has rode a horse was a Greyshirt before they were an employee has worked at TR for more than 5 years doesn't like coffee is an only child has naturally curly hair deployed on an op during pandemic can play the guitar has never been a pet owner started during the pandemic is trilingual was born after 1995 has lived in Europe loves the color pink can play the piano has traveled to more than 10 countries has worked at TR less than 1 year has never presented during the All Hands worked at McDonalds was born outside of the US had a bowl cut has been on a cruise has lived in Asia has deployed on a national op has rode a horse was a Greyshirt before they were an employee has worked at TR for more than 5 years doesn't like coffee is an only child has naturally curly hair deployed on an op during pandemic can play the guitar has never been a pet owner started during the pandemic is trilingual was born after 1995 has lived in Europe loves the color pink can play the piano has traveled to more than 10 countries has worked at TR less than 1 year has never presented during the All Hands worked at McDonalds was born outside of the US had a bowl cut has been on a cruise has lived in Asia has deployed on a national op
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
has rode a horse
was a Greyshirt before they were an employee
has worked at TR for more than 5 years
doesn't like coffee
is an only child
has naturally curly hair
deployed on an op during pandemic
can play the guitar
has never been a pet owner
started during the pandemic
is trilingual
was born after 1995
has lived in Europe
loves the color pink
can play the piano
has traveled to more than 10 countries
has worked at TR less than 1 year
has never presented during the All Hands
worked at McDonalds
was born outside of the US
had a bowl cut
has been on a cruise
has lived in Asia
has deployed on a national op