tax onimportedgoodsTariffA principal ofgovernment thatallows thesupreme courtto declare a lawunconstitutionalJudicialReviewAn issueconcerningthe homecountry (us)DomesticIssueAgainstOpposeAn economic systemin which their is littlegovernmentinvolvement. Privatebusinesses are freeto compete in themarket.FreeEnterpriseA conclusionreached throughlooking atevidence. Aneducated guess.InferencetochangeAmendAcomplaintGrievanceAllowed forAmericans, includingFreedmen to claimup to 160 acres ofland for free.Acceleratedsettlement of thewest.HomesteadActThe American beliefthat it was their destinyto spread ideas ofdemocracy andfreedom across thecontinent and spreadUS territory from theeast coast to the westcoast.ManifestDestinyEconomicsystem in whicha colony sendsraw materials tothe mothercountry.MercantilismTo passinto law.RatificationExtremedevotion to thebeliefs andpractices ofone's section orregion.SectionalismRefusing to obey alaw of governmentin a non-violentway. (Example:Not paying taxes)CivilDisobedienceAneconomybased onagricultureAgrarianPossessinghabits used toimprove society.Practicing goodcitizenship.CivicVirtueA series ofdocuments arguingfor the creation of theConstitution. Writtenby Hamilton, JohnJay, & MadisonFederalistPapersTheright tovoteSuffrageThe Britishlegislativebody (makesthe laws)ParliamentA group ofrepresentatives whoformally cast votesfor the president.Created with the12th amendment.ElectoralCollegeAn issueconcerningothercountriesForeignIssueNot taking acertain side inan issue.Practice of non-involvement.NeutralityTo passinto lawRatificationThe act ofbuying orobtainingsomethingAcquisitionThe governingdocument for theUS. A blueprint forthe government.Includes the Bill ofRightsU.SConstitutionSomethingcominginto acountryImportA system ofgovernment wherethe citizens makedecisions throughelectedrepresentatives.DemocracySomethinggoing outof thecountryExportToendAbolishThe era of US historyafter the Civil War inwhich the US rebuiltwar-torn land andreconciled the northand the south.ReconstructionAn economic/politicalsystem in which acountry's trade &industry arecontrolled by privatebusiness owners forprofit.CapitalismTocancel orget rid ofNullifyTo leaveor breakawaySecedetax onimportedgoodsTariffA principal ofgovernment thatallows thesupreme courtto declare a lawunconstitutionalJudicialReviewAn issueconcerningthe homecountry (us)DomesticIssueAgainstOpposeAn economic systemin which their is littlegovernmentinvolvement. Privatebusinesses are freeto compete in themarket.FreeEnterpriseA conclusionreached throughlooking atevidence. Aneducated guess.InferencetochangeAmendAcomplaintGrievanceAllowed forAmericans, includingFreedmen to claimup to 160 acres ofland for free.Acceleratedsettlement of thewest.HomesteadActThe American beliefthat it was their destinyto spread ideas ofdemocracy andfreedom across thecontinent and spreadUS territory from theeast coast to the westcoast.ManifestDestinyEconomicsystem in whicha colony sendsraw materials tothe mothercountry.MercantilismTo passinto law.RatificationExtremedevotion to thebeliefs andpractices ofone's section orregion.SectionalismRefusing to obey alaw of governmentin a non-violentway. (Example:Not paying taxes)CivilDisobedienceAneconomybased onagricultureAgrarianPossessinghabits used toimprove society.Practicing goodcitizenship.CivicVirtueA series ofdocuments arguingfor the creation of theConstitution. Writtenby Hamilton, JohnJay, & MadisonFederalistPapersTheright tovoteSuffrageThe Britishlegislativebody (makesthe laws)ParliamentA group ofrepresentatives whoformally cast votesfor the president.Created with the12th amendment.ElectoralCollegeAn issueconcerningothercountriesForeignIssueNot taking acertain side inan issue.Practice of non-involvement.NeutralityTo passinto lawRatificationThe act ofbuying orobtainingsomethingAcquisitionThe governingdocument for theUS. A blueprint forthe government.Includes the Bill ofRightsU.SConstitutionSomethingcominginto acountryImportA system ofgovernment wherethe citizens makedecisions throughelectedrepresentatives.DemocracySomethinggoing outof thecountryExportToendAbolishThe era of US historyafter the Civil War inwhich the US rebuiltwar-torn land andreconciled the northand the south.ReconstructionAn economic/politicalsystem in which acountry's trade &industry arecontrolled by privatebusiness owners forprofit.CapitalismTocancel orget rid ofNullifyTo leaveor breakawaySecede

History Vocabulary Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Tariff
    tax on imported goods
  2. Judicial Review
    A principal of government that allows the supreme court to declare a law unconstitutional
  3. Domestic Issue
    An issue concerning the home country (us)
  4. Oppose
  5. Free Enterprise
    An economic system in which their is little government involvement. Private businesses are free to compete in the market.
  6. Inference
    A conclusion reached through looking at evidence. An educated guess.
  7. Amend
    to change
  8. Grievance
    A complaint
  9. Homestead Act
    Allowed for Americans, including Freedmen to claim up to 160 acres of land for free. Accelerated settlement of the west.
  10. Manifest Destiny
    The American belief that it was their destiny to spread ideas of democracy and freedom across the continent and spread US territory from the east coast to the west coast.
  11. Mercantilism
    Economic system in which a colony sends raw materials to the mother country.
  12. Ratification
    To pass into law.
  13. Sectionalism
    Extreme devotion to the beliefs and practices of one's section or region.
  14. Civil Disobedience
    Refusing to obey a law of government in a non-violent way. (Example: Not paying taxes)
  15. Agrarian
    An economy based on agriculture
  16. Civic Virtue
    Possessing habits used to improve society. Practicing good citizenship.
  17. Federalist Papers
    A series of documents arguing for the creation of the Constitution. Written by Hamilton, John Jay, & Madison
  18. Suffrage
    The right to vote
  19. Parliament
    The British legislative body (makes the laws)
  20. Electoral College
    A group of representatives who formally cast votes for the president. Created with the 12th amendment.
  21. Foreign Issue
    An issue concerning other countries
  22. Neutrality
    Not taking a certain side in an issue. Practice of non-involvement.
  23. Ratification
    To pass into law
  24. Acquisition
    The act of buying or obtaining something
  25. U.S Constitution
    The governing document for the US. A blueprint for the government. Includes the Bill of Rights
  26. Import
    Something coming into a country
  27. Democracy
    A system of government where the citizens make decisions through elected representatives.
  28. Export
    Something going out of the country
  29. Abolish
    To end
  30. Reconstruction
    The era of US history after the Civil War in which the US rebuilt war-torn land and reconciled the north and the south.
  31. Capitalism
    An economic/political system in which a country's trade & industry are controlled by private business owners for profit.
  32. Nullify
    To cancel or get rid of
  33. Secede
    To leave or break away