DoDSAPRStrategicPlana multidisciplinaryapproach withinitiatives in five linesof effort: prevention,victim assistance andadvocacy,investigation,accountability, andassessmentDoDInstruction6495.02Detailedprocedures forkey areas in theSAPR programare foundwhere?CATCHThe [blank] Programgives people making aRestricted Reportan opportunity toanonymously disclosesuspect information tohelp the Department ofDefense identify serialoffendersUCMJArticles120the criminal offensesof rape, sexualassault, aggravatedsexual contact,abusive sexualcontact, and non-consensual sodomymay be found inSARC, VA,Healthcarepersonnel,SVCTo make arestrictedreport, you canonly contact (4answers)Direct chainof commandand lawenforcementAccording thethe 15th Wing'swebsite, who isa mandatoryreporter? (2answers)DoDDirective6495.01A concisetrainingdefinition forsexual assaultis found where?Men'sSAPRCampaignprovides vitaleducation, shareimportant resources,and promote ongoingdiscussions of sexualassault and thespectrum of harmwithin the militaryAprilWhich month isknown asSexual AssaultAwarenessMonth?Independentreportingan assaultreported bysomeone otherthan the victimis known asDoDSafeHelpline877-995-5247 is thephonenumber forwhat?UnrestrictedReportingWhich reportingprocedure withnotify SARC,Command, andOSI and beginan investigationAFI 90-6001Where can AirForce SAPRProgramguidance andprocedures befound?RestrictedReportingWhich reportingprocedure enablesyou to report asexual assaultwithout triggeringan investigation?Hangar2Where onHickam isthe SVC'soffice?SHARPWhat is theacronym forthe Armyequivalent ofSAPR?ExpeditedtransferThis is availableto survivorswhen anunrestrictedreport has beenmade.D-SAACPThis was established tostandardize sexual assaultresponse to victims andprofessionalize victimadvocacy roles of SexualAssault ResponseCoordinators (SARC) andSexual Assault Preventionand Response (SAPR)Victim Advocates (VA)SexualAssaultResponseCoordinatorThe [blank] serves asthe single point ofcontact for integratingand coordinatingsexual assaultsurvivor care.MilitarySexualTrauma(MST)a term that encompassestrauma from both sexualassault and sexualharassment, used by theDepartment of VeteransAffairs to assess healthcareneeds and disability claimsDoD Officefor Diversity,Equity, andInclusionWhich entityhandles casesof sexualharassment,NOT assault?September2020When did Army MajorGeneral Clement S.Coward assumed theduties of director of theDepartment of Defense(DoD) Sexual AssaultPrevention andResponse Office(SAPRO)HorseshoeThe Hickam SAPRoffice is frequentlydescribe as beinglocated within the[blank] shapedbuilding.ChaplainsThese people areable to talk to youconfidentially butdo not take officialreports of a sexualassaultSpecialVictims'Counsel(SVC)legalprofessionalsspecially trainedto serve victimsof sexual assaultDoD FamilyAdvocacyProgram(FAP)Intimate partnersexual assaultsand child sexualassaults arehandled by theSAPRVictimAdvocateproviding a spectrumof support, advocacy,and liaison services toeligible military andcivilian sexual assaultvictims in accordancewith DoD and AFpolicies; they reportdirectly to the SARCDSAIDDeveloped to meetrequirements set forth inthe FY 2009 NDAA, this isthe Department’sauthoritative, centralizedcase-level database usedto collect and maintaininformation on sexualassaults involvingmembers of the ArmedForcesSexualAssaultPreventionandResponseWhat is thefull versionof theacronymSAPR?DoDSAPRStrategicPlana multidisciplinaryapproach withinitiatives in five linesof effort: prevention,victim assistance andadvocacy,investigation,accountability, andassessmentDoDInstruction6495.02Detailedprocedures forkey areas in theSAPR programare foundwhere?CATCHThe [blank] Programgives people making aRestricted Reportan opportunity toanonymously disclosesuspect information tohelp the Department ofDefense identify serialoffendersUCMJArticles120the criminal offensesof rape, sexualassault, aggravatedsexual contact,abusive sexualcontact, and non-consensual sodomymay be found inSARC, VA,Healthcarepersonnel,SVCTo make arestrictedreport, you canonly contact (4answers)Direct chainof commandand lawenforcementAccording thethe 15th Wing'swebsite, who isa mandatoryreporter? (2answers)DoDDirective6495.01A concisetrainingdefinition forsexual assaultis found where?Men'sSAPRCampaignprovides vitaleducation, shareimportant resources,and promote ongoingdiscussions of sexualassault and thespectrum of harmwithin the militaryAprilWhich month isknown asSexual AssaultAwarenessMonth?Independentreportingan assaultreported bysomeone otherthan the victimis known asDoDSafeHelpline877-995-5247 is thephonenumber forwhat?UnrestrictedReportingWhich reportingprocedure withnotify SARC,Command, andOSI and beginan investigationAFI 90-6001Where can AirForce SAPRProgramguidance andprocedures befound?RestrictedReportingWhich reportingprocedure enablesyou to report asexual assaultwithout triggeringan investigation?Hangar2Where onHickam isthe SVC'soffice?SHARPWhat is theacronym forthe Armyequivalent ofSAPR?ExpeditedtransferThis is availableto survivorswhen anunrestrictedreport has beenmade.D-SAACPThis was established tostandardize sexual assaultresponse to victims andprofessionalize victimadvocacy roles of SexualAssault ResponseCoordinators (SARC) andSexual Assault Preventionand Response (SAPR)Victim Advocates (VA)SexualAssaultResponseCoordinatorThe [blank] serves asthe single point ofcontact for integratingand coordinatingsexual assaultsurvivor care.MilitarySexualTrauma(MST)a term that encompassestrauma from both sexualassault and sexualharassment, used by theDepartment of VeteransAffairs to assess healthcareneeds and disability claimsDoD Officefor Diversity,Equity, andInclusionWhich entityhandles casesof sexualharassment,NOT assault?September2020When did Army MajorGeneral Clement S.Coward assumed theduties of director of theDepartment of Defense(DoD) Sexual AssaultPrevention andResponse Office(SAPRO)HorseshoeThe Hickam SAPRoffice is frequentlydescribe as beinglocated within the[blank] shapedbuilding.ChaplainsThese people areable to talk to youconfidentially butdo not take officialreports of a sexualassaultSpecialVictims'Counsel(SVC)legalprofessionalsspecially trainedto serve victimsof sexual assaultDoD FamilyAdvocacyProgram(FAP)Intimate partnersexual assaultsand child sexualassaults arehandled by theSAPRVictimAdvocateproviding a spectrumof support, advocacy,and liaison services toeligible military andcivilian sexual assaultvictims in accordancewith DoD and AFpolicies; they reportdirectly to the SARCDSAIDDeveloped to meetrequirements set forth inthe FY 2009 NDAA, this isthe Department’sauthoritative, centralizedcase-level database usedto collect and maintaininformation on sexualassaults involvingmembers of the ArmedForcesSexualAssaultPreventionandResponseWhat is thefull versionof theacronymSAPR?

Sexual Assault Awareness Month - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. a multidisciplinary approach with initiatives in five lines of effort: prevention, victim assistance and advocacy, investigation, accountability, and assessment
    DoD SAPR Strategic Plan
  2. Detailed procedures for key areas in the SAPR program are found where?
    DoD Instruction 6495.02
  3. The [blank] Program gives people making a Restricted Report an opportunity to anonymously disclose suspect information to help the Department of Defense identify serial offenders
  4. the criminal offenses of rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, and non-consensual sodomy may be found in
    UCMJ Articles 120
  5. To make a restricted report, you can only contact (4 answers)
    SARC, VA, Healthcare personnel, SVC
  6. According the the 15th Wing's website, who is a mandatory reporter? (2 answers)
    Direct chain of command and law enforcement
  7. A concise training definition for sexual assault is found where?
    DoD Directive 6495.01
  8. provides vital education, share important resources, and promote ongoing discussions of sexual assault and the spectrum of harm within the military
    Men's SAPR Campaign
  9. Which month is known as Sexual Assault Awareness Month?
  10. an assault reported by someone other than the victim is known as
    Independent reporting
  11. 877-995-5247 is the phone number for what?
    DoD Safe Helpline
  12. Which reporting procedure with notify SARC, Command, and OSI and begin an investigation
    Unrestricted Reporting
  13. Where can Air Force SAPR Program guidance and procedures be found?
    AFI 90-6001
  14. Which reporting procedure enables you to report a sexual assault without triggering an investigation?
    Restricted Reporting
  15. Where on Hickam is the SVC's office?
    Hangar 2
  16. What is the acronym for the Army equivalent of SAPR?
  17. This is available to survivors when an unrestricted report has been made.
    Expedited transfer
  18. This was established to standardize sexual assault response to victims and professionalize victim advocacy roles of Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARC) and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Victim Advocates (VA)
  19. The [blank] serves as the single point of contact for integrating and coordinating sexual assault survivor care.
    Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
  20. a term that encompasses trauma from both sexual assault and sexual harassment, used by the Department of Veterans Affairs to assess healthcare needs and disability claims
    Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
  21. Which entity handles cases of sexual harassment, NOT assault?
    DoD Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  22. When did Army Major General Clement S. Coward assumed the duties of director of the Department of Defense (DoD) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO)
    September 2020
  23. The Hickam SAPR office is frequently describe as being located within the [blank] shaped building.
  24. These people are able to talk to you confidentially but do not take official reports of a sexual assault
  25. legal professionals specially trained to serve victims of sexual assault
    Special Victims' Counsel (SVC)
  26. Intimate partner sexual assaults and child sexual assaults are handled by the
    DoD Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
  27. providing a spectrum of support, advocacy, and liaison services to eligible military and civilian sexual assault victims in accordance with DoD and AF policies; they report directly to the SARC
    SAPR Victim Advocate
  28. Developed to meet requirements set forth in the FY 2009 NDAA, this is the Department’s authoritative, centralized case-level database used to collect and maintain information on sexual assaults involving members of the Armed Forces
  29. What is the full version of the acronym SAPR?
    Sexual Assault Prevention and Response