haudenosauneeconfederacyThis is a league of6 nations whosepolitical unity isdemonstrated inan early modernwampum beltsecondarysourceHistorians createthese in the form oflectures, articles,and monographs asa kind of expertknowledgeindiannewdealThe Indian Arts andCrafts Act, theJohnson-O’MalleyAct, and the IndianReorganization Actmake up this policy.standingbearThis Kiowa man suedthe U.S. governmentin 1879 and wasfound to be a“person” under U.S.constitutional lawcarlisle,paThis was thelocation of thegovernment’s firstoff-reservationIndian industrialboarding schoolopened in 1879makahnationThis is nation witha maritimetradition, whichincludes potlatch,whaling, and fishand cedarinterpretationThis is thehistorical skillwhich includesobservation,deduction,speculation, andresearchtrail ofbrokentreatiesComplete thisanalogy: ifbirmingham 1963 isto alcatraz 1969, thenthe chicago freedomsummer 1965 is tothis.klamathtribesThese 3 nationsunder 1confederated tribewere targeted fortermination in1953primarysourceHistorians use thiskind of evidence,created during theperiod in which theystudy, to walk a pathback to the pastojibwenaitonsThis clan-basedpeoples fought tokeep reservations intheir Great Lakeshomelands in the1850scausationThis is thehistorical skillwhich includesmicro, meso,and macroscaleswoundedkneeSand Creek in 1864is oftenovershadowed bythis 1890 violentencounter whichhas come to be ahistorical hingeancientoneKennewick Man, anancient human, wasknown by this nameby IndigenousUmatilla and ColvillepeoplenarrationThis is thehistorical skillwhich usestheses, claims,and argumentssaiThis group of Nativeintellectualsmobilized to contestthe controlling imageof Indians as pre-modern people.maizeEnglish colonistswere embarrassed torely on this Nativeinvention for theirsurvival at theJamestown colony"playingindian"A group of poorlydisguised menbegan a longAmerican traditionof this at theBoston tea party in1773treatyThe first of oneof these wassigned with theDelawareLenape nation in1778wintercountThis is anIndigenousarchive whichcaptures animportant eventfrom 1833constitutionof theunitedstatesThe Indigenousversion of thisseminal documentacknowledgesNative tribalsovereigntypueblonationsThis is the group of19 contemporarynations whichresisted Spanishcolonialism is afamous action in1680cherokeenationThis nation wasdivided between aTreaty Faction andNational Party inthe 1830sgeneralallotmentactThis was the mostimportantlegislationregarding landenacted during theassimilation erahaudenosauneeconfederacyThis is a league of6 nations whosepolitical unity isdemonstrated inan early modernwampum beltsecondarysourceHistorians createthese in the form oflectures, articles,and monographs asa kind of expertknowledgeindiannewdealThe Indian Arts andCrafts Act, theJohnson-O’MalleyAct, and the IndianReorganization Actmake up this policy.standingbearThis Kiowa man suedthe U.S. governmentin 1879 and wasfound to be a“person” under U.S.constitutional lawcarlisle,paThis was thelocation of thegovernment’s firstoff-reservationIndian industrialboarding schoolopened in 1879makahnationThis is nation witha maritimetradition, whichincludes potlatch,whaling, and fishand cedarinterpretationThis is thehistorical skillwhich includesobservation,deduction,speculation, andresearchtrail ofbrokentreatiesComplete thisanalogy: ifbirmingham 1963 isto alcatraz 1969, thenthe chicago freedomsummer 1965 is tothis.klamathtribesThese 3 nationsunder 1confederated tribewere targeted fortermination in1953primarysourceHistorians use thiskind of evidence,created during theperiod in which theystudy, to walk a pathback to the pastojibwenaitonsThis clan-basedpeoples fought tokeep reservations intheir Great Lakeshomelands in the1850scausationThis is thehistorical skillwhich includesmicro, meso,and macroscaleswoundedkneeSand Creek in 1864is oftenovershadowed bythis 1890 violentencounter whichhas come to be ahistorical hingeancientoneKennewick Man, anancient human, wasknown by this nameby IndigenousUmatilla and ColvillepeoplenarrationThis is thehistorical skillwhich usestheses, claims,and argumentssaiThis group of Nativeintellectualsmobilized to contestthe controlling imageof Indians as pre-modern people.maizeEnglish colonistswere embarrassed torely on this Nativeinvention for theirsurvival at theJamestown colony"playingindian"A group of poorlydisguised menbegan a longAmerican traditionof this at theBoston tea party in1773treatyThe first of oneof these wassigned with theDelawareLenape nation in1778wintercountThis is anIndigenousarchive whichcaptures animportant eventfrom 1833constitutionof theunitedstatesThe Indigenousversion of thisseminal documentacknowledgesNative tribalsovereigntypueblonationsThis is the group of19 contemporarynations whichresisted Spanishcolonialism is afamous action in1680cherokeenationThis nation wasdivided between aTreaty Faction andNational Party inthe 1830sgeneralallotmentactThis was the mostimportantlegislationregarding landenacted during theassimilation era

HIST 490 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. This is a league of 6 nations whose political unity is demonstrated in an early modern wampum belt
    haudenosaunee confederacy
  2. Historians create these in the form of lectures, articles, and monographs as a kind of expert knowledge
    secondary source
  3. The Indian Arts and Crafts Act, the Johnson-O’Malley Act, and the Indian Reorganization Act make up this policy.
    indian new deal
  4. This Kiowa man sued the U.S. government in 1879 and was found to be a “person” under U.S. constitutional law
    standing bear
  5. This was the location of the government’s first off-reservation Indian industrial boarding school opened in 1879
    carlisle, pa
  6. This is nation with a maritime tradition, which includes potlatch, whaling, and fish and cedar
    makah nation
  7. This is the historical skill which includes observation, deduction, speculation, and research
  8. Complete this analogy: if birmingham 1963 is to alcatraz 1969, then the chicago freedom summer 1965 is to this.
    trail of broken treaties
  9. These 3 nations under 1 confederated tribe were targeted for termination in 1953
    klamath tribes
  10. Historians use this kind of evidence, created during the period in which they study, to walk a path back to the past
    primary source
  11. This clan-based peoples fought to keep reservations in their Great Lakes homelands in the 1850s
    ojibwe naitons
  12. This is the historical skill which includes micro, meso, and macro scales
  13. Sand Creek in 1864 is often overshadowed by this 1890 violent encounter which has come to be a historical hinge
    wounded knee
  14. Kennewick Man, an ancient human, was known by this name by Indigenous Umatilla and Colville people
    ancient one
  15. This is the historical skill which uses theses, claims, and arguments
  16. This group of Native intellectuals mobilized to contest the controlling image of Indians as pre-modern people.
  17. English colonists were embarrassed to rely on this Native invention for their survival at the Jamestown colony
  18. A group of poorly disguised men began a long American tradition of this at the Boston tea party in 1773
    "playing indian"
  19. The first of one of these was signed with the Delaware Lenape nation in 1778
  20. This is an Indigenous archive which captures an important event from 1833
    winter count
  21. The Indigenous version of this seminal document acknowledges Native tribal sovereignty
    constitution of the united states
  22. This is the group of 19 contemporary nations which resisted Spanish colonialism is a famous action in 1680
    pueblo nations
  23. This nation was divided between a Treaty Faction and National Party in the 1830s
    cherokee nation
  24. This was the most important legislation regarding land enacted during the assimilation era
    general allotment act