Jazzercise - Take avideo of a teammember leading ajazzercise class.Bonus points forextra people orcostumes!Take a pictureof a food itemthat no teammember haseaten before. Take a groupphoto whereeveryone ismaking adifferent emojiface.Create a memeor video of 5things allmiddleschoolers doTake a photo ofyour team in yourfavorite corner ofCook. Be preparedto defend yourchoiceI’ll Be There For You- Take a video of yourteam members on acouch singing theFriends theme song.Claps must beincluded!Take a photoof your teamwith a falcon.Take a photo ofsomething thatpeople use all ofthe time withoutthinking about it.Bonus points forcreativityRecord a shortvideo sharingone strength ofeach member ofthe other team.Writewelcome backgraffiti on 15classroomwhiteboardsCreate yourownawkwardfamily photo.Ask astranger to letyou pumptheir gas andsnap a photo.Take a photo infront of each ofCook’s feederelementaryschools.Take a photoof somethingthat rhymeswith CookTake apicture with abook with thenumber 13 inthe title.Find your own epiclocation and take aphoto of two teammembers reenactingthe famous Jack andRose scene at thefront of the Titanic.Find and take aphoto of a teammember holding avideo or tapeCassette. Anyvideo or tapecassette will do.Take a photo ofa bill or coin ofanydenominationof a foreigncurrency.Take a photo ofsomebody striking aprofessional pose infront an office wallfeaturing fancy-looking degrees andprofessionalcertifications.Record a video likeyou are newsbroadcastersintroducing Cookand our focus areasand goalsTake a photoof your entireteamwearinghats.Abbey Road - Take aphoto at a quietstreet crossing ofyour team membersrecreating theBeatles’ famousalbum cover.Sparkle and Shine -Take a video ofmembers of yourteam in a vehiclegoing through a carwash singing a song.Take a photoof a classiclunch dutyscenarioJazzercise - Take avideo of a teammember leading ajazzercise class.Bonus points forextra people orcostumes!Take a pictureof a food itemthat no teammember haseaten before. Take a groupphoto whereeveryone ismaking adifferent emojiface.Create a memeor video of 5things allmiddleschoolers doTake a photo ofyour team in yourfavorite corner ofCook. Be preparedto defend yourchoiceI’ll Be There For You- Take a video of yourteam members on acouch singing theFriends theme song.Claps must beincluded!Take a photoof your teamwith a falcon.Take a photo ofsomething thatpeople use all ofthe time withoutthinking about it.Bonus points forcreativityRecord a shortvideo sharingone strength ofeach member ofthe other team.Writewelcome backgraffiti on 15classroomwhiteboardsCreate yourownawkwardfamily photo.Ask astranger to letyou pumptheir gas andsnap a photo.Take a photo infront of each ofCook’s feederelementaryschools.Take a photoof somethingthat rhymeswith CookTake apicture with abook with thenumber 13 inthe title.Find your own epiclocation and take aphoto of two teammembers reenactingthe famous Jack andRose scene at thefront of the Titanic.Find and take aphoto of a teammember holding avideo or tapeCassette. Anyvideo or tapecassette will do.Take a photo ofa bill or coin ofanydenominationof a foreigncurrency.Take a photo ofsomebody striking aprofessional pose infront an office wallfeaturing fancy-looking degrees andprofessionalcertifications.Record a video likeyou are newsbroadcastersintroducing Cookand our focus areasand goalsTake a photoof your entireteamwearinghats.Abbey Road - Take aphoto at a quietstreet crossing ofyour team membersrecreating theBeatles’ famousalbum cover.Sparkle and Shine -Take a video ofmembers of yourteam in a vehiclegoing through a carwash singing a song.Take a photoof a classiclunch dutyscenario

ILT Scavenger Hunt Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.