Use RestoreFaith inElections Actin comment(H.R 102).Share a photoof an Easterdecoration inthe groupchat.Get one voter who isoriginally less thanvery likely to vote inthe primary to agreeto definitely vote inthe primary.Use nursesassociationendorsementin acomment.Use FraternalOrder ofPoliceendorsementin a comment.Use DefundCities thatDefund theirPolice incomment (H.R3098).Post acool/funnywelcomemat in thegroup chat.Usefirefighter'sunionendorsementin a comment.Use a joboccupationin acomment.Use anobservation(I.E; "Americanflag on frontporch.") in acomment.Get apersonalstory with B.Fand put it in acomment.Use Buck'scounty GOPendorsementin 3 differentcomments.Use theCHIPSact in acomment.Share a photo ofa phrase writtenin the Ukrainianlanguage in thegroup chat.Get 10yardsigns out.Use Brianhelping to killBBB. In 3differentcomments.UseKate's lawin acomment.Get a personalstory with MikeFitzpatrick andput it in acomment.Flip one voterfrom definitelyor probably noto at leastundecided orprobably yes.Get a storyabout Brian'soffice helpingsomeone andput it in thecomment.Use Brian'scosponsorshipof Invest ToProtect Act 22'in a comment.Send onemessage in thegroup chat thatdetails yourawesome/uniqueinteraction with avoter.Use Madein AmericaEPA in acomment.Use ReopenKeystonePipeline andBring EnergyIndependencein a comment.Use RestoreFaith inElections Actin comment(H.R 102).Share a photoof an Easterdecoration inthe groupchat.Get one voter who isoriginally less thanvery likely to vote inthe primary to agreeto definitely vote inthe primary.Use nursesassociationendorsementin acomment.Use FraternalOrder ofPoliceendorsementin a comment.Use DefundCities thatDefund theirPolice incomment (H.R3098).Post acool/funnywelcomemat in thegroup chat.Usefirefighter'sunionendorsementin a comment.Use a joboccupationin acomment.Use anobservation(I.E; "Americanflag on frontporch.") in acomment.Get apersonalstory with B.Fand put it in acomment.Use Buck'scounty GOPendorsementin 3 differentcomments.Use theCHIPSact in acomment.Share a photo ofa phrase writtenin the Ukrainianlanguage in thegroup chat.Get 10yardsigns out.Use Brianhelping to killBBB. In 3differentcomments.UseKate's lawin acomment.Get a personalstory with MikeFitzpatrick andput it in acomment.Flip one voterfrom definitelyor probably noto at leastundecided orprobably yes.Get a storyabout Brian'soffice helpingsomeone andput it in thecomment.Use Brian'scosponsorshipof Invest ToProtect Act 22'in a comment.Send onemessage in thegroup chat thatdetails yourawesome/uniqueinteraction with avoter.Use Madein AmericaEPA in acomment.Use ReopenKeystonePipeline andBring EnergyIndependencein a comment.

Team Fitz - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Use Restore Faith in Elections Act in comment (H.R 102).
  2. Share a photo of an Easter decoration in the group chat.
  3. Get one voter who is originally less than very likely to vote in the primary to agree to definitely vote in the primary.
  4. Use nurses association endorsement in a comment.
  5. Use Fraternal Order of Police endorsement in a comment.
  6. Use Defund Cities that Defund their Police in comment (H.R 3098).
  7. Post a cool/funny welcome mat in the group chat.
  8. Use firefighter's union endorsement in a comment.
  9. Use a job occupation in a comment.
  10. Use an observation (I.E; "American flag on front porch.") in a comment.
  11. Get a personal story with B.F and put it in a comment.
  12. Use Buck's county GOP endorsement in 3 different comments.
  13. Use the CHIPS act in a comment.
  14. Share a photo of a phrase written in the Ukrainian language in the group chat.
  15. Get 10 yard signs out.
  16. Use Brian helping to kill BBB. In 3 different comments.
  17. Use Kate's law in a comment.
  18. Get a personal story with Mike Fitzpatrick and put it in a comment.
  19. Flip one voter from definitely or probably no to at least undecided or probably yes.
  20. Get a story about Brian's office helping someone and put it in the comment.
  21. Use Brian's cosponsorship of Invest To Protect Act 22' in a comment.
  22. Send one message in the group chat that details your awesome/unique interaction with a voter.
  23. Use Made in America EPA in a comment.
  24. Use Reopen Keystone Pipeline and Bring Energy Independence in a comment.