Sturmabteilung  Paramilitary (like a military)group of the Nazi party.Protected Nazi events, anddisrupted the events ofother parties. lost most itspower in 1934 after Hitlergained power. The leader,Ernst Röhm was killed.Most members were eitherkilled or(DeploymentGroups)SA/Brownshirts Far right extremistpolitical party thatvalues racial purityand strongleadership. After1933, it is the onlypolitical party allowedin Germany Special Squads of theSS that would followbehind German armylines as they invadedland, finding and killingon-sight people seenas racial or politicalenemies of Germany SSProtectionSquadron) Started as Hitler’s Personalbodyguards but branchedout later as top groups incharge of enforcing Nazipolicy. They enforced Nazilaws, organizedconcentration camps, andserved as elite militaryunits. They organized mostof the killing. (StormTroopers)GeheimeStaatspolizei  Einsatzgruppen Secret police of Hitler’sgovernment, and occupiedcountries. they were incharge of secretly findingand arresting people seenas enemies of thegovernment. They were runby officers of the SS, theyhelped control thepopulation through fear Nazi/NSDAP NationalsozialistischeDeutscheArbeiterpartei Gestapo (SecretStatePolice) (NationalSocialistGermanWorkers’Party)Schutzstaffel Deathsquads Sturmabteilung  Paramilitary (like a military)group of the Nazi party.Protected Nazi events, anddisrupted the events ofother parties. lost most itspower in 1934 after Hitlergained power. The leader,Ernst Röhm was killed.Most members were eitherkilled or(DeploymentGroups)SA/Brownshirts Far right extremistpolitical party thatvalues racial purityand strongleadership. After1933, it is the onlypolitical party allowedin Germany Special Squads of theSS that would followbehind German armylines as they invadedland, finding and killingon-sight people seenas racial or politicalenemies of Germany SSProtectionSquadron) Started as Hitler’s Personalbodyguards but branchedout later as top groups incharge of enforcing Nazipolicy. They enforced Nazilaws, organizedconcentration camps, andserved as elite militaryunits. They organized mostof the killing. (StormTroopers)GeheimeStaatspolizei  Einsatzgruppen Secret police of Hitler’sgovernment, and occupiedcountries. they were incharge of secretly findingand arresting people seenas enemies of thegovernment. They were runby officers of the SS, theyhelped control thepopulation through fear Nazi/NSDAP NationalsozialistischeDeutscheArbeiterpartei Gestapo (SecretStatePolice) (NationalSocialistGermanWorkers’Party)Schutzstaffel Deathsquads 

Nazi Control by Force - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Sturmabteilung
  2. Paramilitary (like a military) group of the Nazi party. Protected Nazi events, and disrupted the events of other parties. lost most its power in 1934 after Hitler gained power. The leader, Ernst Röhm was killed. Most members were either killed or
  3. (Deployment Groups)
  4. SA/ Brownshirts
  5. Far right extremist political party that values racial purity and strong leadership. After 1933, it is the only political party allowed in Germany
  6. Special Squads of the SS that would follow behind German army lines as they invaded land, finding and killing on-sight people seen as racial or political enemies of Germany
  7. SS
  8. Protection Squadron)
  9. Started as Hitler’s Personal bodyguards but branched out later as top groups in charge of enforcing Nazi policy. They enforced Nazi laws, organized concentration camps, and served as elite military units. They organized most of the killing.
  10. (Storm Troopers)
  11. Geheime Staatspolizei
  12. Einsatzgruppen
  13. Secret police of Hitler’s government, and occupied countries. they were in charge of secretly finding and arresting people seen as enemies of the government. They were run by officers of the SS, they helped control the population through fear
  14. Nazi/ NSDAP
  15. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 
  16. Gestapo
  17. (Secret State Police)
  18. (National Socialist German Workers’ Party)
  19. Schutzstaffel
  20. Death squads