Grew up with herdads side of thefamily primarilyearring sopes,enfrijoladas,tlayudasand champurradoWants to work withundocumentedyouth to help themnavigate theimmigrationsystemExploringnew places isher favoriteweekendactivityis a people'sperson and willchoose to hang outwithfriends over mostlyanything (especiallyto procrastinate) Lovesboba andall typesof noodlesI enjoy takingpictures on myphone, digitalcamera,and polaroid. I aspire to go tomedical school tobecome apsychiatrist orgeneralphysician  I eat oatmealalmost everymorning andalwayshave coffee Career Interest:Pediatrician (butpossiblyspecialize inneonatalmedicine) FavoriteArtist isBadBunnywill becomethe first LatinoPresident ofthe UnitedStatesOwnsover 100FunkosTime at UCLAUnicamp, ProjectLiteracy and BC hasallowed her to embarkon a life long journey toserve others withauthenticity integrityand solidaritymet theirwife atUCLAFSP I love summer,Harry Styles andTaylor Swift. I am amorning person andneed a coffee everymorning FavoriteMovies:Howl’s MovingCastle andSpirited Awaywants to providestudentsguidance on howto navigate lifeoutsideof the classroom Cinthiais hisBFFmoral compass andworldview werecreated anddevelopedthrough my churchexperiencesand the lessons Ilearned Graduatedfrom SylmarCharter High(LAUSD)Lovesfashion.I’m spiritual butnot religiouslyaffiliated, and I’mafeminist. born on August17, 2000 so Iam a Chinesedragon andLEO babyaspiring:writer,makeup artist,horticulturalist,swimmerGrew up with herdads side of thefamily primarilyearring sopes,enfrijoladas,tlayudasand champurradoWants to work withundocumentedyouth to help themnavigate theimmigrationsystemExploringnew places isher favoriteweekendactivityis a people'sperson and willchoose to hang outwithfriends over mostlyanything (especiallyto procrastinate) Lovesboba andall typesof noodlesI enjoy takingpictures on myphone, digitalcamera,and polaroid. I aspire to go tomedical school tobecome apsychiatrist orgeneralphysician  I eat oatmealalmost everymorning andalwayshave coffee Career Interest:Pediatrician (butpossiblyspecialize inneonatalmedicine) FavoriteArtist isBadBunnywill becomethe first LatinoPresident ofthe UnitedStatesOwnsover 100FunkosTime at UCLAUnicamp, ProjectLiteracy and BC hasallowed her to embarkon a life long journey toserve others withauthenticity integrityand solidaritymet theirwife atUCLAFSP I love summer,Harry Styles andTaylor Swift. I am amorning person andneed a coffee everymorning FavoriteMovies:Howl’s MovingCastle andSpirited Awaywants to providestudentsguidance on howto navigate lifeoutsideof the classroom Cinthiais hisBFFmoral compass andworldview werecreated anddevelopedthrough my churchexperiencesand the lessons Ilearned Graduatedfrom SylmarCharter High(LAUSD)Lovesfashion.I’m spiritual butnot religiouslyaffiliated, and I’mafeminist. born on August17, 2000 so Iam a Chinesedragon andLEO babyaspiring:writer,makeup artist,horticulturalist,swimmer

Ed 171 Bingo D - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Grew up with her dads side of the family primarily earring sopes, enfrijoladas,tlayudas and champurrado
  2. Wants to work with undocumented youth to help them navigate the immigration system
  3. Exploring new places is her favorite weekend activity
  4. is a people's person and will choose to hang out with friends over mostly anything (especially to procrastinate)
  5. Loves boba and all types of noodles
  6. I enjoy taking pictures on my phone, digital camera, and polaroid.
  7. I aspire to go to medical school to become a psychiatrist or general physician
  8. I eat oatmeal almost every morning and always have coffee
  9. Career Interest: Pediatrician (but possibly specialize in neonatal medicine)
  10. Favorite Artist is Bad Bunny
  11. will become the first Latino President of the United States
  12. Owns over 100 Funkos
  13. Time at UCLA Unicamp, Project Literacy and BC has allowed her to embark on a life long journey to serve others with authenticity integrity and solidarity
  14. met their wife at UCLA FSP
  15. I love summer, Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. I am a morning person and need a coffee every morning
  16. Favorite Movies: Howl’s Moving Castle and Spirited Away
  17. wants to provide students guidance on how to navigate life outside of the classroom
  18. Cinthia is his BFF
  19. moral compass and worldview were created and developed through my church experiences and the lessons I learned
  20. Graduated from Sylmar Charter High (LAUSD)
  21. Loves fashion.
  22. I’m spiritual but not religiously af filiated, and I’m a feminist.
  23. born on August 17, 2000 so I am a Chinese dragon and LEO baby
  24. aspiring: writer, makeup artist, horticulturalist, swimmer