Blood doping is“withdrawing anathlete's blood, storingit and, weeks later, re-infusing it pre-competition, whichcould improve maximalaerobic capacity”Former eliteathletes haveadversealcohol userates of 5%More than 500 girlsand women wereabused by LawrenceG. Nassar, the formernational gymnasticsteam doctorUSA Gymnasticsfiled forbankruptcy afterthe Larry NassarCase Settlement"The use of drugs toenhance performance atthe Olympic Games startedduring the Games inAncient Greece whenhallucinogens from fungiand possibly strychninewere used by competitors"In a study oninsomniasymptoms ofOlympic athletes,64% reportedhaving insomnia6-45% of womenathletes haveeating disorders(much higher thannon-athletes)“single sportathletes are atgreatest riskof anxiety anddepression”The Olympicshas somethingknown as “thelist” which arebannedsubstancesSome type of abuse thathas been reported inJapanese Olympiansconsists of, “hitting childrenwith bats and bambookendo sticks, slappingchildren across the face,and holding children’sheads underwater tosimulate drowning”In a medical study,“Athletes shared with theresearchers their personalstruggles related to sportswhich included experiencesbeing the victims of bullyingbehavior, suffering fromeating disorders andsustaining sports-relatedinjuries”A study measuringdepression in eliteathletes, found that4%-68% havedepression, althoughthis does not includethe immense amountof athletes that do notreport depressionThe Russian OlympicTeam was banned for4 years from theOlympics and is nowknown as “Olympicathletes from Russia”0-19% of maleathletes haveeating disorders(much higher thannon-athletes)“80% of players whotreated for sports-related injuries alsoreportedpsychological issuesrelated to theirinjuries”Former eliteathleteshavedepressionrates of 45%Blood doping is“withdrawing anathlete's blood, storingit and, weeks later, re-infusing it pre-competition, whichcould improve maximalaerobic capacity”Former eliteathletes haveadversealcohol userates of 5%More than 500 girlsand women wereabused by LawrenceG. Nassar, the formernational gymnasticsteam doctorUSA Gymnasticsfiled forbankruptcy afterthe Larry NassarCase Settlement"The use of drugs toenhance performance atthe Olympic Games startedduring the Games inAncient Greece whenhallucinogens from fungiand possibly strychninewere used by competitors"In a study oninsomniasymptoms ofOlympic athletes,64% reportedhaving insomnia6-45% of womenathletes haveeating disorders(much higher thannon-athletes)“single sportathletes are atgreatest riskof anxiety anddepression”The Olympicshas somethingknown as “thelist” which arebannedsubstancesSome type of abuse thathas been reported inJapanese Olympiansconsists of, “hitting childrenwith bats and bambookendo sticks, slappingchildren across the face,and holding children’sheads underwater tosimulate drowning”In a medical study,“Athletes shared with theresearchers their personalstruggles related to sportswhich included experiencesbeing the victims of bullyingbehavior, suffering fromeating disorders andsustaining sports-relatedinjuries”A study measuringdepression in eliteathletes, found that4%-68% havedepression, althoughthis does not includethe immense amountof athletes that do notreport depressionThe Russian OlympicTeam was banned for4 years from theOlympics and is nowknown as “Olympicathletes from Russia”0-19% of maleathletes haveeating disorders(much higher thannon-athletes)“80% of players whotreated for sports-related injuries alsoreportedpsychological issuesrelated to theirinjuries”Former eliteathleteshavedepressionrates of 45%

Unhealthy Environment of the Olympics - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Blood doping is “withdrawing an athlete's blood, storing it and, weeks later, re-infusing it pre-competition, which could improve maximal aerobic capacity”
  2. Former elite athletes have adverse alcohol use rates of 5%
  3. More than 500 girls and women were abused by Lawrence G. Nassar, the former national gymnastics team doctor
  4. USA Gymnastics filed for bankruptcy after the Larry Nassar Case Settlement
  5. "The use of drugs to enhance performance at the Olympic Games started during the Games in Ancient Greece when hallucinogens from fungi and possibly strychnine were used by competitors"
  6. In a study on insomnia symptoms of Olympic athletes, 64% reported having insomnia
  7. 6-45% of women athletes have eating disorders (much higher than non-athletes)
  8. “single sport athletes are at greatest risk of anxiety and depression”
  9. The Olympics has something known as “the list” which are banned substances
  10. Some type of abuse that has been reported in Japanese Olympians consists of, “hitting children with bats and bamboo kendo sticks, slapping children across the face, and holding children’s heads underwater to simulate drowning”
  11. In a medical study, “Athletes shared with the researchers their personal struggles related to sports which included experiences being the victims of bullying behavior, suffering from eating disorders and sustaining sports-related injuries”
  12. A study measuring depression in elite athletes, found that 4%-68% have depression, although this does not include the immense amount of athletes that do not report depression
  13. The Russian Olympic Team was banned for 4 years from the Olympics and is now known as “Olympic athletes from Russia”
  14. 0-19% of male athletes have eating disorders (much higher than non-athletes)
  15. “80% of players who treated for sports-related injuries also reported psychological issues related to their injuries”
  16. Former elite athletes have depression rates of 45%