She told youthat she hadpho forbreakfast.She said thatRussian washer firstlanguage.She said thatshe likedSpanishsongs.She said thatEnglish washer firstlanguage.She told youthat she hadbanh mi forbreakfast.He said thathe didn'tworkedyesterday.He toldme thathe is notmarried.He saidthat heloved livingin Hanoi.He told youthat he tookthe busgoing toDalat.She said thatapple washer favoritefruit He saidthat heloved livingin Saigon.He told youthat he tookthe busgoing to HoiAn.She said thatorange washer favoritefruit.He toldme thathe ismarried.She said thatshe likedEnglishsongs.He saidthat heworkedyesterday.She told youthat she hadpho forbreakfast.She said thatRussian washer firstlanguage.She said thatshe likedSpanishsongs.She said thatEnglish washer firstlanguage.She told youthat she hadbanh mi forbreakfast.He said thathe didn'tworkedyesterday.He toldme thathe is notmarried.He saidthat heloved livingin Hanoi.He told youthat he tookthe busgoing toDalat.She said thatapple washer favoritefruit He saidthat heloved livingin Saigon.He told youthat he tookthe busgoing to HoiAn.She said thatorange washer favoritefruit.He toldme thathe ismarried.She said thatshe likedEnglishsongs.He saidthat heworkedyesterday.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. She told you that she had pho for breakfast.
  2. She said that Russian was her first language.
  3. She said that she liked Spanish songs.
  4. She said that English was her first language.
  5. She told you that she had banh mi for breakfast.
  6. He said that he didn't worked yesterday.
  7. He told me that he is not married.
  8. He said that he loved living in Hanoi.
  9. He told you that he took the bus going to Dalat.
  10. She said that apple was her favorite fruit
  11. He said that he loved living in Saigon.
  12. He told you that he took the bus going to Hoi An.
  13. She said that orange was her favorite fruit.
  14. He told me that he is married.
  15. She said that she liked English songs.
  16. He said that he worked yesterday.