20thJulyI am the new'Wave 1' datefor the MyWorldpanellaunch7I am thenumber ofUK officesKantar hasKantarCornerThere are 3 ofme atWestgate,people come tome for a chatMicrosoftTeamsI am the wayto connectthrough 2people and agreen lightPatrolMy icon is alifeboat ringand Saj ismy masterChrisMorleyLiveI happen once amonth, hosted bythe ExecutiveManaging Directorof KantarWorldpanelWorldpanelWednesday'sI happenonce aweek, myname is analliterationSoftLaunchI haverecentlybeenextendedMLPI am locatednext toLondonBridgestation5I am thenumber ofdivisionsKantar hasCentralTeamI operatefrom thePortuguesecapitalAttributionIf I lookbehind meall I see iscoding andrulesHangerLaneStationI am thegateway toour officefrom centralLondon90pI am theprice of ajacket potatoin thecanteenTheFox &GooseI rummagethrough yourbins at night & Ihave beenknown to lay agolden eggUserAccessI am the lockto allpermissionsand Megholds the keyAppreciatePointsToday is thelast day youcan gift mebefore IdisappearExcelMy icon isgreen and Iam thecreator ofspreadsheets20thJulyI am the new'Wave 1' datefor the MyWorldpanellaunch7I am thenumber ofUK officesKantar hasKantarCornerThere are 3 ofme atWestgate,people come tome for a chatMicrosoftTeamsI am the wayto connectthrough 2people and agreen lightPatrolMy icon is alifeboat ringand Saj ismy masterChrisMorleyLiveI happen once amonth, hosted bythe ExecutiveManaging Directorof KantarWorldpanelWorldpanelWednesday'sI happenonce aweek, myname is analliterationSoftLaunchI haverecentlybeenextendedMLPI am locatednext toLondonBridgestation5I am thenumber ofdivisionsKantar hasCentralTeamI operatefrom thePortuguesecapitalAttributionIf I lookbehind meall I see iscoding andrulesHangerLaneStationI am thegateway toour officefrom centralLondon90pI am theprice of ajacket potatoin thecanteenTheFox &GooseI rummagethrough yourbins at night & Ihave beenknown to lay agolden eggUserAccessI am the lockto allpermissionsand Megholds the keyAppreciatePointsToday is thelast day youcan gift mebefore IdisappearExcelMy icon isgreen and Iam thecreator ofspreadsheets

Kantar Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I am the new 'Wave 1' date for the My Worldpanel launch
    20th July
  2. I am the number of UK offices Kantar has
  3. There are 3 of me at Westgate, people come to me for a chat
    Kantar Corner
  4. I am the way to connect through 2 people and a green light
    Microsoft Teams
  5. My icon is a lifeboat ring and Saj is my master
  6. I happen once a month, hosted by the Executive Managing Director of Kantar Worldpanel
    Chris Morley Live
  7. I happen once a week, my name is an alliteration
    Worldpanel Wednesday's
  8. I have recently been extended
    Soft Launch
  9. I am located next to London Bridge station
  10. I am the number of divisions Kantar has
  11. I operate from the Portuguese capital
    Central Team
  12. If I look behind me all I see is coding and rules
  13. I am the gateway to our office from central London
    Hanger Lane Station
  14. I am the price of a jacket potato in the canteen
  15. I rummage through your bins at night & I have been known to lay a golden egg
    The Fox & Goose
  16. I am the lock to all permissions and Meg holds the key
    User Access
  17. Today is the last day you can gift me before I disappear
    Appreciate Points
  18. My icon is green and I am the creator of spreadsheets