Détente policyaimed to easetensions betweenAmerica and theSoviet UnionIndustrializationspread becauseother nations wantedto have the sameeconomicopportunities thatBritain enjoyedGlobalization is theprocess of becominginterconnected withother countries,people, andgovernments viatradeThecontainmentpolicy sought tostop the spreadof communismGermany, France,and Russia weredrawn into the warbetween Austria-Hungary and Serbiaas a result of thealliance systemTheApartheidwas aseparation ofracesLenin believed that asocialist revolutioncould succeed inRussia if a smallgroup of dedicatedrevolutionariescontrolled thegovernmentSocialism is basedon the belief thatthe means ofproduction should beshared by everyonein societyCompetition betweenChina and Japan toestablish control overKorea resulted in theFirst Sino-JapaneseWar.Britain and Francedeclared war onGermany after theinvasion of Polandbecauseappeasement failedGermany's rapidsuccess in the firstmonths of the warwas largely due totheuse of the blitzkrieg,which caughtcountries unpreparedThe 38thParallelseparatedNorth andSouth KoreaSteam enginesimproved theshipping ofgoods and rawmaterialsThe MunichPact furtherencouragedHitler'saggressivepoliciesThe Lend-LeaseAct allowed theUS to provideaid to Britainand the USSRDuring theChinese Civil war,the nationalistshad corruptleadership andpoor moraleThe CulturalRevolution ofChina aimed toachieve equalityfor all peasantsand workersFor the sake ofpeace andsecurity, 48nations joinedthe UnitedNationsNew militarytechnology inWW1 increasedthe number ofcasualties fromwarGermany wasable to test outthe capabilitiesof its weapons inthe Spanish CivilWarThe TrumanDoctrinepromised to aidany countryfightingcommunismBefore gainingindependence,India was underthe rule ofBritainThe first factorieswere more efficientthan the earlierputting-out systembecause they broughtworkers andmachines together inone placeAdam Smith definedthe free market as aneconomic system inwhichthe market functionswith little or nogovernmentinterferenceDétente policyaimed to easetensions betweenAmerica and theSoviet UnionIndustrializationspread becauseother nations wantedto have the sameeconomicopportunities thatBritain enjoyedGlobalization is theprocess of becominginterconnected withother countries,people, andgovernments viatradeThecontainmentpolicy sought tostop the spreadof communismGermany, France,and Russia weredrawn into the warbetween Austria-Hungary and Serbiaas a result of thealliance systemTheApartheidwas aseparation ofracesLenin believed that asocialist revolutioncould succeed inRussia if a smallgroup of dedicatedrevolutionariescontrolled thegovernmentSocialism is basedon the belief thatthe means ofproduction should beshared by everyonein societyCompetition betweenChina and Japan toestablish control overKorea resulted in theFirst Sino-JapaneseWar.Britain and Francedeclared war onGermany after theinvasion of Polandbecauseappeasement failedGermany's rapidsuccess in the firstmonths of the warwas largely due totheuse of the blitzkrieg,which caughtcountries unpreparedThe 38thParallelseparatedNorth andSouth KoreaSteam enginesimproved theshipping ofgoods and rawmaterialsThe MunichPact furtherencouragedHitler'saggressivepoliciesThe Lend-LeaseAct allowed theUS to provideaid to Britainand the USSRDuring theChinese Civil war,the nationalistshad corruptleadership andpoor moraleThe CulturalRevolution ofChina aimed toachieve equalityfor all peasantsand workersFor the sake ofpeace andsecurity, 48nations joinedthe UnitedNationsNew militarytechnology inWW1 increasedthe number ofcasualties fromwarGermany wasable to test outthe capabilitiesof its weapons inthe Spanish CivilWarThe TrumanDoctrinepromised to aidany countryfightingcommunismBefore gainingindependence,India was underthe rule ofBritainThe first factorieswere more efficientthan the earlierputting-out systembecause they broughtworkers andmachines together inone placeAdam Smith definedthe free market as aneconomic system inwhichthe market functionswith little or nogovernmentinterference

World History Final - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Détente policy aimed to ease tensions between America and the Soviet Union
  2. Industrialization spread because other nations wanted to have the same economic opportunities that Britain enjoyed
  3. Globalization is the process of becoming interconnected with other countries, people, and governments via trade
  4. The containment policy sought to stop the spread of communism
  5. Germany, France, and Russia were drawn into the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia as a result of the alliance system
  6. The Apartheid was a separation of races
  7. Lenin believed that a socialist revolution could succeed in Russia if a small group of dedicated revolutionaries controlled the government
  8. Socialism is based on the belief that the means of production should be shared by everyone in society
  9. Competition between China and Japan to establish control over Korea resulted in the First Sino-Japanese War.
  10. Britain and France declared war on Germany after the invasion of Poland because appeasement failed
  11. Germany's rapid success in the first months of the war was largely due to the use of the blitzkrieg, which caught countries unprepared
  12. The 38th Parallel separated North and South Korea
  13. Steam engines improved the shipping of goods and raw materials
  14. The Munich Pact further encouraged Hitler's aggressive policies
  15. The Lend-Lease Act allowed the US to provide aid to Britain and the USSR
  16. During the Chinese Civil war, the nationalists had corrupt leadership and poor morale
  17. The Cultural Revolution of China aimed to achieve equality for all peasants and workers
  18. For the sake of peace and security, 48 nations joined the United Nations
  19. New military technology in WW1 increased the number of casualties from war
  20. Germany was able to test out the capabilities of its weapons in the Spanish Civil War
  21. The Truman Doctrine promised to aid any country fighting communism
  22. Before gaining independence, India was under the rule of Britain
  23. The first factories were more efficient than the earlier putting-out system because they brought workers and machines together in one place
  24. Adam Smith defined the free market as an economic system in which the market functions with little or no government interference