SanFranciscoIn the year1906, whichcity was hit byan earthquakeon April 18th?SouthPacificWhat is the name ofthe musical hit byRodgers andHammerstein thatwas debuted in April1949?DiamondWhichgem isassociatedwith April?JessicaLynchWhich UnitedStates soldierwas rescuedfrom Iraq inApril 2003?Iwanderedlonely asa cloud.What is thename of thepoem written byWilliamWordsworthabout April?McDonaldsIn 1955, whichfast food jointfirst opened itsdoors on the15th of April?EarthDayWhatenvironmentalday was firstcelebrated onApril 22, 1970?AriesWhat is thezodiac signfor peopleborn on April15th?14th ofAprilWhich day inApril did thefamousTitanic shipsink?Chaucer’sCanterburyTalesWhat famousliterature isconsidered to bethe inspirationbehind April fool’sDay?1865In April of which yeardid ConfederateGeneral Robert ELee surrender toUnion GeneralUlysses S. Grant,thus ending theAmerican civil war?ThomasJeffersonWhich of themany Americanpresidents wasborn on April13th, 1743?best actressin themusicalMaryPoppinsWhat award didJulie Andrewswin during the37th AcademyAward in April1965?ZipperWhat is the nameof the patent thatGideon Sundbackmade on 29th April1913?Daisies& SweetPeasWhichflowersare linkedto April?NoIs EasterSunday a daythat is alwayscelebrated inApril?WilliamHenryHarrisonA month after theirinauguration, whowas the Americanpresident that diedon the 4th of April,1841?AprilFishA person tricked onApril Fools' Day iscalled an April fool.However, how dothe French call sucha person?America’sfirstastronautswereannounced.whathappened inNASA on 9thApril 1959?TheWasteLandThe poet T.S. Eliot wrotea poem aboutApril. What isit called?ScrabbleWhich boardgame ishonored onApril 13th?TigerWoodsOn 13th April1997, who wasthe youngestgolfer to win theMasterstournament?On 18thApril1775When didPaul Revere’sfamousmidnight rideoccur?MemphisMartin LutherKing Jr. wasassassinated inwhich city on4th April 1968?TheQueen’sBirthdayWhat is themonth of Aprilbest known forwithin theUnitedKingdom?WilliamShakespeareWho is the writerthat celebratestheir birthday aswell as their deathanniversary inApril?1860On April 3rdof which yeardid the PonyExpress Mailtrain start?St.GeorgeWho is thepatron saint ofEngland that isremembered onApril 23rd?FordMustangWhat famousautomobilehad its debuton April 14,1964?CigaretteadvertisingIn the UnitedStates, whatwas bannedin April1970?The LyridsMeteor showerand the EtaAquariidsmeteors showerWhat are theastrologicalevents that themonth of Aprilis best knownfor?Aphrodite,thegoddessof loveAfter whichGreekgoddess isApril named?TheBostonMarathonwhich is theworld’s oldest runthat occurred on19th April 1897 forthe first time?TheGreatGatsbyWhat is the nameof F. ScottFitzgerald’s novelthat was publishedon 10th April1925?SanFranciscoIn the year1906, whichcity was hit byan earthquakeon April 18th?SouthPacificWhat is the name ofthe musical hit byRodgers andHammerstein thatwas debuted in April1949?DiamondWhichgem isassociatedwith April?JessicaLynchWhich UnitedStates soldierwas rescuedfrom Iraq inApril 2003?Iwanderedlonely asa cloud.What is thename of thepoem written byWilliamWordsworthabout April?McDonaldsIn 1955, whichfast food jointfirst opened itsdoors on the15th of April?EarthDayWhatenvironmentalday was firstcelebrated onApril 22, 1970?AriesWhat is thezodiac signfor peopleborn on April15th?14th ofAprilWhich day inApril did thefamousTitanic shipsink?Chaucer’sCanterburyTalesWhat famousliterature isconsidered to bethe inspirationbehind April fool’sDay?1865In April of which yeardid ConfederateGeneral Robert ELee surrender toUnion GeneralUlysses S. Grant,thus ending theAmerican civil war?ThomasJeffersonWhich of themany Americanpresidents wasborn on April13th, 1743?best actressin themusicalMaryPoppinsWhat award didJulie Andrewswin during the37th AcademyAward in April1965?ZipperWhat is the nameof the patent thatGideon Sundbackmade on 29th April1913?Daisies& SweetPeasWhichflowersare linkedto April?NoIs EasterSunday a daythat is alwayscelebrated inApril?WilliamHenryHarrisonA month after theirinauguration, whowas the Americanpresident that diedon the 4th of April,1841?AprilFishA person tricked onApril Fools' Day iscalled an April fool.However, how dothe French call sucha person?America’sfirstastronautswereannounced.whathappened inNASA on 9thApril 1959?TheWasteLandThe poet T.S. Eliot wrotea poem aboutApril. What isit called?ScrabbleWhich boardgame ishonored onApril 13th?TigerWoodsOn 13th April1997, who wasthe youngestgolfer to win theMasterstournament?On 18thApril1775When didPaul Revere’sfamousmidnight rideoccur?MemphisMartin LutherKing Jr. wasassassinated inwhich city on4th April 1968?TheQueen’sBirthdayWhat is themonth of Aprilbest known forwithin theUnitedKingdom?WilliamShakespeareWho is the writerthat celebratestheir birthday aswell as their deathanniversary inApril?1860On April 3rdof which yeardid the PonyExpress Mailtrain start?St.GeorgeWho is thepatron saint ofEngland that isremembered onApril 23rd?FordMustangWhat famousautomobilehad its debuton April 14,1964?CigaretteadvertisingIn the UnitedStates, whatwas bannedin April1970?The LyridsMeteor showerand the EtaAquariidsmeteors showerWhat are theastrologicalevents that themonth of Aprilis best knownfor?Aphrodite,thegoddessof loveAfter whichGreekgoddess isApril named?TheBostonMarathonwhich is theworld’s oldest runthat occurred on19th April 1897 forthe first time?TheGreatGatsbyWhat is the nameof F. ScottFitzgerald’s novelthat was publishedon 10th April1925?

April Trivia - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In the year 1906, which city was hit by an earthquake on April 18th?
    San Francisco
  2. What is the name of the musical hit by Rodgers and Hammerstein that was debuted in April 1949?
    South Pacific
  3. Which gem is associated with April?
  4. Which United States soldier was rescued from Iraq in April 2003?
    Jessica Lynch
  5. What is the name of the poem written by William Wordsworth about April?
    I wandered lonely as a cloud.
  6. In 1955, which fast food joint first opened its doors on the 15th of April?
  7. What environmental day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970?
    Earth Day
  8. What is the zodiac sign for people born on April 15th?
  9. Which day in April did the famous Titanic ship sink?
    14th of April
  10. What famous literature is considered to be the inspiration behind April fool’s Day?
    Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales
  11. In April of which year did Confederate General Robert E Lee surrender to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, thus ending the American civil war?
  12. Which of the many American presidents was born on April 13th, 1743?
    Thomas Jefferson
  13. What award did Julie Andrews win during the 37th Academy Award in April 1965?
    best actress in the musical Mary Poppins
  14. What is the name of the patent that Gideon Sundback made on 29th April 1913?
  15. Which flowers are linked to April?
    Daisies & Sweet Peas
  16. Is Easter Sunday a day that is always celebrated in April?
  17. A month after their inauguration, who was the American president that died on the 4th of April, 1841?
    William Henry Harrison
  18. A person tricked on April Fools' Day is called an April fool. However, how do the French call such a person?
    April Fish
  19. what happened in NASA on 9th April 1959?
    America’s first astronauts were announced.
  20. The poet T. S. Eliot wrote a poem about April. What is it called?
    The Waste Land
  21. Which board game is honored on April 13th?
  22. On 13th April 1997, who was the youngest golfer to win the Masters tournament?
    Tiger Woods
  23. When did Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride occur?
    On 18th April 1775
  24. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in which city on 4th April 1968?
  25. What is the month of April best known for within the United Kingdom?
    The Queen’s Birthday
  26. Who is the writer that celebrates their birthday as well as their death anniversary in April?
    William Shakespeare
  27. On April 3rd of which year did the Pony Express Mail train start?
  28. Who is the patron saint of England that is remembered on April 23rd?
    St. George
  29. What famous automobile had its debut on April 14, 1964?
    Ford Mustang
  30. In the United States, what was banned in April 1970?
    Cigarette advertising
  31. What are the astrological events that the month of April is best known for?
    The Lyrids Meteor shower and the Eta Aquariids meteors shower
  32. After which Greek goddess is April named?
    Aphrodite, the goddess of love
  33. which is the world’s oldest run that occurred on 19th April 1897 for the first time?
    The Boston Marathon
  34. What is the name of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel that was published on 10th April 1925?
    The Great Gatsby