waselectedgovernorin 1952.Using the radio,Long listed hisproposals for howto end theDepression andcreated his set ofideas calledbecamegovernor afterMiró returnedto Spain in1791.planned on takingLong’s Senate seat,but died of a heartattack before hecould take the seat.In 1944,defeated EarlLong for thegovernorship.whiteflightslaves from upriver ofNew Orleans rebelledagainst their mastersin the largest slaverevolt in Americanhistory.___ ___ ____,second largest riverdrainage system inLouisiana; begins inNew Mexico andflows into theAtchafalaya andMississippi Rivers.___ _____ weretraders, as wellas farmers, thatlived along theRed River.laissez lesbontempsroulerwas designed tocreate havoc forthe Confederatesby freeing slavesin Confederate-controlled areas.Louisiana became afinancial burden onFrance, butthey wanted to keepit so that the SpanishandEnglish could not layclaim to it.Governor,1972-1980These acts divided thestates of the formerConfederacy into fivedistricts and put themunder military control;some call this periodMilitaryReconstruction.Most countries havea _____ _______located on acontinuum between apure market and purecommand economy., the name forlegal gambling,is another largerevenuesource.victorygardenPopulation________ oftenassociated withtheSportsman’sParadise andCrossroadsregions.was grownthroughoutLouisiana, but itwasmost popular northof Pointe Coupee.Governor,1984-1988a person who had notaccepted changesmade after the CivilWar,specifically theabolition of slavery.isolationistsrationingwaselectedgovernorin 1952.Using the radio,Long listed hisproposals for howto end theDepression andcreated his set ofideas calledbecamegovernor afterMiró returnedto Spain in1791.planned on takingLong’s Senate seat,but died of a heartattack before hecould take the seat.In 1944,defeated EarlLong for thegovernorship.whiteflightslaves from upriver ofNew Orleans rebelledagainst their mastersin the largest slaverevolt in Americanhistory.___ ___ ____,second largest riverdrainage system inLouisiana; begins inNew Mexico andflows into theAtchafalaya andMississippi Rivers.___ _____ weretraders, as wellas farmers, thatlived along theRed River.laissez lesbontempsroulerwas designed tocreate havoc forthe Confederatesby freeing slavesin Confederate-controlled areas.Louisiana became afinancial burden onFrance, butthey wanted to keepit so that the SpanishandEnglish could not layclaim to it.Governor,1972-1980These acts divided thestates of the formerConfederacy into fivedistricts and put themunder military control;some call this periodMilitaryReconstruction.Most countries havea _____ _______located on acontinuum between apure market and purecommand economy., the name forlegal gambling,is another largerevenuesource.victorygardenPopulation________ oftenassociated withtheSportsman’sParadise andCrossroadsregions.was grownthroughoutLouisiana, but itwasmost popular northof Pointe Coupee.Governor,1984-1988a person who had notaccepted changesmade after the CivilWar,specifically theabolition of slavery.isolationistsrationing

Louisiana History Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. was elected governor in 1952.
  2. Using the radio, Long listed his proposals for how to end the Depression and created his set of ideas called
  3. became governor after Miró returned to Spain in 1791.
  4. planned on taking Long’s Senate seat, but died of a heart attack before he could take the seat.
  5. In 1944, defeated Earl Long for the governorship.
  6. white flight
  7. slaves from upriver of New Orleans rebelled against their masters in the largest slave revolt in American history.
  8. ___ ___ ____, second largest river drainage system in Louisiana; begins in New Mexico and flows into the Atchafalaya and Mississippi Rivers.
  9. ___ _____ were traders, as well as farmers, that lived along the Red River.
  10. laissez les bon temps rouler
  11. was designed to create havoc for the Confederates by freeing slaves in Confederate-controlled areas.
  12. Louisiana became a financial burden on France, but they wanted to keep it so that the Spanish and English could not lay claim to it.
  13. Governor, 1972-1980
  14. These acts divided the states of the former Confederacy into five districts and put them under military control; some call this period Military Reconstruction.
  15. Most countries have a _____ _______ located on a continuum between a pure market and pure command economy.
  16. , the name for legal gambling, is another large revenue source.
  17. victory garden
  18. Population
  19. ________ often associated with the Sportsman’s Paradise and Crossroads regions.
  20. was grown throughout Louisiana, but it was most popular north of Pointe Coupee.
  21. Governor, 1984-1988
  22. a person who had not accepted changes made after the Civil War, specifically the abolition of slavery.
  23. isolationists
  24. rationing