What newscenariosdid you getover theweekend?What newfiles did youget over theweekend?What else doyou want toget submittedand closedthis month?what newapplicationsare youworking on?Do you haveany otherfiles you areworking on?Whatloans/apps/filescan we priceout?Any otherfiles that youare lookingto bring inthis month?Do you haveanythingelse you areworking on?Did you getany new filesover theweekend?What elseare youworkingon?How manyapplicationsare youworking on?What newloans do youhave at yourdesk?What dealsdo you havethat youwant to priceout?Are youworking onany newapplications?How manyscenarioshave youcome acrossthis week?Any newleads atyourdesk?How many newapplications didyou get overthe weekend?What newdeals areyou workingon?What otherapplicationsare youready toimport?How manynew scenariosdid you getover theweekend?Any newfiles that youare ready toimport?What newbusiness doyou have atyour desk?What elseare youlooking tobring in thismonth?What newleads do youhave at yourdesk?What newscenariosdid you getover theweekend?What newfiles did youget over theweekend?What else doyou want toget submittedand closedthis month?what newapplicationsare youworking on?Do you haveany otherfiles you areworking on?Whatloans/apps/filescan we priceout?Any otherfiles that youare lookingto bring inthis month?Do you haveanythingelse you areworking on?Did you getany new filesover theweekend?What elseare youworkingon?How manyapplicationsare youworking on?What newloans do youhave at yourdesk?What dealsdo you havethat youwant to priceout?Are youworking onany newapplications?How manyscenarioshave youcome acrossthis week?Any newleads atyourdesk?How many newapplications didyou get overthe weekend?What newdeals areyou workingon?What otherapplicationsare youready toimport?How manynew scenariosdid you getover theweekend?Any newfiles that youare ready toimport?What newbusiness doyou have atyour desk?What elseare youlooking tobring in thismonth?What newleads do youhave at yourdesk?

Ask for Business! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What new scenarios did you get over the weekend?
  2. What new files did you get over the weekend?
  3. What else do you want to get submitted and closed this month?
  4. what new applications are you working on?
  5. Do you have any other files you are working on?
  6. What loans/apps/files can we price out?
  7. Any other files that you are looking to bring in this month?
  8. Do you have anything else you are working on?
  9. Did you get any new files over the weekend?
  10. What else are you working on?
  11. How many applications are you working on?
  12. What new loans do you have at your desk?
  13. What deals do you have that you want to price out?
  14. Are you working on any new applications?
  15. How many scenarios have you come across this week?
  16. Any new leads at your desk?
  17. How many new applications did you get over the weekend?
  18. What new deals are you working on?
  19. What other applications are you ready to import?
  20. How many new scenarios did you get over the weekend?
  21. Any new files that you are ready to import?
  22. What new business do you have at your desk?
  23. What else are you looking to bring in this month?
  24. What new leads do you have at your desk?