people whoautomatically thinkthat seeing acharacter in fanartlighter than thecanonical skintone =whitewashingpeople who changetheir gender tohide/justify that theyfetishize gay men(you know who youare)people whoautomatically thinkthat people who havea negative or neutralopinion about acertain group areableist, racist,homophobic, etc."those"mcytfansmental/physicaldisorder fakersmakes acharacterwith seriousmental issues"kawaii"people whothink thatsuperstraight=transphobiacant accept thathomophobia,racism, ableism,and etc. aresubjective"kill allmen" typeoffeministsunnecessarilyheadcanoningcharacters as lgbtand/or mentallydisabled just fordiversity and not withcanonical prooffetishizesreal peoplefor their ownpleasure"durr i agedhim/her up so itsfine" or "durr itsanother universewhere logic andmorality doesntapply so its fine"ACAB of anysort (especiallyaestheticsdedicated toACAB)peoplewho idolizeserialkillersthinks someonesopinion is instantlyableist, homophobic,racist, etc. just sothat the person withsuch opinion can playthe bad guyproshipperspeople who usetheir sexualorientation, race,and/or mentaldisorders to justifysomething badthat they didpeople who dontrespect/supportcishets, whitepeople, and/orneurotypicalspeople whoblackwashcharacters fordiversity instead ofactually finding acanonically blackcharacterpeople who use"those" xenogendersand neopronouns(you make a hugefool out of the lgbtcommunity)is lgbt becausethe lgbtcommunity isexpanding andbecoming morepopularpeople who saysomethingoffensiveunironically thendeny it whenaccused about itpeople who thinkthat top/dominantandbottom/submissiveare personalitytraitsmake characterssexualities,genders, andpronounssubstitute for theirpersonalitypeople whoautomatically thinkthat seeing acharacter in fanartlighter than thecanonical skintone =whitewashingpeople who changetheir gender tohide/justify that theyfetishize gay men(you know who youare)people whoautomatically thinkthat people who havea negative or neutralopinion about acertain group areableist, racist,homophobic, etc."those"mcytfansmental/physicaldisorder fakersmakes acharacterwith seriousmental issues"kawaii"people whothink thatsuperstraight=transphobiacant accept thathomophobia,racism, ableism,and etc. aresubjective"kill allmen" typeoffeministsunnecessarilyheadcanoningcharacters as lgbtand/or mentallydisabled just fordiversity and not withcanonical prooffetishizesreal peoplefor their ownpleasure"durr i agedhim/her up so itsfine" or "durr itsanother universewhere logic andmorality doesntapply so its fine"ACAB of anysort (especiallyaestheticsdedicated toACAB)peoplewho idolizeserialkillersthinks someonesopinion is instantlyableist, homophobic,racist, etc. just sothat the person withsuch opinion can playthe bad guyproshipperspeople who usetheir sexualorientation, race,and/or mentaldisorders to justifysomething badthat they didpeople who dontrespect/supportcishets, whitepeople, and/orneurotypicalspeople whoblackwashcharacters fordiversity instead ofactually finding acanonically blackcharacterpeople who use"those" xenogendersand neopronouns(you make a hugefool out of the lgbtcommunity)is lgbt becausethe lgbtcommunity isexpanding andbecoming morepopularpeople who saysomethingoffensiveunironically thendeny it whenaccused about itpeople who thinkthat top/dominantandbottom/submissiveare personalitytraitsmake characterssexualities,genders, andpronounssubstitute for theirpersonality

people i do not like bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. people who automatically think that seeing a character in fanart lighter than the canonical skintone = whitewashing
  2. people who change their gender to hide/justify that they fetishize gay men (you know who you are)
  3. people who automatically think that people who have a negative or neutral opinion about a certain group are ableist, racist, homophobic, etc.
  4. "those" mcyt fans
  5. mental/physical disorder fakers
  6. makes a character with serious mental issues "kawaii"
  7. people who think that superstraight = transphobia
  8. cant accept that homophobia, racism, ableism, and etc. are subjective
  9. "kill all men" type of feminists
  10. unnecessarily headcanoning characters as lgbt and/or mentally disabled just for diversity and not with canonical proof
  11. fetishizes real people for their own pleasure
  12. "durr i aged him/her up so its fine" or "durr its another universe where logic and morality doesnt apply so its fine"
  13. ACAB of any sort (especially aesthetics dedicated to ACAB)
  14. people who idolize serial killers
  15. thinks someones opinion is instantly ableist, homophobic, racist, etc. just so that the person with such opinion can play the bad guy
  16. proshippers
  17. people who use their sexual orientation, race, and/or mental disorders to justify something bad that they did
  18. people who dont respect/support cishets, white people, and/or neurotypicals
  19. people who blackwash characters for diversity instead of actually finding a canonically black character
  20. people who use "those" xenogenders and neopronouns (you make a huge fool out of the lgbt community)
  21. is lgbt because the lgbt community is expanding and becoming more popular
  22. people who say something offensive unironically then deny it when accused about it
  23. people who think that top/dominant and bottom/submissive are personality traits
  24. make characters sexualities, genders, and pronouns substitute for their personality