I once had abig collectionof pandabearfigurines.I am abirdnerd.I almostwent tovetschool.I used to bean extrabackgroundactor onNickelodeon.I collectvintagejewelry,antiques, &gold furniture.I'm an avidrollercoasterenthusiast.I teachJazzercisein my freetime.I've beenworkingsince I was14 years old.I've an intensefridge magnetcollection ofplaces I'vetraveled.I was indance for15 years.I was anationallycertified(snow) skiinstructor.I have mymotorcyclelicense.I once wentto 15 differentDollar Treestores in onenight.I once spentmy springbreakclimbing theRocky Mts.I have atravel blogabouttraveling withchildren.I was acompetitivegymnast for15 years.I once cameout on a localtelevisiondating gameshow and won.I worked ina bicycleshop for10 years.I had petgoats asa child.I enjoycrafting andhope to sellon Etsy thissummer.I was in thecommercial forthe Lion Kingattraction atDisney World.I can reciteSimone's entirequote fromFerris Bueller'sDay Off.Born andraised inSweden.I've neverseensnow.Boy momto threetoddlers.I won a trip to aGloria Estefanconcert off theradio at age 24.I'm aconcertjunkie.I used tosellkitchenknives.I've studiedthe UFOphenomenonfor about 30years.The onlyconcert I'veever attendedwas forTenacious D.I havelooked intothe eyes ofJohnCusack.I amaddicted tonail art andlove to trynew designs.I'm theyoungestof 7.I regularlycompeted intalentcompetitions.Singing...I don't have100% feelingin mytongue.I like tocolor.I startedUCF notknowingEnglish.I was bornin theVirginIslands.It takes me 3hours to shop.I read entirenutritional facttableI once had abig collectionof pandabearfigurines.I am abirdnerd.I almostwent tovetschool.I used to bean extrabackgroundactor onNickelodeon.I collectvintagejewelry,antiques, &gold furniture.I'm an avidrollercoasterenthusiast.I teachJazzercisein my freetime.I've beenworkingsince I was14 years old.I've an intensefridge magnetcollection ofplaces I'vetraveled.I was indance for15 years.I was anationallycertified(snow) skiinstructor.I have mymotorcyclelicense.I once wentto 15 differentDollar Treestores in onenight.I once spentmy springbreakclimbing theRocky Mts.I have atravel blogabouttraveling withchildren.I was acompetitivegymnast for15 years.I once cameout on a localtelevisiondating gameshow and won.I worked ina bicycleshop for10 years.I had petgoats asa child.I enjoycrafting andhope to sellon Etsy thissummer.I was in thecommercial forthe Lion Kingattraction atDisney World.I can reciteSimone's entirequote fromFerris Bueller'sDay Off.Born andraised inSweden.I've neverseensnow.Boy momto threetoddlers.I won a trip to aGloria Estefanconcert off theradio at age 24.I'm aconcertjunkie.I used tosellkitchenknives.I've studiedthe UFOphenomenonfor about 30years.The onlyconcert I'veever attendedwas forTenacious D.I havelooked intothe eyes ofJohnCusack.I amaddicted tonail art andlove to trynew designs.I'm theyoungestof 7.I regularlycompeted intalentcompetitions.Singing...I don't have100% feelingin mytongue.I like tocolor.I startedUCF notknowingEnglish.I was bornin theVirginIslands.It takes me 3hours to shop.I read entirenutritional facttable

Fun Fact About You Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I once had a big collection of panda bear figurines.
  2. I am a bird nerd.
  3. I almost went to vet school.
  4. I used to be an extra background actor on Nickelodeon.
  5. I collect vintage jewelry, antiques, & gold furniture.
  6. I'm an avid roller coaster enthusiast.
  7. I teach Jazzercise in my free time.
  8. I've been working since I was 14 years old.
  9. I've an intense fridge magnet collection of places I've traveled.
  10. I was in dance for 15 years.
  11. I was a nationally certified (snow) ski instructor.
  12. I have my motorcycle license.
  13. I once went to 15 different Dollar Tree stores in one night.
  14. I once spent my spring break climbing the Rocky Mts.
  15. I have a travel blog about traveling with children.
  16. I was a competitive gymnast for 15 years.
  17. I once came out on a local television dating game show and won.
  18. I worked in a bicycle shop for 10 years.
  19. I had pet goats as a child.
  20. I enjoy crafting and hope to sell on Etsy this summer.
  21. I was in the commercial for the Lion King attraction at Disney World.
  22. I can recite Simone's entire quote from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
  23. Born and raised in Sweden.
  24. I've never seen snow.
  25. Boy mom to three toddlers.
  26. I won a trip to a Gloria Estefan concert off the radio at age 24.
  27. I'm a concert junkie.
  28. I used to sell kitchen knives.
  29. I've studied the UFO phenomenon for about 30 years.
  30. The only concert I've ever attended was for Tenacious D.
  31. I have looked into the eyes of John Cusack.
  32. I am addicted to nail art and love to try new designs.
  33. I'm the youngest of 7.
  34. I regularly competed in talent competitions. Singing...
  35. I don't have 100% feeling in my tongue.
  36. I like to color.
  37. I started UCF not knowing English.
  38. I was born in the Virgin Islands.
  39. It takes me 3 hours to shop. I read entire nutritional fact table