knows what Rumspringa is thinks a thumbs up is rude was born in North America worships on Saturday can say HELLO in a second language has visited at least 2 countries can name 4 world regions Takes off shoes A parent lives with you knows what fairy floss is has tasted absinthe has needed subtitles during a movie knows what a Sari is has family who don't speak English has attended a bar or bat mitzvah worships on Friday can say THANKS in 2 languages enjoys music from more than 2 countries thinks firm handshakes are polite eating with your hands is okay is learning a new language Knows what a Hijab is Someone has mispronounced your name has tasted paella knows what Ramadan is has emigrated Wears black to a funeral being late is totally expected thinks slurping is rude knows what Rumspringa is thinks a thumbs up is rude was born in North America worships on Saturday can say HELLO in a second language has visited at least 2 countries can name 4 world regions Takes off shoes A parent lives with you knows what fairy floss is has tasted absinthe has needed subtitles during a movie knows what a Sari is has family who don't speak English has attended a bar or bat mitzvah worships on Friday can say THANKS in 2 languages enjoys music from more than 2 countries thinks firm handshakes are polite eating with your hands is okay is learning a new language Knows what a Hijab is Someone has mispronounced your name has tasted paella knows what Ramadan is has emigrated Wears black to a funeral being late is totally expected thinks slurping is rude
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
knows what Rumspringa is
thinks a thumbs up is rude
was born in North America
worships on Saturday
can say HELLO in a second language
has visited at least 2 countries
can name 4 world regions
Takes off shoes
A parent lives with you
knows what fairy floss is
has tasted absinthe
has needed subtitles during a movie
knows what a Sari is
has family who don't speak English
has attended a bar or bat mitzvah
worships on Friday
can say THANKS in 2 languages
enjoys music from more than 2 countries
thinks firm handshakes are polite
eating with your hands is okay
is learning a new language
Knows what a Hijab is
Someone has mispronounced your name
has tasted paella
knows what Ramadan is
has emigrated
Wears black to a funeral
being late is totally expected
thinks slurping is rude