Onomatopoeia the formation ofa word from asoundassociated withwhat is named exposition A conclusion basedon facts orcircumstances;understandinggained by “readingbetween the lines”. irony implysetting allusion The use of a word orphrase to mean theexact opposite of itsliteral meaning.It is a differencebetween the result of asequence of eventsand the expectedresult. A narrative device,often used at thebeginning of a workthat providesnecessary backgroundinformation about thecharacters and theircircumstances. Thoughunexpressed in theactual text, meaningthat may beunderstood by thereader; implieda shortnovel orlong shortstoryDescriptive orfigurative languagein a literary work;the use of languageto create sensoryimpressions The time andplace inwhich a storyunfolds.infer novella An implied orindirectreference inliterature to afamiliar person,place, or event. A struggle orclash betweenopposingcharacters,forces, oremotions.A topic of discussion orwork; a major idea broadenough to cover the entirescope of a literary work. Atheme may bestated or implied. Clues tothe theme may be found inthe prominent and/orreoccurring ideas in a work. Imagery dialect A variety oflanguage distinctfrom the standardvariety inpronunciation,grammar, orvocabularyConflict ThemeOnomatopoeia the formation ofa word from asoundassociated withwhat is named exposition A conclusion basedon facts orcircumstances;understandinggained by “readingbetween the lines”. irony implysetting allusion The use of a word orphrase to mean theexact opposite of itsliteral meaning.It is a differencebetween the result of asequence of eventsand the expectedresult. A narrative device,often used at thebeginning of a workthat providesnecessary backgroundinformation about thecharacters and theircircumstances. Thoughunexpressed in theactual text, meaningthat may beunderstood by thereader; implieda shortnovel orlong shortstoryDescriptive orfigurative languagein a literary work;the use of languageto create sensoryimpressions The time andplace inwhich a storyunfolds.infer novella An implied orindirectreference inliterature to afamiliar person,place, or event. A struggle orclash betweenopposingcharacters,forces, oremotions.A topic of discussion orwork; a major idea broadenough to cover the entirescope of a literary work. Atheme may bestated or implied. Clues tothe theme may be found inthe prominent and/orreoccurring ideas in a work. Imagery dialect A variety oflanguage distinctfrom the standardvariety inpronunciation,grammar, orvocabularyConflict Theme

Literary Terms Cody Yeager Pd. - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Onomatopoeia
  2. the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named
  3. exposition
  4. A conclusion based on facts or circumstances; understanding gained by “reading between the lines”.
  5. irony
  6. imply
  7. setting
  8. allusion
  9. The use of a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal meaning. It is a difference between the result of a sequence of events and the expected result.
  10. A narrative device, often used at the beginning of a work that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances.
  11. Though unexpressed in the actual text, meaning that may be understood by the reader; implied
  12. a short novel or long short story
  13. Descriptive or figurative language in a literary work; the use of language to create sensory impressions
  14. The time and place in which a story unfolds.
  15. infer
  16. novella
  17. An implied or indirect reference in literature to a familiar person, place, or event.
  18. A struggle or clash between opposing characters, forces, or emotions.
  19. A topic of discussion or work; a major idea broad enough to cover the entire scope of a literary work. A theme may be stated or implied. Clues to the theme may be found in the prominent and/or reoccurring ideas in a work.
  20. Imagery
  21. dialect
  22. A variety of language distinct from the standard variety in pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary
  23. Conflict
  24. Theme