Draw Bob kills 2 DPS Bap Condiment chat Emongg changes a square End of season games Only top 500 in master's lobby "Brig's one!" Widow across map Correctly predict next map Melted by echo 20+ killstreak A LOT OF 2CP Walked at by Brig 50 elims Amazing Emongg Hog Cursed King's Row "brb" into an instaqueue Get 3 enemies in one ultimate "killed their best player" Smoothie time Questionably hooked Nepal PepeLaugh "De- throned" by Sully Draw Bob kills 2 DPS Bap Condiment chat Emongg changes a square End of season games Only top 500 in master's lobby "Brig's one!" Widow across map Correctly predict next map Melted by echo 20+ killstreak A LOT OF 2CP Walked at by Brig 50 elims Amazing Emongg Hog Cursed King's Row "brb" into an instaqueue Get 3 enemies in one ultimate "killed their best player" Smoothie time Questionably hooked Nepal PepeLaugh "De- throned" by Sully
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Bob kills 2
Condiment chat
Emongg changes a square
End of
season games
Only top 500 in master's lobby
"Brig's one!"
Widow across map
Correctly predict next map
Melted by echo
20+ killstreak
Walked at by Brig
50 elims
Amazing Emongg Hog
Cursed King's Row
"brb" into an instaqueue
3 enemies in one ultimate
"killed their best player"
Smoothie time
"De-throned" by Sully