Diagnosingmental healthissues was aform of...______________________feminism hastwo aspects.Who was thehousekeeperin the story?_________Personalitydisorders werediagnosed towomen when theyrefused to conformto ______ ______.What wasthe closingstatement inthe film?_____ ___!Psychoanalyticfeminism looksat the human________Whichadministershowed up inthe film?___________The ShadowWoman was asymbolfor__________John refersto thewoman aslittle_______Healthyhuman traitswere oftenseen as_________________feminismtakes a look at therestrictions placedon women inheterosexualmarriages.Who quoted"We should allbe feminists? ___________Whichtreatmentconsisted of astop to allactivity?____________Jennieworks asa _____________CharlottePerkins________is the authorof the story.The oppressionpeople face isaffected byfactors such as______,_______,and _______.The roomthe womanstays in isthe_________At the time thestory waswritten therewas _____wave feminism.In the 1800'swomen wereoften viewedas _______and _______Johnworks asa________Hysteria andnervousnesswas thought tobe cured by the_____ _____Exaggeratedanduncontrollableexcitement wasa symptom of__________In the film it issaid thatfeminism comesdown to basic______ ______Which characterrepresents thepatriarchy? ____________Diagnosingmental healthissues was aform of...______________________feminism hastwo aspects.Who was thehousekeeperin the story?_________Personalitydisorders werediagnosed towomen when theyrefused to conformto ______ ______.What wasthe closingstatement inthe film?_____ ___!Psychoanalyticfeminism looksat the human________Whichadministershowed up inthe film?___________The ShadowWoman was asymbolfor__________John refersto thewoman aslittle_______Healthyhuman traitswere oftenseen as_________________feminismtakes a look at therestrictions placedon women inheterosexualmarriages.Who quoted"We should allbe feminists? ___________Whichtreatmentconsisted of astop to allactivity?____________Jennieworks asa _____________CharlottePerkins________is the authorof the story.The oppressionpeople face isaffected byfactors such as______,_______,and _______.The roomthe womanstays in isthe_________At the time thestory waswritten therewas _____wave feminism.In the 1800'swomen wereoften viewedas _______and _______Johnworks asa________Hysteria andnervousnesswas thought tobe cured by the_____ _____Exaggeratedanduncontrollableexcitement wasa symptom of__________In the film it issaid thatfeminism comesdown to basic______ ______Which characterrepresents thepatriarchy? ____________

Feminist Themes in The Yellow Wallpaper - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Diagnosing mental health issues was a form of... ___________
  2. ___________ feminism has two aspects.
  3. Who was the housekeeper in the story? _________
  4. Personality disorders were diagnosed to women when they refused to conform to ______ ______.
  5. What was the closing statement in the film? _____ ___!
  6. Psychoanalytic feminism looks at the human ________
  7. Which administer showed up in the film? ___________
  8. The Shadow Woman was a symbol for__________
  9. John refers to the woman as little _______
  10. Healthy human traits were often seen as __________
  11. _______feminism takes a look at the restrictions placed on women in heterosexual marriages.
  12. Who quoted "We should all be feminists? ___________
  13. Which treatment consisted of a stop to all activity? ____________
  14. Jennie works as a ______ _______
  15. Charlotte Perkins ________ is the author of the story.
  16. The oppression people face is affected by factors such as ______,_______, and _______.
  17. The room the woman stays in is the _________
  18. At the time the story was written there was _____ wave feminism.
  19. In the 1800's women were often viewed as _______ and _______
  20. John works as a ________
  21. Hysteria and nervousness was thought to be cured by the _____ _____
  22. Exaggerated and uncontrollable excitement was a symptom of __________
  23. In the film it is said that feminism comes down to basic ______ ______
  24. Which character represents the patriarchy? ____________