12. Wasteproducts arefiltered from theblood in thekidneys.  6. Muscleschurn thestomach toaid digestion.  14. Blood carrieshormonesthroughout thebody.   20. The heart islargelycomposed ofmuscle tissue.   19. Musclecontractions areinvolved inemptying theurinary bladder.   10. Thecontraction andrelaxation ofskeletal musclesmoves bones.   18. Cells lining thenostrils producemucus that keeps thenearby tissue fromdrying out.   11. Contraction ofthe diaphragmhelps move air intothe lungs.   9. Muscles raisethe hair on thearms and legs tohelp retain heat.   16. The ribcage expandsto help moveair into thelungs.  3. Oxygen movesfrom the lungs to theblood, and carbondioxide moves fromthe blood to thelungs.   24. Musclecontractions inthe uterus pushthe fetus outduring labor.   1.The respiratorysystem removes thewaste gas carbondioxide from thebody.  2. Breathing rateincreases duringexercise to help meetthe increased oxygendemand by skeletalmuscles.    25. Signalstravel down thespinal cord tothe muscles.   15. Bloodcarries digestednutrients to bodycells.   5. The brainstem regulatesbreathing.    4. Bone marrowproduces bloodcells.    8. Hormonescan contributeto asthmaattacks.   17. Hormonescause males toput on moremuscle massduring puberty.  7. White bloodcells attackpathogens such asbacteria andviruses.  23. Mucus liningthe respiratorypassages helpstrap pathogens.  13.Platelets inthe blood helpclose small cutsin the skin.   21. The brainstem controlsheart rate.   22. The pharynxserves as apassageway forboth air and food.  12. Wasteproducts arefiltered from theblood in thekidneys.  6. Muscleschurn thestomach toaid digestion.  14. Blood carrieshormonesthroughout thebody.   20. The heart islargelycomposed ofmuscle tissue.   19. Musclecontractions areinvolved inemptying theurinary bladder.   10. Thecontraction andrelaxation ofskeletal musclesmoves bones.   18. Cells lining thenostrils producemucus that keeps thenearby tissue fromdrying out.   11. Contraction ofthe diaphragmhelps move air intothe lungs.   9. Muscles raisethe hair on thearms and legs tohelp retain heat.   16. The ribcage expandsto help moveair into thelungs.  3. Oxygen movesfrom the lungs to theblood, and carbondioxide moves fromthe blood to thelungs.   24. Musclecontractions inthe uterus pushthe fetus outduring labor.   1.The respiratorysystem removes thewaste gas carbondioxide from thebody.  2. Breathing rateincreases duringexercise to help meetthe increased oxygendemand by skeletalmuscles.    25. Signalstravel down thespinal cord tothe muscles.   15. Bloodcarries digestednutrients to bodycells.   5. The brainstem regulatesbreathing.    4. Bone marrowproduces bloodcells.    8. Hormonescan contributeto asthmaattacks.   17. Hormonescause males toput on moremuscle massduring puberty.  7. White bloodcells attackpathogens such asbacteria andviruses.  23. Mucus liningthe respiratorypassages helpstrap pathogens.  13.Platelets inthe blood helpclose small cutsin the skin.   21. The brainstem controlsheart rate.   22. The pharynxserves as apassageway forboth air and food.  

Body System BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 12. Waste products are filtered from the blood in the kidneys.
  2. 6. Muscles churn the stomach to aid digestion.
  3. 14. Blood carries hormones throughout the body.
  4. 20. The heart is largely composed of muscle tissue.
  5. 19. Muscle contractions are involved in emptying the urinary bladder.
  6. 10. The contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscles moves bones.
  7. 18. Cells lining the nostrils produce mucus that keeps the nearby tissue from drying out.
  8. 11. Contraction of the diaphragm helps move air into the lungs.
  9. 9. Muscles raise the hair on the arms and legs to help retain heat.
  10. 16. The rib cage expands to help move air into the lungs.
  11. 3. Oxygen moves from the lungs to the blood, and carbon dioxide moves from the blood to the lungs.
  12. 24. Muscle contractions in the uterus push the fetus out during labor.
  13. 1.The respiratory system removes the waste gas carbon dioxide from the body.
  14. 2. Breathing rate increases during exercise to help meet the increased oxygen demand by skeletal muscles.
  15. 25. Signals travel down the spinal cord to the muscles.
  16. 15. Blood carries digested nutrients to body cells.
  17. 5. The brain stem regulates breathing.
  18. 4. Bone marrow produces blood cells.
  19. 8. Hormones can contribute to asthma attacks.
  20. 17. Hormones cause males to put on more muscle mass during puberty.
  21. 7. White blood cells attack pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.
  22. 23. Mucus lining the respiratory passages helps trap pathogens.
  23. 13.Platelets in the blood help close small cuts in the skin.
  24. 21. The brain stem controls heart rate.
  25. 22. The pharynx serves as a passageway for both air and food.