Yourecommend aChinese orIndigenoussong/piece thatyou likeYou find somethingthat reflectsWahkohtowin (Creeconcept of theinterconnectedrelationships we havein/with this world)EricmentionsFrank Olivermore thantwiceYou learn/discusssomething aboutIndigenousphilosophy orteaching(s)You spotthe RedCanopyYou see 2Chineseseniorscarryinggrocery bagsYou recommend abook/paper tosomeone on thetour who you didn'tknow beforeYou learnsomethingaboutIndigenousmedicineYou seeCree on astreet signYou see theChinese LionDancerEricmentionsSun Yat-Senmore thantwiceYou learnsomethingabout animalsymbolism inanother cultureYou doodleon an EYACmember'sbingo sheetYou find theUkrainianEaster eggsYou take2 pictureson thetourYou have adiscussionabout whichfrog was thebestYou learnsomethingnew aboutChinesetraditionsYou see the birdsthat made a bridgebetween theCowherd andWeaver (Hint: it's amagpie)You make auniquehandshake witha CBA YouthCouncilmemberYou write 1-2sentences thatreflects why we arehere today on yourbingo sheet(Could also bepoetry!)You greetChineseseniors whoare out on awalkEric goes ona long butinterestingtangentYou learna ChinesesayingYourecommendsomeone anIndigenous orChinesefilm/show/You learna CreewordYou learnsomethingnew aboutIndigenoushistoryWe walkpast aBenevolentAssociationYou learn thenames of 2IndigenousartistsYou seesomething thatyou learnedabout in asession todayYou seeCreesyllabicson a muralYoulearn/discusssomething aboutChinesephilosophyor teaching(s)You learnsomethingabouttraditionalChinesemedicineYou seepoetry byDerekBesant on96 StreetYou see 5buildingswith ChinesearchitectureYou learnsomethingnew aboutIndigenous artand designYou learnaboutIndigenousarchitectureYou spotThunderbirdWomansymbolismYou see WildRose byAnishinaabekweartist RebeccaBelmoreYou unlearn amisconceptionyou hadbeforeYou talk aboutwhat kind ofrelationship youhave with the landwith someone elseon the tourYou makea newfriend onthe tourSomeonerecommendsto you acultural foodthey likeYou learnsomething newabout ChineseCanadianhistoryYou learnsomethingabout coloursymbolism inanother cultureYourecommend aChinese orIndigenoussong/piece thatyou likeYou find somethingthat reflectsWahkohtowin (Creeconcept of theinterconnectedrelationships we havein/with this world)EricmentionsFrank Olivermore thantwiceYou learn/discusssomething aboutIndigenousphilosophy orteaching(s)You spotthe RedCanopyYou see 2Chineseseniorscarryinggrocery bagsYou recommend abook/paper tosomeone on thetour who you didn'tknow beforeYou learnsomethingaboutIndigenousmedicineYou seeCree on astreet signYou see theChinese LionDancerEricmentionsSun Yat-Senmore thantwiceYou learnsomethingabout animalsymbolism inanother cultureYou doodleon an EYACmember'sbingo sheetYou find theUkrainianEaster eggsYou take2 pictureson thetourYou have adiscussionabout whichfrog was thebestYou learnsomethingnew aboutChinesetraditionsYou see the birdsthat made a bridgebetween theCowherd andWeaver (Hint: it's amagpie)You make auniquehandshake witha CBA YouthCouncilmemberYou write 1-2sentences thatreflects why we arehere today on yourbingo sheet(Could also bepoetry!)You greetChineseseniors whoare out on awalkEric goes ona long butinterestingtangentYou learna ChinesesayingYourecommendsomeone anIndigenous orChinesefilm/show/You learna CreewordYou learnsomethingnew aboutIndigenoushistoryWe walkpast aBenevolentAssociationYou learn thenames of 2IndigenousartistsYou seesomething thatyou learnedabout in asession todayYou seeCreesyllabicson a muralYoulearn/discusssomething aboutChinesephilosophyor teaching(s)You learnsomethingabouttraditionalChinesemedicineYou seepoetry byDerekBesant on96 StreetYou see 5buildingswith ChinesearchitectureYou learnsomethingnew aboutIndigenous artand designYou learnaboutIndigenousarchitectureYou spotThunderbirdWomansymbolismYou see WildRose byAnishinaabekweartist RebeccaBelmoreYou unlearn amisconceptionyou hadbeforeYou talk aboutwhat kind ofrelationship youhave with the landwith someone elseon the tourYou makea newfriend onthe tourSomeonerecommendsto you acultural foodthey likeYou learnsomething newabout ChineseCanadianhistoryYou learnsomethingabout coloursymbolism inanother culture

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You recommend a Chinese or Indigenous song/piece that you like
  2. You find something that reflects Wahkohtowin (Cree concept of the interconnected relationships we have in/with this world)
  3. Eric mentions Frank Oliver more than twice
  4. You learn/discuss something about Indigenous philosophy or teaching(s)
  5. You spot the Red Canopy
  6. You see 2 Chinese seniors carrying grocery bags
  7. You recommend a book/paper to someone on the tour who you didn't know before
  8. You learn something about Indigenous medicine
  9. You see Cree on a street sign
  10. You see the Chinese Lion Dancer
  11. Eric mentions Sun Yat-Sen more than twice
  12. You learn something about animal symbolism in another culture
  13. You doodle on an EYAC member's bingo sheet
  14. You find the Ukrainian Easter eggs
  15. You take 2 pictures on the tour
  16. You have a discussion about which frog was the best
  17. You learn something new about Chinese traditions
  18. You see the birds that made a bridge between the Cowherd and Weaver (Hint: it's a magpie)
  19. You make a unique handshake with a CBA Youth Council member
  20. You write 1-2 sentences that reflects why we are here today on your bingo sheet (Could also be poetry!)
  21. You greet Chinese seniors who are out on a walk
  22. Eric goes on a long but interesting tangent
  23. You learn a Chinese saying
  24. You recommend someone an Indigenous or Chinese film/show/
  25. You learn a Cree word
  26. You learn something new about Indigenous history
  27. We walk past a Benevolent Association
  28. You learn the names of 2 Indigenous artists
  29. You see something that you learned about in a session today
  30. You see Cree syllabics on a mural
  31. You learn/discuss something about Chinese philosophy or teaching(s)
  32. You learn something about traditional Chinese medicine
  33. You see poetry by Derek Besant on 96 Street
  34. You see 5 buildings with Chinese architecture
  35. You learn something new about Indigenous art and design
  36. You learn about Indigenous architecture
  37. You spot Thunderbird Woman symbolism
  38. You see Wild Rose by Anishinaabekwe artist Rebecca Belmore
  39. You unlearn a misconception you had before
  40. You talk about what kind of relationship you have with the land with someone else on the tour
  41. You make a new friend on the tour
  42. Someone recommends to you a cultural food they like
  43. You learn something new about Chinese Canadian history
  44. You learn something about colour symbolism in another culture