Show whatOS (operatingsystem) yourMacBook isrunning.In Schoology,show thecalendar thatdisplays thework for all ofyour classes.Turn a GoogleDoc into a PDFand show it inyour Downloadsfolder.InSchoology,show thecalendar forthis class.Show howto readnotices inSchoology.Open a GoogleDoc and dictatedtwo sentencesusing Read Writeor Google VoiceTyping Tool.Show where tofind the latestoperatingsystem update.Create afolder foreach of yourclasses inGoogle Drive.Save a picturefrom the internet,name it example1,and show it in theDocuments folder.Use Clever toopen Navianceand show theSelf Discoverysection.Turn on theRead Writeextensionand showthe menu.Show how topull up missingassignments inInfiniteCampus.Upload aDoc toToday’sSchoologyassignment.Show how toopen the appfor OHSecureBrowser.Write an email toyour teacher witha subject andgreeting, andattach example1picture to it.Open Quicktimeand record a videoof yourself saying“My name is …”and then email thevideo to yourteacher.Show how tocreate anemail to ateacher inSchoology.Create a folderon your desktopand move all ofthe screenshotsto the folder.Show wherethe latestupdate ofChrome canbe found.Download aGoogle Docand show it inyourDownloadsfolder.ShowForce Quitto closeprograms.Turn Stickieson and writein yourhomeworkfor today.Show youcan clearcookies inChrome.Upload theexample1picture toyour GoogleDrive.Show whatOS (operatingsystem) yourMacBook isrunning.In Schoology,show thecalendar thatdisplays thework for all ofyour classes.Turn a GoogleDoc into a PDFand show it inyour Downloadsfolder.InSchoology,show thecalendar forthis class.Show howto readnotices inSchoology.Open a GoogleDoc and dictatedtwo sentencesusing Read Writeor Google VoiceTyping Tool.Show where tofind the latestoperatingsystem update.Create afolder foreach of yourclasses inGoogle Drive.Save a picturefrom the internet,name it example1,and show it in theDocuments folder.Use Clever toopen Navianceand show theSelf Discoverysection.Turn on theRead Writeextensionand showthe menu.Show how topull up missingassignments inInfiniteCampus.Upload aDoc toToday’sSchoologyassignment.Show how toopen the appfor OHSecureBrowser.Write an email toyour teacher witha subject andgreeting, andattach example1picture to it.Open Quicktimeand record a videoof yourself saying“My name is …”and then email thevideo to yourteacher.Show how tocreate anemail to ateacher inSchoology.Create a folderon your desktopand move all ofthe screenshotsto the folder.Show wherethe latestupdate ofChrome canbe found.Download aGoogle Docand show it inyourDownloadsfolder.ShowForce Quitto closeprograms.Turn Stickieson and writein yourhomeworkfor today.Show youcan clearcookies inChrome.Upload theexample1picture toyour GoogleDrive.

MacBook Skills - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Show what OS (operating system) your MacBook is running.
  2. In Schoology, show the calendar that displays the work for all of your classes.
  3. Turn a Google Doc into a PDF and show it in your Downloads folder.
  4. In Schoology, show the calendar for this class.
  5. Show how to read notices in Schoology.
  6. Open a Google Doc and dictated two sentences using Read Write or Google Voice Typing Tool.
  7. Show where to find the latest operating system update.
  8. Create a folder for each of your classes in Google Drive.
  9. Save a picture from the internet, name it example1, and show it in the Documents folder.
  10. Use Clever to open Naviance and show the Self Discovery section.
  11. Turn on the Read Write extension and show the menu.
  12. Show how to pull up missing assignments in Infinite Campus.
  13. Upload a Doc to Today’s Schoology assignment.
  14. Show how to open the app for OH Secure Browser.
  15. Write an email to your teacher with a subject and greeting, and attach example1 picture to it.
  16. Open Quicktime and record a video of yourself saying “My name is …” and then email the video to your teacher.
  17. Show how to create an email to a teacher in Schoology.
  18. Create a folder on your desktop and move all of the screenshots to the folder.
  19. Show where the latest update of Chrome can be found.
  20. Download a Google Doc and show it in your Downloads folder.
  21. Show Force Quit to close programs.
  22. Turn Stickies on and write in your homework for today.
  23. Show you can clear cookies in Chrome.
  24. Upload the example1 picture to your Google Drive.