has two or more siblings has two or more email addresses has met someone famous reads or listens to the news everyday has a car does or likes to do volunteer work can speak more than 2 languages has traveled to 5 or more countries is married loves cooking loves to sing has a pet loves math was born in the same month as you has a creative hobby doesn't have a driver's licence is vegetarian or vegan can play a musical instrument has children is wearing green or yellow likes rap and/or hip hop music exercises at least 3 times a week wears contact lenses has the same favorite color as you has two or more siblings has two or more email addresses has met someone famous reads or listens to the news everyday has a car does or likes to do volunteer work can speak more than 2 languages has traveled to 5 or more countries is married loves cooking loves to sing has a pet loves math was born in the same month as you has a creative hobby doesn't have a driver's licence is vegetarian or vegan can play a musical instrument has children is wearing green or yellow likes rap and/or hip hop music exercises at least 3 times a week wears contact lenses has the same favorite color as you
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
has two or more siblings
has two or more email addresses
has met someone famous
reads or listens to the news everyday
has a car
does or likes to do volunteer work
can speak more than 2 languages
has traveled to 5 or more countries
is married
loves cooking
loves to sing
has a pet
loves math
was born in the same month as you
has a creative hobby
doesn't have a driver's licence
is vegetarian or vegan
can play a musical instrument
has children
is wearing green or yellow
likes rap and/or hip hop music
exercises at least 3 times a week
wears contact lenses
has the same favorite color as you