Summarizethe chapteryou just readDescribe acharacter'spersonality traitsusing specificexamples to backup your opinionsList five adjectivesthat describe thebook's maincharacter andexplain yourchoicesTell yourthoughts andfeelings aboutthe theme ofthe storyHow do youthink thestory willend? Why?Write aboutsomething thatsurprised you orthat you foundinteresting whilereadingWould boysand girls enjoythis bookequally?Support yourreasons.Do any of thecharacters remindyou of friends,family members,or class-mates?Explain.List ten words fromthe book that you findinteresting orunfamiliar. Write theirdefinitions and usethem each in asentence.Illustrate abook coverdifferentfrom what ison your bookPretend that youare the author andyou are writing asequel to thisbook. Explain whatshould happen.Explore howthe maincharacterchanged inthe storyDescribe acharacter'spersonality traitthat you'd like topossess. Why doyou like this trait?Write about yourfavorite part ofthe book andwhy it wasimportant to thestoryWhat advicewould you givea character inthe book?Why?List and identifyfive examplesof figurativelanguage fromthe bookCompare twocharacters in thebook to each otherusing similaritiesand differencesChoose a characterfrom the book, decidewhat would be aperfect birthdaypresent for thatcharacter and explainwhyWrite aboutan importantlesson thatwas learnedin the storyWrite a diaryentry in thevoice of acharacter inthe bookWhat do youthink is themost importantscene in thebook? Why?Make a list of thecharacters in yourbook and then create acast of famous peoplethat you would chooseto portray thatcharacter if you weremaking a movieCompare acharacter in yourbook to acharacter inanother bookyou have readWhatcharacter doyou think willchange themost? Why?Summarizethe chapteryou just readDescribe acharacter'spersonality traitsusing specificexamples to backup your opinionsList five adjectivesthat describe thebook's maincharacter andexplain yourchoicesTell yourthoughts andfeelings aboutthe theme ofthe storyHow do youthink thestory willend? Why?Write aboutsomething thatsurprised you orthat you foundinteresting whilereadingWould boysand girls enjoythis bookequally?Support yourreasons.Do any of thecharacters remindyou of friends,family members,or class-mates?Explain.List ten words fromthe book that you findinteresting orunfamiliar. Write theirdefinitions and usethem each in asentence.Illustrate abook coverdifferentfrom what ison your bookPretend that youare the author andyou are writing asequel to thisbook. Explain whatshould happen.Explore howthe maincharacterchanged inthe storyDescribe acharacter'spersonality traitthat you'd like topossess. Why doyou like this trait?Write about yourfavorite part ofthe book andwhy it wasimportant to thestoryWhat advicewould you givea character inthe book?Why?List and identifyfive examplesof figurativelanguage fromthe bookCompare twocharacters in thebook to each otherusing similaritiesand differencesChoose a characterfrom the book, decidewhat would be aperfect birthdaypresent for thatcharacter and explainwhyWrite aboutan importantlesson thatwas learnedin the storyWrite a diaryentry in thevoice of acharacter inthe bookWhat do youthink is themost importantscene in thebook? Why?Make a list of thecharacters in yourbook and then create acast of famous peoplethat you would chooseto portray thatcharacter if you weremaking a movieCompare acharacter in yourbook to acharacter inanother bookyou have readWhatcharacter doyou think willchange themost? Why?

Independent Reading Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.