a text or section
  2. to predict or foresee future events
  3. the lesson learned or message in the story
  4. this type of text are non-fiction texts that gives us REAL facts or information
  5. adjectives that describe a character based off their ADP's
  6. includes a BME, key details, and no false information
  7. this element of plot builds tension
  8. gives human characteristics to nonhuman things
  9. what the poet is really trying to say
  10. comparing and contrasting between two different paired passages
  11. means to emphasize or show importance
  12. an organizational pattern that looks for similarities and differences
  13. a judgement about something not based on facts
  14. A disagreement, argument, or problem in the story
  15. figurative language that uses a direct comparison
  16. this P.O.V uses the pronouns he, she, them
  17. supports the main idea or inference claim with evidence straight from the text
  18. The reason "WHY" an author writes a text or include specific information
  19. finding clue words to help you understand the meaning a word
  20. what the text is mostly about
  21. components outside the body paragraph that includes headings, pictures, and labeled diagrams
  22. an organizational pattern that list events in order using dates and numbers
  23. visual descriptive figurative language that appeals to our 5 senses
  24. A conclusion based on background Knowledge and text evidence