Name aflower in theweddingarrangements___________Tana &Fletcher'sweddingnight hotel:___________In what countrydid Fletcher andTana renew theirvows?_____________What is thecouples'favoriterestaurant inRaleigh?How longhave Tana &Fletcher livedon OverbrookDrive?Destination ofFletcher &Tana'shoneymoon:___________On whatanniversary yeardid Tana &Fletcher renewtheir vows?______________Where didTana &Fletchermeet?__________Family rabbitswere named afterthese two OldTestament Books:__________________________Name one ofthe couplesfavoriteands:__________Churchwhere Tana &Fletchermarried:___________Officiant atTana &Fletcher'swedding:__________What is thecouples'favorite typeof restaurantto try?Mostpopularfilm inMay 1972Flavor of theweddingcake_________ What song wasplaying whenFletcherproposed?_____________Law schoolwas beforeor after thecouple wed?Name one ofthe two dogsthat were a partof the HartsellFamily:Name one ofthe nine catsthe HartsellFamily hashadCurrentfavorite TVshow ofthe coupleNumber ofcountries Tana &Fletcher havevisited togetheras part ofmissions teamsHow long hadFletcher & Tanabeen marriedbefore their firstchild was born?What sportdid thecouple playon their firstdate?Tana'smaidenname_________What infamousACC rivalrymakes theHartsellhouseholddivided?Number ofbridesmaidsin Tana'sbridal party___________In addition tohaving threechildren theyhave _____grandchildren.What movie didFletcher & Tanasee on theirfirst date?____________Find a memberof the originalwedding party____________What is thebirth order ofthe couple'schildren?Family parakeetswere named forthis missionarycouple:______________Signature ofsomeonewearing anoriginalwedding color__________Scripture Reading& Prayer were apart of this dailymeal in theHartsell House:_____________How long didFletcher andTana live onSummitCourt?Name aflower in theweddingarrangements___________Tana &Fletcher'sweddingnight hotel:___________In what countrydid Fletcher andTana renew theirvows?_____________What is thecouples'favoriterestaurant inRaleigh?How longhave Tana &Fletcher livedon OverbrookDrive?Destination ofFletcher &Tana'shoneymoon:___________On whatanniversary yeardid Tana &Fletcher renewtheir vows?______________Where didTana &Fletchermeet?__________Family rabbitswere named afterthese two OldTestament Books:__________________________Name one ofthe couplesfavoriteands:__________Churchwhere Tana &Fletchermarried:___________Officiant atTana &Fletcher'swedding:__________What is thecouples'favorite typeof restaurantto try?Mostpopularfilm inMay 1972Flavor of theweddingcake_________ What song wasplaying whenFletcherproposed?_____________Law schoolwas beforeor after thecouple wed?Name one ofthe two dogsthat were a partof the HartsellFamily:Name one ofthe nine catsthe HartsellFamily hashadCurrentfavorite TVshow ofthe coupleNumber ofcountries Tana &Fletcher havevisited togetheras part ofmissions teamsHow long hadFletcher & Tanabeen marriedbefore their firstchild was born?What sportdid thecouple playon their firstdate?Tana'smaidenname_________What infamousACC rivalrymakes theHartsellhouseholddivided?Number ofbridesmaidsin Tana'sbridal party___________In addition tohaving threechildren theyhave _____grandchildren.What movie didFletcher & Tanasee on theirfirst date?____________Find a memberof the originalwedding party____________What is thebirth order ofthe couple'schildren?Family parakeetswere named forthis missionarycouple:______________Signature ofsomeonewearing anoriginalwedding color__________Scripture Reading& Prayer were apart of this dailymeal in theHartsell House:_____________How long didFletcher andTana live onSummitCourt?

Fletcher & Tana BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Name a flower in the wedding arrangements ___________
  2. Tana & Fletcher's wedding night hotel: ___________
  3. In what country did Fletcher and Tana renew their vows? _____________
  4. What is the couples' favorite restaurant in Raleigh?
  5. How long have Tana & Fletcher lived on Overbrook Drive?
  6. Destination of Fletcher & Tana's honeymoon: ___________
  7. On what anniversary year did Tana & Fletcher renew their vows? ______________
  8. Where did Tana & Fletcher meet? __________
  9. Family rabbits were named after these two Old Testament Books: _____________ _____________
  10. Name one of the couples favorite ands: __________
  11. Church where Tana & Fletcher married: ___________
  12. Officiant at Tana & Fletcher's wedding: __________
  13. What is the couples' favorite type of restaurant to try?
  14. Most popular film in May 1972
  15. Flavor of the wedding cake _________
  16. What song was playing when Fletcher proposed? _____________
  17. Law school was before or after the couple wed?
  18. Name one of the two dogs that were a part of the Hartsell Family:
  19. Name one of the nine cats the Hartsell Family has had
  20. Current favorite TV show of the couple
  21. Number of countries Tana & Fletcher have visited together as part of missions teams
  22. How long had Fletcher & Tana been married before their first child was born?
  23. What sport did the couple play on their first date?
  24. Tana's maiden name _________
  25. What infamous ACC rivalry makes the Hartsell household divided?
  26. Number of bridesmaids in Tana's bridal party ___________
  27. In addition to having three children they have _____ grandchildren.
  28. What movie did Fletcher & Tana see on their first date? ____________
  29. Find a member of the original wedding party ____________
  30. What is the birth order of the couple's children?
  31. Family parakeets were named for this missionary couple: ______________
  32. Signature of someone wearing an original wedding color __________
  33. Scripture Reading & Prayer were a part of this daily meal in the Hartsell House: _____________
  34. How long did Fletcher and Tana live on Summit Court?