Read abook witha cat inthe storyRead abook witha COLORin the titleRead abookabout asportRead abook witha dog inthe storyRead abook withmore than300 pagesCheck out aCookbookand try arecipeRead a bookWRITTENover 20years agoRead abookwritten bya womanRead abookwritten bya manRead abook witha oneword titleRead anon-fictionbookCheck out abook aboutyour favoriteanimalRead abook aboutsomethingspookyRead abook set ina differentcountryRead a bookthat takesplaceon/in/orunder waterRead a bookyourandomlychoose offthe shelfRead a bookwith a girl'sname in thetitleRead a bookyour teacherrecommendsRead a bookwith a boy'sname in thetitleRead aMysteryBookRead abookbased on atrue storyRead thesamebook as afriendRead a bookthat becamea movie or tvshowRead a bookthat takesplace in/oron anotherworldRead abook witha cat inthe storyRead abook witha COLORin the titleRead abookabout asportRead abook witha dog inthe storyRead abook withmore than300 pagesCheck out aCookbookand try arecipeRead a bookWRITTENover 20years agoRead abookwritten bya womanRead abookwritten bya manRead abook witha oneword titleRead anon-fictionbookCheck out abook aboutyour favoriteanimalRead abook aboutsomethingspookyRead abook set ina differentcountryRead a bookthat takesplaceon/in/orunder waterRead a bookyourandomlychoose offthe shelfRead a bookwith a girl'sname in thetitleRead a bookyour teacherrecommendsRead a bookwith a boy'sname in thetitleRead aMysteryBookRead abookbased on atrue storyRead thesamebook as afriendRead a bookthat becamea movie or tvshowRead a bookthat takesplace in/oron anotherworld

Library Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read a book with a cat in the story
  2. Read a book with a COLOR in the title
  3. Read a book about a sport
  4. Read a book with a dog in the story
  5. Read a book with more than 300 pages
  6. Check out a Cookbook and try a recipe
  7. Read a book WRITTEN over 20 years ago
  8. Read a book written by a woman
  9. Read a book written by a man
  10. Read a book with a one word title
  11. Read a non-fiction book
  12. Check out a book about your favorite animal
  13. Read a book about something spooky
  14. Read a book set in a different country
  15. Read a book that takes place on/in/or under water
  16. Read a book you randomly choose off the shelf
  17. Read a book with a girl's name in the title
  18. Read a book your teacher recommends
  19. Read a book with a boy's name in the title
  20. Read a Mystery Book
  21. Read a book based on a true story
  22. Read the same book as a friend
  23. Read a book that became a movie or tv show
  24. Read a book that takes place in/or on another world