Where'sMr.McBeath?Student admitsthey don’t knowdifference betweenquarter and 8thnote.  Mrs. Kesslergives uptrying to getthe projectorto work.Oboes smilesmugly as they areasked todemonstrate howsomething goes.  You get yourmusic forSOW theday of theconcert.A Madrigal SingersTenor does not washhis tights over theduration of 25Madrigalperformances.  Entire section missesan entrance becausethey are busywatching a video onsomeone’s phone.  Student“accidentally”swears out loudafter making amistake.  Band Boys askyou to take yetanother pictureof them forInstagram.Adam hijacksthe screenshare in choirrehearsalagain.Former choirdirector speaks for30 minutes at thechoir concertbefore conductingfinal piece!Percussionistleaves room to"get mallets."Never comesback.Percussionsection ismissing...again.  Trumpets shootrubber bands attrombones duringtheir rests in thesenior solo piece.Mr. McBeathdoesn't knowyourname...andyou're a senior.Director cuts offright afteryou've counted126 measuresof rest.Begale losesin armwrestlingcontest withMrs. Mah.Rehearsalbegins. Allsectionspresentexcept violins.Mrs. Kesslerhas just oneword for thechoir:RHY-THMSomeone fakestheir waythrough entirerehearsal withno music.Violin is in seatready to go.Violin player isnowhere to befound.Cymbalscrash on thefloor during atender flutesolo.Dart gamein thetrumpetsection.Impromptu playingof the Trio medleyfrom NationalEmblem in thetrombone section.Student begs forforgiveness aftermissing yetanothercoaching withMrs. Mah.Fridaysnakes lastlonger thanorchestrarehearsal.Entire class is lateand walks in withmilkshakes from“The Grind.”  Spiritedgame of Unotakes placein the pit.Madrigal Singerssneak away 15gallons of potatochips fromOnwentsiaCountry Club. Studenttakes a 43minutebathroombreak.Student leaves to goto the bathroom asdirector stopsrehearsal to workwith just their section.  Entire back rowis on theirphones whenthey aresupposed to beplaying.Big Begale isthe only onedancing atthe FridayJam.Anotherperson is outwithCovid...what'snew?Orchestrastudent sitson Teslawhile eating"snakes."Does Mr.Begale reallylike you justthe way youare? ; )Mrs. Kesslerunwittingly dismissesWind Ensemble 15minutes earlybecause someonehelpfully "fixed theclock" on the backwall.Choir studentsask to take abreakoutside...for the37th time.Trumpetsconstruct a towerof mutes while werehearse the solosection in jazzband.Altos can't findstarting pitchbecause the oneperson they relyon for this is not inclass that day.Choir avoids singingfor an entire weekafter they persuadeMr. Begale to discussthe emotionalmeaning of theirmusic.Band andOrchestrastudents beg toplay Duel of theFates. (again)Yes, that is astudent ID cardstuck in the ceilingof the choir room.Actually, there aretwo of them! Trumpetsectionbuilds towerof trumpetcases.TimTuesdays!Call time is6:30. Oneperson isthere at 6:45.  APescarA student will notmake eye contactwith Mrs. Mahfollowing theirRecital coaching.  Mr. McBeathchanges bassdrum head anddiscovers 20“Froot by theFoot” wrappers.Flute sectionstartsgiggling forno apparentreason. Instrumentbreaks #ripthecello  Mrs. Mah leavesdents in thearmrests afterriding on minibusin Chicago withMr. Begale driving.Mutinyensues whenno break isgiven on ablock day.Begale takesSharks andMinnowsway tooseriously.Violin sectionignores alldivisis and onlyplays highnotes.  Mrs. Kesslerrealizes shemay have aproblem withthe trumpetsection.Orchestra studentsleave orange popsiclesin Mrs. Kessler's officerefrigerator over theweekend, leading to asticky orange surpriserunning down the filecabinet and onto thefloor Monday morning.Oboe playerspills reedwater all overthe floor.  A Bel CantoSinger Dress isshortened by theuse of doublesided tape.  Mr. Begalethreatens to pullanother song fromBalladiers the dayof the concert.Chickens out.Entire sectionout withCovid theweek beforethe concert. Mr. Bassill isa walkingmeme. Where'sMr.McBeath?Student admitsthey don’t knowdifference betweenquarter and 8thnote.  Mrs. Kesslergives uptrying to getthe projectorto work.Oboes smilesmugly as they areasked todemonstrate howsomething goes.  You get yourmusic forSOW theday of theconcert.A Madrigal SingersTenor does not washhis tights over theduration of 25Madrigalperformances.  Entire section missesan entrance becausethey are busywatching a video onsomeone’s phone.  Student“accidentally”swears out loudafter making amistake.  Band Boys askyou to take yetanother pictureof them forInstagram.Adam hijacksthe screenshare in choirrehearsalagain.Former choirdirector speaks for30 minutes at thechoir concertbefore conductingfinal piece!Percussionistleaves room to"get mallets."Never comesback.Percussionsection ismissing...again.  Trumpets shootrubber bands attrombones duringtheir rests in thesenior solo piece.Mr. McBeathdoesn't knowyourname...andyou're a senior.Director cuts offright afteryou've counted126 measuresof rest.Begale losesin armwrestlingcontest withMrs. Mah.Rehearsalbegins. Allsectionspresentexcept violins.Mrs. Kesslerhas just oneword for thechoir:RHY-THMSomeone fakestheir waythrough entirerehearsal withno music.Violin is in seatready to go.Violin player isnowhere to befound.Cymbalscrash on thefloor during atender flutesolo.Dart gamein thetrumpetsection.Impromptu playingof the Trio medleyfrom NationalEmblem in thetrombone section.Student begs forforgiveness aftermissing yetanothercoaching withMrs. Mah.Fridaysnakes lastlonger thanorchestrarehearsal.Entire class is lateand walks in withmilkshakes from“The Grind.”  Spiritedgame of Unotakes placein the pit.Madrigal Singerssneak away 15gallons of potatochips fromOnwentsiaCountry Club. Studenttakes a 43minutebathroombreak.Student leaves to goto the bathroom asdirector stopsrehearsal to workwith just their section.  Entire back rowis on theirphones whenthey aresupposed to beplaying.Big Begale isthe only onedancing atthe FridayJam.Anotherperson is outwithCovid...what'snew?Orchestrastudent sitson Teslawhile eating"snakes."Does Mr.Begale reallylike you justthe way youare? ; )Mrs. Kesslerunwittingly dismissesWind Ensemble 15minutes earlybecause someonehelpfully "fixed theclock" on the backwall.Choir studentsask to take abreakoutside...for the37th time.Trumpetsconstruct a towerof mutes while werehearse the solosection in jazzband.Altos can't findstarting pitchbecause the oneperson they relyon for this is not inclass that day.Choir avoids singingfor an entire weekafter they persuadeMr. Begale to discussthe emotionalmeaning of theirmusic.Band andOrchestrastudents beg toplay Duel of theFates. (again)Yes, that is astudent ID cardstuck in the ceilingof the choir room.Actually, there aretwo of them! Trumpetsectionbuilds towerof trumpetcases.TimTuesdays!Call time is6:30. Oneperson isthere at 6:45.  APescarA student will notmake eye contactwith Mrs. Mahfollowing theirRecital coaching.  Mr. McBeathchanges bassdrum head anddiscovers 20“Froot by theFoot” wrappers.Flute sectionstartsgiggling forno apparentreason. Instrumentbreaks #ripthecello  Mrs. Mah leavesdents in thearmrests afterriding on minibusin Chicago withMr. Begale driving.Mutinyensues whenno break isgiven on ablock day.Begale takesSharks andMinnowsway tooseriously.Violin sectionignores alldivisis and onlyplays highnotes.  Mrs. Kesslerrealizes shemay have aproblem withthe trumpetsection.Orchestra studentsleave orange popsiclesin Mrs. Kessler's officerefrigerator over theweekend, leading to asticky orange surpriserunning down the filecabinet and onto thefloor Monday morning.Oboe playerspills reedwater all overthe floor.  A Bel CantoSinger Dress isshortened by theuse of doublesided tape.  Mr. Begalethreatens to pullanother song fromBalladiers the dayof the concert.Chickens out.Entire sectionout withCovid theweek beforethe concert. Mr. Bassill isa walkingmeme. 

LFHS Music Rehearsal Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Where's Mr. McBeath?
  2. Student admits they don’t know difference between quarter and 8th note.
  3. Mrs. Kessler gives up trying to get the projector to work.
  4. Oboes smile smugly as they are asked to demonstrate how something goes.
  5. You get your music for SOW the day of the concert.
  6. A Madrigal Singers Tenor does not wash his tights over the duration of 25 Madrigal performances.
  7. Entire section misses an entrance because they are busy watching a video on someone’s phone.
  8. Student “accidentally” swears out loud after making a mistake.
  9. Band Boys ask you to take yet another picture of them for Instagram.
  10. Adam hijacks the screen share in choir rehearsal again.
  11. Former choir director speaks for 30 minutes at the choir concert before conducting final piece!
  12. Percussionist leaves room to "get mallets." Never comes back.
  13. Percussion section is missing...again.
  14. Trumpets shoot rubber bands at trombones during their rests in the senior solo piece.
  15. Mr. McBeath doesn't know your name...and you're a senior.
  16. Director cuts off right after you've counted 126 measures of rest.
  17. Begale loses in arm wrestling contest with Mrs. Mah.
  18. Rehearsal begins. All sections present except violins.
  19. Mrs. Kessler has just one word for the choir: RHY-THM
  20. Someone fakes their way through entire rehearsal with no music.
  21. Violin is in seat ready to go. Violin player is nowhere to be found.
  22. Cymbals crash on the floor during a tender flute solo.
  23. Dart game in the trumpet section.
  24. Impromptu playing of the Trio medley from National Emblem in the trombone section.
  25. Student begs for forgiveness after missing yet another coaching with Mrs. Mah.
  26. Friday snakes last longer than orchestra rehearsal.
  27. Entire class is late and walks in with milkshakes from “The Grind.”
  28. Spirited game of Uno takes place in the pit.
  29. Madrigal Singers sneak away 15 gallons of potato chips from Onwentsia Country Club.
  30. Student takes a 43 minute bathroom break.
  31. Student leaves to go to the bathroom as director stops rehearsal to work with just their section.
  32. Entire back row is on their phones when they are supposed to be playing.
  33. Big Begale is the only one dancing at the Friday Jam.
  34. Another person is out with Covid...what's new?
  35. Orchestra student sits on Tesla while eating "snakes."
  36. Does Mr. Begale really like you just the way you are? ; )
  37. Mrs. Kessler unwittingly dismisses Wind Ensemble 15 minutes early because someone helpfully "fixed the clock" on the back wall.
  38. Choir students ask to take a break outside...for the 37th time.
  39. Trumpets construct a tower of mutes while we rehearse the solo section in jazz band.
  40. Altos can't find starting pitch because the one person they rely on for this is not in class that day.
  41. Choir avoids singing for an entire week after they persuade Mr. Begale to discuss the emotional meaning of their music.
  42. Band and Orchestra students beg to play Duel of the Fates. (again)
  43. Yes, that is a student ID card stuck in the ceiling of the choir room. Actually, there are two of them!
  44. Trumpet section builds tower of trumpet cases.
  45. Tim Tuesdays!
  46. Call time is 6:30. One person is there at 6:45.
  47. A Pescar
  48. A student will not make eye contact with Mrs. Mah following their Recital coaching.
  49. Mr. McBeath changes bass drum head and discovers 20 “Froot by the Foot” wrappers.
  50. Flute section starts giggling for no apparent reason.
  51. Instrument breaks #ripthecello
  52. Mrs. Mah leaves dents in the armrests after riding on minibus in Chicago with Mr. Begale driving.
  53. Mutiny ensues when no break is given on a block day.
  54. Begale takes Sharks and Minnows way too seriously.
  55. Violin section ignores all divisis and only plays high notes.
  56. Mrs. Kessler realizes she may have a problem with the trumpet section.
  57. Orchestra students leave orange popsicles in Mrs. Kessler's office refrigerator over the weekend, leading to a sticky orange surprise running down the file cabinet and onto the floor Monday morning.
  58. Oboe player spills reed water all over the floor.
  59. A Bel Canto Singer Dress is shortened by the use of double sided tape.
  60. Mr. Begale threatens to pull another song from Balladiers the day of the concert. Chickens out.
  61. Entire section out with Covid the week before the concert.
  62. Mr. Bassill is a walking meme.