very;exceedinglyto persuadeby ingenuityor flattery; toenticehabitspeculiar toanindividualbeautiful,attractivepeaceful,happysharp,harsh,meanMs. Jo is anICONOCLASTbecause she not onlyrefuses to believe inmarriage, but shespeaks aggressivelyagainst it often.lies/ theuse oftrickery todeceiveThe technology classwas DIDACTIC; wereturned to work withnew ideas toimplement into ourdaily procedures.a provisionadded to a willthat wouldchange aninheritancetocomplainhabituallychangeable,erraticThe teacher realizedthat she needed tore-teach SYNTAXwhen severalstudents’ essayswere filled withconfusing sentencesand multiple chat;converseThere was not anabundance ofevidence. In fact, theguilty verdict restedon a SCINTILLA offibers found under asofa cushion.beingmixed up;confusedAlvin acted as aLIAISON, onewho maintainscommunicationfor mutualunderstanding.Thanksgiving dinnerwas ruined by UncleHerbert who expressedhis political views insuch a DOGMATICmanner that everyonewas offended.When my surgeonsewed athermometer insideme, I didn't have topresent a case to thejudge; the incidentwas RES IPSALOGUITURhatredThe justice systemof Pluto isEGALITARIANbecause the greenaliens are treatedas the blue aliensareThe population ofonly 86 island peoplespeak an ESOTERIClanguage that is notexpected to survivethe next 30 years.Pete's backyard wasoverflowing withNOXIOUS materialssuch as old paintcans, gallons ofpesticides, androtting batteriesAn accomplishedauthor does not haveto resort to writing aHACKNEYED storyof a boy and a girlwho meet, marry, andlive happily ever aftera long,angryspeechBecause the girltold a lie, she triedusing PLEONASMand useless wordsto crawl her wayout of itSome people thinkthat TV has helpedstudents learnquite a bit, but ithasSUPPRESSEDeducation.Erin decided to get ablood test todetermine if therewas anyCONSANGUINITYwith the man shethought was delay, toput offsomethingthat should bedone at once)very;exceedinglyto persuadeby ingenuityor flattery; toenticehabitspeculiar toanindividualbeautiful,attractivepeaceful,happysharp,harsh,meanMs. Jo is anICONOCLASTbecause she not onlyrefuses to believe inmarriage, but shespeaks aggressivelyagainst it often.lies/ theuse oftrickery todeceiveThe technology classwas DIDACTIC; wereturned to work withnew ideas toimplement into ourdaily procedures.a provisionadded to a willthat wouldchange aninheritancetocomplainhabituallychangeable,erraticThe teacher realizedthat she needed tore-teach SYNTAXwhen severalstudents’ essayswere filled withconfusing sentencesand multiple chat;converseThere was not anabundance ofevidence. In fact, theguilty verdict restedon a SCINTILLA offibers found under asofa cushion.beingmixed up;confusedAlvin acted as aLIAISON, onewho maintainscommunicationfor mutualunderstanding.Thanksgiving dinnerwas ruined by UncleHerbert who expressedhis political views insuch a DOGMATICmanner that everyonewas offended.When my surgeonsewed athermometer insideme, I didn't have topresent a case to thejudge; the incidentwas RES IPSALOGUITURhatredThe justice systemof Pluto isEGALITARIANbecause the greenaliens are treatedas the blue aliensareThe population ofonly 86 island peoplespeak an ESOTERIClanguage that is notexpected to survivethe next 30 years.Pete's backyard wasoverflowing withNOXIOUS materialssuch as old paintcans, gallons ofpesticides, androtting batteriesAn accomplishedauthor does not haveto resort to writing aHACKNEYED storyof a boy and a girlwho meet, marry, andlive happily ever aftera long,angryspeechBecause the girltold a lie, she triedusing PLEONASMand useless wordsto crawl her wayout of itSome people thinkthat TV has helpedstudents learnquite a bit, but ithasSUPPRESSEDeducation.Erin decided to get ablood test todetermine if therewas anyCONSANGUINITYwith the man shethought was delay, toput offsomethingthat should bedone at once)

context clues - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. very; exceedingly
  2. to persuade by ingenuity or flattery; to entice
  3. habits peculiar to an individual
  4. beautiful, attractive
  5. peaceful, happy
  6. sharp, harsh, mean
  7. Ms. Jo is an ICONOCLAST because she not only refuses to believe in marriage, but she speaks aggressively against it often.
  8. lies/ the use of trickery to deceive
  9. The technology class was DIDACTIC; we returned to work with new ideas to implement into our daily procedures.
  10. a provision added to a will that would change an inheritance
  11. to complain habitually
  12. changeable, erratic
  13. The teacher realized that she needed to re-teach SYNTAX when several students’ essays were filled with confusing sentences and multiple errors.
  14. to chat; converse
  15. There was not an abundance of evidence. In fact, the guilty verdict rested on a SCINTILLA of fibers found under a sofa cushion.
  16. being mixed up; confused
  17. Alvin acted as a LIAISON, one who maintains communication for mutual understanding.
  18. Thanksgiving dinner was ruined by Uncle Herbert who expressed his political views in such a DOGMATIC manner that everyone was offended.
  19. When my surgeon sewed a thermometer inside me, I didn't have to present a case to the judge; the incident was RES IPSA LOGUITUR
  20. hatred
  21. The justice system of Pluto is EGALITARIAN because the green aliens are treated as the blue aliens are
  22. The population of only 86 island people speak an ESOTERIC language that is not expected to survive the next 30 years.
  23. Pete's backyard was overflowing with NOXIOUS materials such as old paint cans, gallons of pesticides, and rotting batteries
  24. An accomplished author does not have to resort to writing a HACKNEYED story of a boy and a girl who meet, marry, and live happily ever after
  25. a long, angry speech
  26. Because the girl told a lie, she tried using PLEONASM and useless words to crawl her way out of it
  27. Some people think that TV has helped students learn quite a bit, but it has SUPPRESSED education.
  28. Erin decided to get a blood test to determine if there was any CONSANGUINITY with the man she thought was her father.
  29. to delay, to put off something that should be done at once)